Why isn't vector.clear() working while in a loop? - c++

I am trying to create an application to calculate multiplicative persistence, like in this video: https://youtu.be/Wim9WJeDTHQ?t=197.
However my problem is that it does not appear that my vector is being cleared during iterations of the while loop. Which means the output produced is growing exponentially instead of working down to 0.
I am very new to coding c++ so any feedback would be appreciated.
std::vector<int> per;
int input;
int result;
int new_total = 1;
int loop_total;
std::cin >> input;
//Moving the user input into a vector
while (input > 0)
result = input % 10;
input = input / 10;
//loops to multiply new sets of numbers together until "new_total" is 0
while (new_total > 0) {
for (int i = per.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
new_total = new_total * per[i];
std::cout << "\n" << new_total << "\n";
loop_total = new_total;
while (loop_total > 0)
result = loop_total % 10;
loop_total = loop_total / 10;
I expected for the vector to be cleared each time so that the new sets of numbers were moved into the vector to be multiplied.
However the previous set of numbers appeared to remain present in the vector.

Thanks for all the help everyone. The solution to my problem was fixed by setting new_total=1; at the beginning of the while loop which makes sense as before new_value was being continually multiplied into.
Thanks for all the help :)


C++ Program abruptly ends after cin

I am writing code to get the last digit of very large fibonacci numbers such as fib(239), etc.. I am using strings to store the numbers, grabbing the individual chars from end to beginning and then converting them to int and than storing the values back into another string. I have not been able to test what I have written because my program keeps abruptly closing after the std::cin >> n; line.
Here is what I have so far.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using namespace std;
char get_fibonacci_last_digit_naive(int n) {
cout << "in func";
if (n <= 1)
return (char)n;
string previous= "0";
string current= "1";
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
//long long tmp_previous = previous;
string tmp_previous= previous;
previous = current;
//current = tmp_previous + current; // could also use previous instead of current
// for with the current length of the longest of the two strings
//iterates from the end of the string to the front
for (int j=current.length(); j>=0; --j) {
// grab consectutive positions in the strings & convert them to integers
int t;
if (tmp_previous.at(j) == '\0')
// tmp_previous is empty use 0 instead
t = stoi((string&)(tmp_previous.at(j)));
int c = stoi((string&)(current.at(j)));
// add the integers together
int valueAtJ= t+c;
// store the value into the equivalent position in current
current.at(j) = (char)(valueAtJ);
cout << current << ":current value";
return current[current.length()-1];
int main() {
int n;
std::cin >> n;
//char& c = get_fibonacci_last_digit_naive(n); // reference to a local variable returned WARNING
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643713/c-returning-reference-to-local-variable
cout << "before call";
char c = get_fibonacci_last_digit_naive(n);
std::cout << c << '\n';
return 0;
The output is consistently the same. No matter what I enter for n, the output is always the same. This is the line I used to run the code and its output.
$ g++ -pipe -O2 -std=c++14 fibonacci_last_digit.cpp -lm
$ ./a.exe
There is a newline after the 10 and the 10 is what I input for n.
I appreciate any help. And happy holidays!
I'm posting this because your understanding of the problem seems to be taking a backseat to the choice of solution you're attempting to deploy. This is an example of an XY Problem, a problem where the choice of solution method and problems or roadblocks with its implementation obfuscates the actual problem you're trying to solve.
You are trying to calculate the final digit of the Nth Fibonacci number, where N could be gregarious. The basic understanding of the fibonacci sequence tells you that
fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2), for all n larger than 1.
The iterative solution to solving fib(N) for its value would be:
unsigned fib(unsigned n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
unsigned previous = 0;
unsigned current = 1;
for (int i=1; i<n; ++i)
unsigned value = previous + current;
previous = current;
current = value;
return current;
which is all well and good, but will obviously overflow once N causes an overflow of the storage capabilities of our chosen data type (in the above case, unsigned on most 32bit platforms will overflow after a mere 47 iterations).
But we don't need the actual fib values for each iteration. We only need the last digit of each iteration. Well, the base-10 last-digit is easy enough to get from any unsigned value. For our example, simply replace this:
current = value;
with this:
current = value % 10;
giving us a near-identical algorithm, but one that only "remembers" the last digit on each iteration:
unsigned fib_last_digit(unsigned n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
unsigned previous = 0;
unsigned current = 1;
for (int i=1; i<n; ++i)
unsigned value = previous + current;
previous = current;
current = value % 10; // HERE
return current;
