VS Window cannot be pinned - visual-studio-2017

I am using VS 2017 with the standard window configuration "vb.net".
My problem is that I cannot pin my project explorer window (also: team explorer window, etc.) at the right dock.
To be precise: I can pin it using the little pin in the title bar, but when I run the project the windows are unpinned again. The toolbox on the left side is okay and remains expanded.
Step 1: Everything is okay (Solution Explorer, Properties Windows faded in and pinned)
Step 2: Running the solution (no matter if debug mode or release mode). Closing the application
Step 3: Solution Explorer, Properties Windows faded out and not pinned any more. I have to reopen and pin it every time.
I already resetted the settings back to Visual Basic.
How can I fix this?

but when I run the project
Under the debugger? There is a separate layout for tool windows when debugging (and tends to include a whole load of debugger specific tool windows).
Which does mean if you want your Team Explorer (for example) tool window hidden on the RHS you need to set its position twice.


Visual Studio 2017 Invisible Breakpoints on the Breakpoint Bar

My Visualstudio 2017 Breakpoints are invisible, which means they appear in the submenu.
My application stops by hitting each breakpoint correctly.
I'm able to set and delete Brakpoints via the sidebar next to the line bar.
Breakpoints can be controlled by rightclick them and the submenü will open
They wont appear. Setting a breakpoint in the bar only left a grey bar behind as there is no breakpoint.
So far I tried:
Reinstall vs 2017 7 times
Deinstalling all plugins and similar stuff (visual assist, Qt etc.)
Delete every project
Delete every %appdata% stuff
Delete registry data for vs
Tryed (I hope) everything in Debug config and vs settings
Installed it on my laptop using also intel Windows 10 etc. (there it workes, but I still need it on my pc)
(System: Win-10)
(VisualStudioversion: 17/19)
Check if there is a breakpoint.png on your computer (if this is missing, this solution wont work). (Search in Windows explorer and enable to see all file and search trough everything filename, file etc. [enable this in the settings])
Create Win10 .iso with the offered tool from Microsoft here and store it on the desktop.
Execute this .iso and press install Windows. [Dont forget to cross the right checkbox to keep your data and just replace all your windows files]
!Some settings will be gone after new installation as they inherited by the system! (but most things will stay)
After finishing the (re)installation just start vs 17/19 and the Breakpoint should work now or better should be visible breakpoints. :D
Note: I tried a lot of things including a huge amount of testing, checking etc.. This solution should work, but there is the possibility, that I fixed the issue with some other test or stuff I've done. Though there is no guarantee that this will work, but if it doesn't work, just leave a comment and I can try to remember what I've done along my solution process.

Visual Studio 2008 c++ Executable (Debug and Release) not working

hope someone can help.
I'm currently writing a 2D game engine in c++. When I run the application from within Visual Studio 2008 using either debug or release all goes fine.
When I then run the executable files (either debug or release) from Windows Explorer, neither work and just display a blank Window.
Does anyone know what is causing this?
Load project into VS 2008
Change configuration to "Debug"
Click the "Start Debugging" button
Application compiles and builds, all is ok
Application runs, all is ok
Close Application
Output window in VS shows "The program '[16672] Mouse Engine v2.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0)."
Open Windows Explorer window and locate executable file from the Debug folder in project.
Run executable, blank window is shown.
Change configuration to "Release"
Click the "Start Debugging" button
Application compiles and builds, all is ok
Application runs, all is ok
Close Application
Output window in VS shows "The program '[18872] Mouse Engine v2.exe: Native' has exited with code 0 (0x0)."
Open Windows Explorer window and locate executable file from the Release folder in project.
Run executable, blank window is shown.
Some things to look for are missing dependencies such as config files and data files that your program can't find.
You can also try Dependency Walker to make sure all your dll's are available. http://www.dependencywalker.com
There are a few things to check to resolve this sort of problem.
Check all variables are initialised. Seems obvious but this can be crucial. I found best way to solve this is to #DEFINE _LOG at start and output variable values to a log file in each function using #IFDEF _LOG. This way you can turn it on or off.
If your application is just a blank window, check if it is running (using CPU time). This is a good indication that something is preventing it to find any image or font files.
Check that the Debug or Release folder structure matches that within your project folder to ensure links to files and textures work.
Make sure in project preferences to set the Runtime Library entry to Multi-threaded (/MT). This should make your application less dependent on additional dll’s.
Check for problems in your code. See point 1 with using log files to help with this.

