How to count the number of elements in an predefined array - c++

I want to count the actual number of elements in the array.
but if I use sizeof() statement it gives me the size of array. not the number of elements present.
int main()
int a[10],n;
cout<<"The size of array " <<n;
Here it gives me the n value as 10 not 3. Please suggest me a way to derive the number of elements without affecting the performance.

int a[10]; // This would allocate 10 int spaces in the memory;
a[0] = 1; // You are changing whats inside the first allocated space, but you are not changing the number of items in your C array.
Solution 1 (Easy) :
#include <vector>
vector<int> a;
size_t size = a.size(); // to get the size of your vector. would return 2. size_t is the actual type returned by size() method and is an unsigned int.
Solution 2 (Complicated) :
You could create an int variable that you could call e.g. numberOfElements and update it each time you add an element.
This solution is actually used in the implementation of the vector class.

As it have been already mentioned, you should use std::vector or std:array to achieve this behaviour. Declaring simple array means you allocate enough memory on the heap. There is not a way to determine whether this memory is "occupied" with something valid or not, since there is always something (after allocation there are random values on each index of the array).


Is it possible to initialize a vector of strings from an array? If so, how?

So for example, on, contributing user "Kartik" offers the following example for initializing a vector of integers:
// CPP program to initialize a vector from
// an array.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = { 10, 20, 30 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
vector<int> vect(arr, arr + n);
for (int x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
If I understand what I'm reading correctly, sizeof(arr) is some number (which I assume is the length of the array arr; i.e. 3, please correct me if I'm wrong) divided by sizeof(arr[0]) (which I assume to be 1) -- basically just being a roundabout way of saying 3/1 = 3.
At this point, vector<int> vect(arr, arr + n) appears to be a vector of size 3, with all values initialized to arr + n (which I'm assuming is a way of saying "use the 3 items from arr to instantiate; again, please correct me if I'm wrong).
Through whatever sorcery, the output is 10 20 30.
Now, regardless of whether or not any of my above rambling is coherent or even remotely correct, my main question is this: can the same technique be used to instantiate some example vector<string> stringVector such that it would iterate through strings designated by some example string stringArray[] = { "wordA", "wordB", "wordC" }? Because, as I understand it, strings have no numeric values, so I imagine it would be difficult to just say vector<string> stringVector(stringArray, stringArray + n) without encountering some funky junk. So if it is possible, how would one go about doing it?
As a rider, why, or in what type of instance, would anyone want to do this for a vector? Does instantiating it from an array (which as I understand it has constant size) defeat the purpose of the vector?
Just as a disclaimer, I'm new to C++ and a lot of the object-oriented syntax involving stuff like std::vector<_Ty, _Alloc>::vector...etc. makes absolutely no sense to me, so I may need that explained in an answer.
To whoever reads this, thank you for taking the time. I hope you're having a good day!
sizeof(arr): returns the size in bytes of the array, which is 12 because it has 3 ints, and each int in most implementations has a size of 4 bytes, so 3 bytes x 4 = 12 bytes.
sizeof(arr[0]): returns the size in bytes of the first element of the array, which is 4 because it is an int array.
vector<int> vect(arr, arr + n): the vector class has multiple constructors. Here we are not using the constructor you are thinking of. We are using a constructor that takes begin and end iterators for a range of elements, making a copy of those elements. Pointers can be used as iterators, where in this case arr is the begin iterator and arr + n is the end iterator.
Note: int* + int returns int*.
Note: We should also consider that the "end" of an array is a pointer to the next space after the last item in the array, and the constructor will copy all the items except the item past the end.
Yes, remember that here, the constructor is taking iterators, not any item of the array, so we can do it easily like this with little changes:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// changed int to string and the array values
string arr[] = { "one", "two", "three" };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
// changed int to string
vector<string> vect(arr, arr + n);
// changed int to string
for (string x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
return 0;
sizeof gets the size of an object in bytes. The size of an object is the total number of bytes required by the object. Note that I'm using "object" in the C++ context, not the OOP context (an instance of a class).
The size of an object of a given type is always the same. A std::string containing "a" is the same size as a string containing the unabridged text of War and Peace. Any object that appears to have a variable size really contains a reference to variable length data stored elsewhere. In the case of std::string at its most basic, it is a pointer to a dynamically allocated array and an integer keeping track of how much of the dynamically allocated array is actually in use by the string. std::vector is similar, typically it's a pointer to the start of its data, a pointer to the end of its data, and a pointer to the first empty position in the data. No matter how big the vector is, sizeof(vector) will return the size of the pointers, any other book-keeping variables in the vector implementation, and any padding needed to guarantee correct memory alignment.
This means every item in an array is always the same size and thus the same distance from one another.
Through whatever sorcery...
The above means that the total size of the array divided by the size of one element in the array, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]), will always provide the number of elements in the array. It doesn't matter what the array contains, numerical or otherwise. There are of course prettier ways like
template <class T, size_t N>
size_t getsize (const T (&array)[N])
return N;
and later
size_t n = getsize(arr);
As a rider, why, or in what type of instance, would anyone want to do this for a vector?
In the old days one could not directly construct a vector pre-loaded with data. No one wants to write some arbitrary number of lines of push_back to pound all the values in manually, It's boring as hell, a programmer almost always has better things to do, and the odds of injecting an error are too high. But you could nicely and easily format an array and feed the array into the vector, if you needed a vector at all. A lot of the time you could live off the array by itself because the contents were unchanging or at worst would only be shuffled around.
But if the number of contents could change, it could be time for a vector. If you're going to add items and you don't know the upper limit, it's time for vector. If you're calling into an API that requires a vector, it's time for a vector.
I can't speak for everybody, but I'm going to assume that like me a lot of people would have loved to have that easy-peasy array-style initialization for vectors, lists, maps, and the rest of the usual gang.
We were forced to write programs that generated the appropriate code to fill up the vector or define an array and copy the array into the vector much like the above example.
In C++11 we got our wish with std::initialzer_list and a variety of new initialization options1 that allowed
vector<string> vect{"abc","def","ghi"};
eliminating most cases where you would find yourself copying an array into a library container. And the masses rejoiced.
This coincided with a number of tools like std::size, std::begin and std::end to make converting an array into a vector a cakewalk. Assuming you don't pass the array into a function first.
1 Unfortunately the list of initialization options can get a lil' bewildering
Yes, you can do so - you just need to define something that the constructor for String will take (which is a 'const char')
const char * arr[] = { "abc","def","ghi" };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
vector<string> vect(arr, arr + n);
for (string &x : vect)
cout << x << " ";
What this is effectively doing is creating the vector from two iterators (a pointer is, loosely, an iterator):
Constructs the container with the contents of the range [first, last).
This constructor has the same effect as vector(static_cast<size_type>(first), static_cast<value_type>(last), a) if InputIt is an integral type.
And as #MartinYork pointed out, it's much more readable to use the C++ syntax:
const char * arr[] = { "abc","def","ghi" };
vector<string> vect(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
So if it is possible, how would one go about doing it?
Simply use vector constructor number 5, which accepts iterators to start and end of range
Constructs the container with the contents of the range [first,
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string arr[] = { "wordA", "wordB", "wordC" };
std::vector<std::string> v {std::begin(arr), std::end(arr)};
for (auto& str : v)
std::cout << str << "\n";
return 0;
Here's how you'd do it. Note that it's a tad awkward to get the length of the array, but that's just because arrays don't carry that information around with them (use a vector!).
int main()
std::string arr[] = {"abc", "def", "ghi"};
std::vector<std::string> tmp;
std::copy(arr, arr + sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]), std::back_inserter(tmp));
for(auto str : tmp) {
Update: Yes good point about using std::begin and std::end for the array.

