Visual Studio 2017 Invisible Breakpoints on the Breakpoint Bar - c++

My Visualstudio 2017 Breakpoints are invisible, which means they appear in the submenu.
My application stops by hitting each breakpoint correctly.
I'm able to set and delete Brakpoints via the sidebar next to the line bar.
Breakpoints can be controlled by rightclick them and the submenü will open
They wont appear. Setting a breakpoint in the bar only left a grey bar behind as there is no breakpoint.
So far I tried:
Reinstall vs 2017 7 times
Deinstalling all plugins and similar stuff (visual assist, Qt etc.)
Delete every project
Delete every %appdata% stuff
Delete registry data for vs
Tryed (I hope) everything in Debug config and vs settings
Installed it on my laptop using also intel Windows 10 etc. (there it workes, but I still need it on my pc)

(System: Win-10)
(VisualStudioversion: 17/19)
Check if there is a breakpoint.png on your computer (if this is missing, this solution wont work). (Search in Windows explorer and enable to see all file and search trough everything filename, file etc. [enable this in the settings])
Create Win10 .iso with the offered tool from Microsoft here and store it on the desktop.
Execute this .iso and press install Windows. [Dont forget to cross the right checkbox to keep your data and just replace all your windows files]
!Some settings will be gone after new installation as they inherited by the system! (but most things will stay)
After finishing the (re)installation just start vs 17/19 and the Breakpoint should work now or better should be visible breakpoints. :D
Note: I tried a lot of things including a huge amount of testing, checking etc.. This solution should work, but there is the possibility, that I fixed the issue with some other test or stuff I've done. Though there is no guarantee that this will work, but if it doesn't work, just leave a comment and I can try to remember what I've done along my solution process.


VS 2017: how to disable repeating auto-installation of "Hopex Module Publisher" Add-In?

Since a couple of days whenever I start VS 2017 and open a project, a message box pops up telling that "The 'HopexPackage'
did not load correctly..."
When I look at my extensions, I can see that some Hopex add-in is really installed there:
When I uninstall the add-in, I need to re-install a couple of other add-ins (that seem to be blocked by that hopex). But when I start VS again, it is there again. I did an exhaustive search in the file system and the registry, but could not find anything relevant.
It behaves like a virus. Do we have specific VS viruses nowadays?
Perchance does anybody know this behavior or/and a recipe against it, other to completely re-install the VS?

VS Window cannot be pinned

I am using VS 2017 with the standard window configuration "".
My problem is that I cannot pin my project explorer window (also: team explorer window, etc.) at the right dock.
To be precise: I can pin it using the little pin in the title bar, but when I run the project the windows are unpinned again. The toolbox on the left side is okay and remains expanded.
Step 1: Everything is okay (Solution Explorer, Properties Windows faded in and pinned)
Step 2: Running the solution (no matter if debug mode or release mode). Closing the application
Step 3: Solution Explorer, Properties Windows faded out and not pinned any more. I have to reopen and pin it every time.
I already resetted the settings back to Visual Basic.
How can I fix this?
but when I run the project
Under the debugger? There is a separate layout for tool windows when debugging (and tends to include a whole load of debugger specific tool windows).
Which does mean if you want your Team Explorer (for example) tool window hidden on the RHS you need to set its position twice.

VS2013 freezes as I type OpenCV include header files

I have a problem with VS2013. I'm trying to write a program in vc++ using opencv and in vs2013 update 4 IDE. the problem is as I just type these lines, my computer freezes. infact the hard activity runs to 100 percent and never stops untill restart. even when I (hardly) close VS and even when I logged off, hard disk activity is still at maximum. the code is:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
It seems that the last line makes the problem.
FYI I have tried and run lots of OpenCV examples in VS2013.
And when I tried the code above on VS2012 on another computer it works well, but on VS2013 on another computer it again freezes just like my computer.
So what's wrong here?
The problem may point to several performance issues in VS2013, please try each one of the following separately until overcoming the issue:
Disabling Synchronized Settings: Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment-> Synchronized Settings and remove this option by unchecking the checkbox.
Set Current source control plug-in to None: Tools > Options > Source
Clear the "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available" check
box to prevent the use of hardware graphics acceleration : Tools -> Options -> Environment-> General , make sure "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance" is cleared too.
Note: You can select or clear the "Enable rich client visual experience" check box to make sure that rich visuals are always on or off, respectively. When this check box is selected, rich visuals are used independent of the computer environment. For example, rich visuals are used when you run Visual Studio locally on a rich client and over remote desktop. it may help too.
Try deleting the solution's .suo file (it's next to the .sln file),
closing and re-opening Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2013 C++ variable watch does not work