Now current always holds the single last digit of the prior sum, whether that prior sum exceeded 10 or not really isn't relevant to us. Once we have that the next iteration can use it to calculate the sum of two single positive digits, which cannot exceed 18, and again, we only need the last digit from that for the next iteration, etc.. This continues until we iterate however many times requested, and when finished, the final answer will present itself.
We know the first 20 or so fibonacci numbers look like this, run through fib:
Here's what we get when we run the algorithm through fib_last_digit instead:
That should give you a budding sense of confidence this is likely the algorithm you seek, and you can forego the string manipulations entirely.
Running this code on a Mac I get:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: basic_string before callin funcAbort trap: 6
The most obvious problem with the code itself is in the following line:
for (int j=current.length(); j>=0; --j) {
If you are doing things like current.at(j), this will crash immediately. For example, the string "blah" has length 4, but there is no character at position 4.
The length of tmp_previous may be different from current. Calling tmp_previous.at(j) will crash when you go from 8 to 13 for example.
Additionally, as others have pointed out, if the the only thing you're interested in is the last digit, you do not need to go through the trouble of looping through every digit of every number. The trick here is to only remember the last digit of previous and current, so large numbers are never a problem and you don't have to do things like stoi.
As an alternative to a previous answer would be the string addition.
I tested it with the fibonacci number of 100000 and it works fine in just a few seconds. Working only with the last digit solves your problem for even larger numbers for sure. for all of you requiring the fibonacci number as well, here an algorithm:
std::string str_add(std::string a, std::string b)
// http://ideone.com/o7wLTt
size_t n = max(a.size(), b.size());
if (n > a.size()) {
a = string(n-a.size(), '0') + a;
if (n > b.size()) {
b = string(n-b.size(), '0') + b;
string result(n + 1, '0');
char carry = 0;
std::transform(a.rbegin(), a.rend(), b.rbegin(), result.rbegin(), [&carry](char x, char y)
char z = (x - '0') + (y - '0') + carry;
if (z > 9) {
carry = 1;
z -= 10;
} else {
carry = 0;
return z + '0';
result[0] = carry + '0';
n = result.find_first_not_of("0");
if (n != string::npos) {
result = result.substr(n);
return result;
std::string str_fib(size_t i)
std::string n1 = "0";
std::string n2 = "1";
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < i; ++idx) {
const std::string f = str_add(n1, n2);
n1 = n2;
n2 = f;
return n1;
int main() {
const size_t i = 100000;
const std::string f = str_fib(i);
if (!f.empty()) {
std::cout << "fibonacci of " << i << " = " << f << " | last digit: " << f[f.size() - 1] << std::endl;
std::cin.sync(); std::cin.get();
return 0;
Try it with first calculating the fibonacci number and then converting the int to a std::string using std::to_string(). in the following you can extract the last digit using the [] operator on the last index.
int fib(int i)
int number = 1;
if (i > 2) {
number = fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2);
return number;
int main() {
const int i = 10;
const int f = fib(i);
const std::string s = std::to_string(f);
if (!s.empty()) {
std::cout << "fibonacci of " << i << " = " << f << " | last digit: " << s[s.size() - 1] << std::endl;
std::cin.sync(); std::cin.get();
return 0;
Avoid duplicates of the using keyword using.
Also consider switching from int to long or long long when your numbers get bigger. Since the fibonacci numbers are positive, also use unsigned.

array input not working

The question:
Input data will give the number of test-cases in the first line.
Then test-cases themselves will follow, one case per line.
Each test-case describes an array of positive integers with value of 0 marking end. (this zero should not be included into calculations!!!).
Answer should contain average values for each array, rounded to nearest integer (see task on rounding), separated by spaces.
Works fine but at third indice sum is assigned value of arrayInput and it messes everything up. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
using namespace std;
int main()
int i = 0;
int array[13] = {};
//take in # arrays
cin >> i;
for(int x = 0; x<i; x++ )
//reset variables (for every array)
float arraySize = 0,
sum = 0, avg = 0;
int indice = 0,
arrayInput = 0;
while(cin >> arrayInput){
if(arrayInput == 0)
if(indice == 0)
arraySize = 1; /*if only 0 put in first indice
to prevent divide by 0 */
arraySize = indice; // 0 doesn't count
sum += arrayInput;
array[indice] = arrayInput;
arrayInput = 0;
avg = round(sum/arraySize);
cout << avg << " ";
return 0;
First, like other people said, the array you used in this code is totally useless. It did nothing but save arrayinput.
Second, you let arraysize sum avg to be type float. However, arrayinput is assigned to be integer!! That means you never get result like this 2.xxx. So the type you declare for variables is meaningless. They should have same type declaration. I don't understand why you code does not work well. Because if you enter integer number, you wont get anything wrong. But it will crash if you give number like 2.xxx or x.xxx.