VS2013 freezes as I type OpenCV include header files

I have a problem with VS2013. I'm trying to write a program in vc++ using opencv and in vs2013 update 4 IDE. the problem is as I just type these lines, my computer freezes. infact the hard activity runs to 100 percent and never stops untill restart. even when I (hardly) close VS and even when I logged off, hard disk activity is still at maximum. the code is:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
It seems that the last line makes the problem.
FYI I have tried and run lots of OpenCV examples in VS2013.
And when I tried the code above on VS2012 on another computer it works well, but on VS2013 on another computer it again freezes just like my computer.
So what's wrong here?
The problem may point to several performance issues in VS2013, please try each one of the following separately until overcoming the issue:
Disabling Synchronized Settings: Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment-> Synchronized Settings and remove this option by unchecking the checkbox.
Set Current source control plug-in to None: Tools > Options > Source
Clear the "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available" check
box to prevent the use of hardware graphics acceleration : Tools -> Options -> Environment-> General , make sure "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance" is cleared too.
Note: You can select or clear the "Enable rich client visual experience" check box to make sure that rich visuals are always on or off, respectively. When this check box is selected, rich visuals are used independent of the computer environment. For example, rich visuals are used when you run Visual Studio locally on a rich client and over remote desktop. it may help too.
Try deleting the solution's .suo file (it's next to the .sln file),
closing and re-opening Visual Studio

MFC program in Windows 7 not changing icon in taskbar

I am creating an app for a client. It is written in 32 bit MFC using Visual Studio 2010 and run on 64 bit Windows 7 (compatibility with other versions of windows not required, it's for a very closed system on limited machines) The program will be started automatically in minimized mode when the machine boots.
The program collects data from a bunch of serial ports, and if restored, shows specifics and allows the user to change or fix things, but when minimized should just show a single "red LED" icon to show something is amiss, or a "green LED" icon to show everything is OK, no user intervention is required.
On my development machine (also Win 7-64), running the program from within Visual Studio or directly from Windows Explorer, when I change the icon using CWnd::SetIcon it changes in the window and in the taskbar, just as I want it to. If I make a shortcut to the program and start it with the shortcut, the default icon is displayed in the taskbar and will not change. Fine, it's taking the icon from the shortcut, that is explained.
The odd part is that on the target machine, no matter how I start it, including clicking on in using Windows Explorer in it's folder (like I did on my development machine), or using the Windows Registry "Run", it always uses the default icon, and never changes in the taskbar. I expected that when I used a shortcut on the desktop or in the Startup folder, since that was the behavior on my development machine.
So why would it work on one machine, when run directly from the exe, and not on another of the same windows version?
More to the point, how can I make it work on the target system? I also need to make sure that solution will work when autostarted on power-up/login.

MFC Ribbon app not displaying ribbon - when .exe is copy pasted to a different machine

Well, I am facing a strange problem. I have developed a sample MFC ribbon application on my machine - Windows 7 , with Visual Studio 2008. When I copy paste the .exe onto my laptop and run the app , I don't see the ribbon menu (in fact the app has not menu now) .
I have tried looking up the .dll that load in each case(on my work machine and laptop) using process monitor but I am unable to locate what I might be missing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Edit 1 -
Ok, So thanks for your responses. Some progress has been made with this issue
I changed my IDE to VS 2010. The ribbon was coded manually and I figured out if I could add it as a resource maybe the problem would be solved. VS 2008 did not have the option of adding a ribbon as a resource.
I installed the VS 2010 Service Pack Redistributable X86/X64 depending on whether the machine is 32 or 64 bit.
I built a new "ribbontest.exe" app from VS 2010 and deployed it on other machines on which I would test my actual app. The ribbon for "ribbontest.exe" loads without any problems.
When I deploy my app and run it, first the old menubar loads for a sec or two, then the ribbon flashes and disappears.
A little history of the app I am referring to -
Initially my application had the menubar view. I followed this article http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/cpp/cpp_mfc/tutorials/article.php/c14929/MFC-Feature-Pack-An-Introduction.htm to accommodate a ribbon.
Any suggestions?
Most likely there's a conflict in the settings 'paths'. In your InitInstance() handler, you've got a statement like this:
// Standard initialization
// If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
// of your final executable, you should remove from the following
// the specific initialization routines you do not need
// Change the registry key under which our settings are stored
If you haven't changed that name yet, do it. If you did, open regedit.exe on your target machine and remove the whole key under HKCU\Software\yourappname and then try again.
MFC stores user customizations of Ribbons/Menus/... under that key. But if you changed your app those settings don't necessarily match anymore and you can end up with stuff not showing correctly or not at all.
Make sure you download and install the Visual C++ Redistributable Runtime on your destination machine: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29
Or, something like it. Make sure you have architecture (x86/x64) correct and make sure it matches with the service pack version you compile with.
Joe is right: you need redistributable.
Joe is right: you cannot run 64-bit program on 32-bit machine.
All of the above would be indicated by the system (missing DLL, configuration incorrect, or 64/32 bit discrepancy)
Joe is right: your application must be built for specific set of minimum Windows version and service pack.
In addition to Joe’s post you must run release build not debug build.
If all of those requirements are met and you still have this problem, try linking MFC statically and see if problem persists.