Calculate length of double pointer array

I have a double pointer Array of a structure:
typedef struct Position{
int x;
int y;
} Position;
Position** array = (Position**)malloc(sizeof(Position*)*10); //10 elements
array[0] = (Position*)malloc(sizeof(Position*));
array[0]->x = 10;
array[0]->y = 5;
Can I calculate the length of set array and if so, how?
The normal way for arrays does not work :
int length = sizeof(<array>)/sizeof(<array>[0]);
Once you have dynamically allocated an array, there is no way of finding out the number of elements in it.
I once heard of some hacky way to obtain the size of a memory block, (msize) which would allegedly allow you to infer the size of the data within the block, but I would advice against any such weird tricks, because they are not covered by the standard, they represent compiler-vendor-specific extensions.
So, the only way to know the size of your array is to keep the size of the array around. Declare a struct, put the array and its length in the struct, and use that instead of the naked array.
As you marked the question as C++, I would suggest that you use std::vector, then, after you "allocated some memory" (or requested some memory to allocated by std::vector constructor or by using push_back, or resize), you can simply get the size back using by using std::vector::size.
typedef struct Position{
int x;
int y;
} Position;
std::vector<Position> array(10);
array[0].x = 10;
array[0].y = 5;
size_t size = array.size(); // will be 10
Having only a pointer to some memory block, you cannot defer the size of this memory block. So you cannot defer the number of elements in it.
For arrays of pointers, however, you could infer the number of elements in it under the following conditions:
make sure that every pointer (except the last one) points to a valid object.
for the last pointer in the array, make sure that it is always NULL.
Then you can derive the length by counting until you reach NULL.
Maybe there are some other similar strategies.
Solely from the pointer itself, however, you cannot derive the number of elements in it.
Old question, but in case someone needs it:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char **double_pointer_char;
int length_counter = 0;
return 0;