Project Euler 8 - C++

I am trying to solve https://projecteuler.net/problem=8 in c++ and I think I have the right solution but I am getting very large values or small values. Just to give some information, I put the huge number into a text file and I read the text file, now I am trying to find the largest 13 adjacent values. This is a snippet of my code but it is the most important part, I am using uint64_t and I am getting "18436407170275213312":
uint64_t maxV = 0;
int numOfLines = 0;
uint64_t count = 1;
getline(myfile, line);
int lineLen = line.size();
int index = 0;
// Iterating through the one line
while (index < lineLen - 12)
string iter = line.substr(index, 13);
// cout << iter << endl;
for (char e : iter)
count *= static_cast<uint64_t>(e);
if (count > maxV)
maxV = count;
count = 1;
cout << maxV << endl;
I know what the solution ought to be, but I am getting a much much larger number that does not make mathematical sense. I don't know if the way I am iterating through the strong and getting my count number is wrong or if there is something wrong with the types I am using to store both the count and maxV? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Variable e is a character.
So if the character is '0', the ascii-value is 48.
When you do a static_cast to uint64, on value '0'(decimal 48), I think you meant to get value 0.
But you actually get value 48.
Try this:
count *= static_cast<uint64_t>(e - '0');

Vector cannot be overwritten

I'm trying to write a program for university. The goal of the program is to make a nurse schedule for a hospital. However, i'm really stuck for the moment. Below you can find one function of the program.
The input for the function is a roster which consists of the shift each nurse has to perform on each day. In this example, we have 32 rows (32 nurses) and 28 columns (representing 28 days). Each cell contains a number from 0 to 6, indicating a day off (0) or a certain shift (1 to 6).
The function should calculate for each day, how many nurses are scheduled for a certain shift. For example, on the first day, there are 8 nurses which perform shift 2, 6 shift 3 and so forth. The output of the function is a double vector.
I think the function is mostly correct but when I call it for different rosters the program always gives the first roster gave.
void calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
for (int i = 0; i < get_nbr_days(); i++)
vector<int> nurses_per_shift;
int nbr_nurses_free = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift1 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift2 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift3 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift4 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift5 = 0;
int nbr_nurses_shift6 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < get_nbr_nurses(); j++)
if (roster1[j][i] == 0)
nbr_nurses_free += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 1)
nbr_nurses_shift1 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 2)
nbr_nurses_shift2 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 3)
nbr_nurses_shift3 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 4)
nbr_nurses_shift4 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 5)
nbr_nurses_shift5 += 1;
if (roster1[j][i] == 6)
nbr_nurses_shift6 += 1;
Here you can see the program:
Get_shift_assignment() and schedule_LD are other rosters.
void test_schedule_function()
One more function you need to fully understand the problem is this one:
void calculate_coverage_deficit()
int deficit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < get_nbr_days(); i++)
vector<int> deficit_day;
for (int j = 0; j < get_nbr_shifts(); j++)
deficit = get_staffing_requirements()[j] - nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day[i][j];
cout << "Day 1, shift 1: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][0] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 2: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][1] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 3: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][2] << " nurses." << endl;
cout << "Day 1, shift 4: there is a deficit of " << nurses_deficit[0][3] << " nurses." << endl;
So the problem is that each time I run this program it always gives me the deficits of the first roster. In this case, this is Schedule_LD. When I first run the function with input roster get_shift_assignment() than he gives me the deficits for that roster.
Apparently the nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day[][] vector is not overwritten the second time I run the function and I don't know how to fix this... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Let me try to summarize the comments:
By using global variables to return values from your functions it is very likely, that you forgot to remove older results from one or more of your global variables before calling functions again.
To get around this, return your results from the function instead.
vector<vector<int>> calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
vector<int> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day; // Create the result vector
... // Do your calculations
return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;
or if you do not want to return a vector:
void calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1, vector<vector<int>> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day)
... // Do your calculations
But clearly, the first variant is a lot less error-prone (in the second example you can forget to clear nbr_of_nurses again) and most compilers will optimize the return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day so the whole vector does not get copied.
The second possible issue is that ´get_nbr_days()´ might return numbers that are larger or smaller than the actual size of your vector. To work around this, use either the size() method of vector or use iterators instead.
Your first function would then look like this:
vector<vector<int>> calculate_nbr_nurses_per_shift(vector<vector<int>> roster1)
vector<vector<int>> nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;
for (vector<vector<int>>::iterator shiftsOnDay = roster1.begin(); shiftsOnDay != roster1.end(); ++shiftsOnDay)
vector<int> nurses_per_shift(6, 0); // Create vector with 6 elements initialized to 0
for (vector<int>::iterator shift = shiftsOnDay->begin(); shift != shiftsOnDay->end(); ++shift)
if (*shift == 0)
nurses_per_shift[*shift - 1]++; // This code relies on shift only containing meaningful values
return nbr_nurses_per_shift_per_day;