I found a thread of another user on another website with the same problem except he is using Fortran while I am using C++:
In fact, I can cite her/him:
The problem:
My problem is that in the debug mode the program algorithm works fine except it does not show the values of the variables.
I tried the watch window and also moving mouse over the variable but neither of them works.
I tried very simple codes like Hello World and just defined an integer but the program is unable to show the value of the variable in debug mode.
From time to time the debug mode works correctly. Sometimes I have to restart the debugger 10 times and then it works for 1 time. It does not matter whether I add or remove breakpoints.
My setup:
Windows 7 64 Bit
Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 (from MSDNAA, all original stuff) Version 12.0.30501.00 Update 2.
I have another notebook with Windows 7 64 Bit and the same Visual Studio Version installed -> same problem!
I have the same problem once in a while and the following steps help me solving it:
Make sure optimizations are deactivated in your Debug build. If they are enabled you compiler removes stack frames, puts variable values into cpu registers or inlines whole functions. The debugger does not like optimizations.
Make sure you use a Debug Runtime Library (check 'Runtime Library' in 'Code generation' and select Multithreaded-Debug or Multithreaded-Debug-DLL)
Rebuild your application (right click Project -> "Rebuild"). Sometimes there are problems which can be solved by a rebuild (i.e. when you update source files from repository which are older then your binaries but newer then the source you built the binaries from; or when you update your compiler or libraries and only parts of your application are rebuild).
Disable Minimal Rebuild in 'code generation' option page. It may mess up you program database.
If everything fails you may try to create a clean new project with default settings and add all your existing .cpp/.h files. This way you make sure your settings are not messed up.
If you are using global variables defined within a namespace you always have to enter the namespace into the watch window (i.e. a variable 'x' defined in namespace 'Y' must be watched as 'Y::x')
Use getchar(); at the end of the program or at the end of a cout statement. In my experience, I had to use getchar(); multiple times to show the variables and the solution. Try it!

Disabling clipboard ring in MSVC 2012

I use ClipX on my computer to keep a clipboard history, and it works just fine. After I upgraded to MSVC2012, however, it no longer picks up any of the copies I do inside Visual Studio. It seems that Visual Studio is somehow catching the CTRL+C before ClipX is, or something? Anyway, I prefer ClipX to MS's implementation, so I was hoping there was some way to just completely disable that functionality
Are you running the latest version of ClipX available? Even though it's labeled "Beta", version works well, and if you're on Win7 x64 there's a 64-bit version available, which is what I run. I'm not running Windows 8 or 8.1 yet so cannot comment on whether it works with those.
I'm running VS2013, and I cannot reproduce your problem exactly, but... I do have a similar problem (and solution):
I run VS as administrator (I change the properties of devenv.exe to always run as admin) for interop with IIS, among other reasons. ClipX still picks up the values from copies/cuts, but when I try to use the ClipX popup list to paste a value other than the current clipboard entry, it doesn't actually paste into Visual Studio. ClipX does move the item to the top of the list, and a second Ctrl+V does then paste the value into VS, but it's very annoying.
The solution is to run ClipX as administrator also. Since running a program as admin at startup/login is only possible through Task Scheduler, this is a bit of a pain to set up, but once I've set it up, ClipX has no problem interacting with VS (or any other program I run as admin).
If you are running VS as admin you could try running ClipX as admin (just right-click it in the Start menu) and see if it fixes your problem. If so, then worry about the Task Scheduler part. If it doesn't fix your problem, then well, it was worth a shot.