can we check the size of dynamic array on runtime

I create an array of size int arr[50]; but I will insert value in it during compile time , like my solution will insert 10 values in it after performing some function (different amount of values can come) , Now in second part of my program I have to loop through the array like it should iterate <= total values of array like in int arr[50] my program save 10 values , it should iterate to it only 10 times but how I can get that there is only 10 values in that array.
for (int ut=0; ut<=arr[100].length();ut++)
Though i know ut<=arr[100].length() is wrong , but its just assumption , that function will work if I solve condition in this way.
I know we can use vector , but I am just looking that type of thing using array.
Thanks for response
First of all, the array you show is not a "Dynamic Array". It's created on the stack; it's an automatic variable.
For your particular example, you could do something like this:
int arr[50];
// ... some code
int elem_count = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
In that case, the sizeof(arr) part will return the total size of the array in bytes, and sizeof(arr[0]) would return the size of a single element in bytes.
However, C-style arrays come with their share of problems. I'm not saying never use them, but keep in mind that, for example, they adjust to pointers when passed as function arguments, and the sizeof solution above will give you an answer other than the one you are looking for, because it would return sizeof(int*).
As for actual dynamically allocated arrays (where all what you have is the pointer to that array), declared as follows:
int *arr = new int[50];
// ... do some stuff
delete [] arr;
then sizeof(arr) will also give you the size of an int* in bytes, which is not the size you are looking for.
So, as the comments suggested, if you are looking for a convenient random access container where you want to conveniently and cheaply keep track of the size, use a std::vector, or even a std::array.
To use a std::array to produce equivalent code to that in your question:
std::array<int, 50> arr;
and then use it like a normal array. Keep in mind that doing something like arr[100] will not do any bounds checking, but at least you can obtain the array's size with arr.size().

Is there any built in method in c++ to findout length of an array?

like array.length in java is there any built in method in c++ to findout size of an array?
I know about length(). but it only works for strings only ...
And i tried this ...
int a[10];
but it gives output as 10 but is there a way getting only 2 as output
If you're using C++, don't use arrays, use std::vector instead (especially if you need the count of currently held items, not the container's capacity). Then you can write:
std::vector<int> vec;
printf("%d\n", vec.size());
int a[10];
declares an array of 10 ints; sure, you're only initialising the first two, but the other 8 are still there, they're just (probably) filled with junk at the moment.
To do what you want, you should use a std::vector instead. You can then do this:
std::vector<int> a;
std::cout << a.size() << std::endl; // prints 2
Arrays in C/C++ do not store their lengths in memory, so it is impossible to find their size purely given a pointer to an array. Any code using arrays in those languages relies on a constant known size, or a separate variable being passed around that specifies their size.
In an array of 10 ints, when it is declared, memory is allocated for 10 int values. even if you initialize just two, the rest of it contains some junk values and the memory remains allocated.
If you want the used size, your best bet is to use std::vector.
if you want to know the number of elements in an array you can do this
int array[3] = {0, 1, 2};
int arraylength = sizeof(array)/ sizeof(*array);
Sure. It's name is vector::size. It doesn't apply to C-style arrays, only to std::vector. Note that Java's Array class is also not a C-style array.

C++ getting the size of an array

I'm new to programming and I was wondering, how to get the size of an array, that is, get the size of how many elements are inside the array. For example if I declare an array of size 10, but only input 3 elements into the array, how would I determine the size of this array? If I don't know how many elements I placed in initially.
If you declare an array, e.g. int array[10], then its size is always 10 * sizeof(int). There is no way to know how many times you've accessed it; you'd need to keep track of that manually.
You should consider using container classes, e.g. std::vector:
std::vector<int> vec;
std::cout << vec.size() << "\n"; // Prints "3"
If you declare an old-style array of 10 elements, e.g. std::string words[10], the size of the array is always 10 strings. Even with the new style (std::array), it would be a fixed size.
You might be looking for a std::vector<>. This doesn't have a fixed size, but does have a .size() method. Therefore, if you add three elements to it, it will have .size()==3
to get the array size (in number of elements) assuming you do not know it in advance
use sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])
see the below example program. I used C but it should carry over to C++ just fine
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int a[10];
printf("%d elements\n",sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]));
return 0;
//output: 10 elements
There's several possible ways, but they depend on your definition.
If you know there is a value the user won't input (also known as a sentinel value), you can use a function like memset, to set the entire array to that unused value. You would then iterate through the list counting all the variables in the list that don't match that value.
The other way is to build your own array class, which counts whenever the array is modified (you'd have to overload the = and [] functions as appropriate).
You could also build a dynamically linked list, so as the user adds variables, the count can either be determined by walking the list or keeping count.
But, if you're taking the array as the basic array, with no idea as to it's actual starting state, and no idea what to expect from the user (given this is your program, this shouldn't occur), then generally speaking, no, there is known way to know this.
You maintain a counter variable count initialized to 0.
Whenever you are adding to array increment the count by 1.
Whenever you are removing from array decrement the count by 1.
anytime count will give you the size of the array.
int[10] arr;
//init all to null
for (int i =0; i < 10; i++)
arr[i] = 0;
int sz = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
if (arr[j] != 0) sz++;