What is wrong with this C++ code? 3n+1 in programming-challenges/UVa

The Programming-Challenges website marked it as a wrong answer. I checked with sample inputs and they were all correct. I added an optimization to the code, I made it so it doesn't check numbers that are known to be in another number's sequence, since it would be a subsequence and obviously have a shorter cycle length.
Also I just got back into programming so the program isn't too terse but I hope it is readable.
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#inclue <vector>
struct record
int number;
int cyclelength;
void GetOutput(int BEGIN, int END)
//determines the output order at the end of function
bool reversed = false;
if (BEGIN > END)
reversed = true;
int temp = BEGIN;
END = temp;
vector<record> records;
for (int i = BEGIN; i <= END; ++i)
//record to be added to records
record r;
r.number = i;
r.cyclelength = 1;
int maxCycleLength = 1;
//Determine cycle length of each number, and get the maximum cycle length
for (int i =0;i != records.size(); ++i)
record curRecord = records[i];
//ABCD: If a number is in another number's sequence, it has a lower cycle length and do not need to be calculated,
//set its cyclelength to 0 to mark that it can be skipped
if (curRecord.cyclelength != 0)
while (curRecord.number != 1)
//next number in the sequence
int nextNumber;
//finds the next number
if (curRecord.number % 2 == 0)
nextNumber = curRecord.number / 2;
nextNumber = curRecord.number * 3 + 1;
//if nextNumber is within bounds of input, mark that number as skippable; see ABCD
if (nextNumber <= END)
records[nextNumber - BEGIN].cyclelength = 0;
curRecord.number = nextNumber;
curRecord.cyclelength += 1;
maxCycleLength = max(curRecord.cyclelength, maxCycleLength);
if (reversed)
cout << END << " " << BEGIN << " " << maxCycleLength;
cout << BEGIN << " " << END << " " << maxCycleLength;
int main(){
//The first and last numbers
vector< vector<int> > input;
int begin, end;
while (cin >> begin >> end)
//storage for line of input
vector<int> i;
for (int i = 0;i != input.size(); ++i)
GetOutput(input[i][0], input[i][1]);
cout << endl;
return 0;
I'll try to give you a hint to nudge you into figuring out the problem.
The sample inputs are good as a smoke test, but they're often not good indicators that your program can handle the more extreme test cases too. You should always test with more than the sample inputs. If my calculations are correct, your program will produce the wrong result for the following input:
999000 999250
For reference, the expected output for this is:
999000 999250 321
There, I narrowed your search space down to 251 cycles :) Now get your debugger and finish the job.
Anyway, what follows is the full explanation and solution in spoiler markup. Mouse over the blank space if you want to read it, stay put if you want to figure it yourself.
The problem states that i and j are less than one million and that no operation overflows a 32-bit integer. This means that no intermediate result will be larger than 4294967295. However, an int is a signed type, so, even if it has 32-bits, it only has 31 bits for the absolute value, and thus cannot fit any number larger than 2147483647. Numbers larger than these occur in the cycles of for several Ns in the problem range, one of which is 999167. Using an unsigned 32 bit integer is one solution.
There is nothing mystery. The largest intermediate number overflows 31-bit of the signed integer. You need to declare record.number and nextNumber as unsigned int.