VSCode configure syntax highlighting to match a style guide - c++

How do I change the syntax highlighting in VSCode so that it adheres to a particular style guide? For example, I want to adhere to the Google C++ style guide where member variables are written as some_member_variable_. When I use this convention, VSCode does not color that name differently from standard text. But I have some code that uses the mSomeMemberVariable convention, and that does get colored differently than other text. Is there a way to configure this better?

TL;DR >There is no easy way to apply Google style syntax highlighting unless you find an existing cpp Textmate grammar file for it (I could not find one). However the following is how you would implement it yourself.
Looking at the CPP syntax file (cpp.tmLanguage.json), we see that there is no scope pattern capturing the Google-style member variables. You can add one:
{ // this is the existing scope that matches mSomeMemberVariable
"match": "\\b(f|m)[A-Z]\\w*\\b",
"name": "variable.other.readwrite.member.cpp"
{ // you can add this scope to match some_member_variable_
"match": "\\b([a-z][a-z\\d]*_)+\\b",
"name": "variable.other.readwrite.member.google.cpp"
Now you can make sure it is styled by making sure its scope (or any of the outer scopes like variable.other.readwrite.member), has a theme rule in your theme's .json file.
The following is a more detailed explanation. From here we see:
There are two components to syntax highlighting:
Breaking text into a list of tokens and scopes using a grammar
Then using a theme to map these scopes to specific colors and styles
First we need to figure out which "scope" is styling the member variable:
Command palette > ctrl+shift+p > Developer: Inspect TM Scopes
Click on the member variable name (mSomeMemberVariable)
The most specific scope is the top-most entry. As of this posting it is called variable.other.readwrite.member.cpp
The .cpp part of the name tells us that the scope is defined in the C++ grammar (syntax). As of now the file used for the cpp syntax can be found under [applications_folder]/code/resources/app/extensions/cpp/syntaxes/cpp.tmLanguage.json (see the file in the github repo).
Searching for the scope name in the syntax definition file, we find the following pattern:
"match": "\\b(f|m)[A-Z]\\w*\\b",
"name": "variable.other.readwrite.member.cpp"
And to see what style is applied to the above scope, we look at the active theme's *.json file. For example, if you are using the Dark+ (default dark) theme, you can find the theme json file at extensions/theme-defaults/themes/dark_plus.json. In this file we find the following text mate theme rule:
"name": "Variable and parameter name",
"scope": [
"settings": {
"foreground": "#9CDCFE"
From this rule we see that the highlighting is applied by the variable scope. (note that all outer scope styles are applied to inner ones unless you specifically specify the inner scope style to override it)
Now one option for you would be to add your own scope to the existing file. Another would be to edit the existing scope to also match the Google style member variable regex pattern. Yet another option would be to define your own grammar based on the CPP extension style file and create your very own Google CPP VSCode Extension. For example, taking the first approach you can edit cpp.tmLanguage.json as follows:
"match": "\\b([a-z][a-z\\d]*_)+\\b",
"name": "variable.other.readwrite.member.google.cpp"
P.S. After editing the json files restart VSCode for the changes to take effect.


How to change the highlight color for a jsdoc-like tag in a C++ file in VSCode

How do I change the highlight color of the Doxygen tokens like #param or #return so it matches the same visual as JSdoc comments?
What I currently have in my .cpp/.hpp files:
What I would like to see (this is inside a .js file):
For example, is there a way to tell VSCode, all #params strings should be blue?
I managed to get JSDoc like comment blocks highlighting using the Better C++ syntax package. For more customization checkout this issue thread.
EDIT: After we determined that your jsdoc comment syntax was not being separately parsed, you found the Better C++ Syntax package which does so. And gives you more control over the contents of a jsdoc comments's internals. Now this textmate scope will give you the blue colored #'s parameters you desired.
Try this in your settings.json
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"scope": "storage.type.class.doxygen.cpp",
"settings": {
"foreground": "#00f"
You can get the scope by using the Developer: Inspect TM Scopes command from the command palette. This allows you to click on a word in your editor, like #param and see its textmate scope. Which then goes into the tokenColorCustomizations rule.
There are typically 3 or 4 scopes listed which you can use in a space-separated list if you want more distinction. Such as if you wanted this rule to apply only to js docs:
"scope": " source.cpp storage.type.class.doxygen.cpp
Besides the foreground color you can also set its fontStyle here as well. Options are: italic, bold and underline - which can be used in combination with each other too.
As you noticed, with that Beter C++ Syntax package, you need to use #brief instead of #desc in your cpp jsdoc-like comments.

How to correctly assign template file in IntelliJ?

I inherited an old Zope project, and I am also new to Intellij.
Template files got the file ending .xpt (eXtended PageTemplates)
They contain mostly html, but also tal-tags, which either include syntax like person/getName or even "name python: user.getName()".
Currently, those files show white text on black background.
I want those file endings associated with html/xml whatever, so I get a better overview visually.
BUT I really need to keep the Intellij functions like refactor and find usages and so on working, so Intellij finds methods, which are only called inside those templates.
Any help is appreciated!
Go to File -> Settings -> File types. There in Recognized File Types you can find XML files template, then in Registered Patterns add your file pattern: *.xpt

PyCharm not doing full syntax coloring for a specific file name

In my Django projet, I have one models.py file that PyCharm is only partially syntax coloring: it's coloring the Python keywords and comments but not other things it normally does like coloring method names, keyword parameters. This is the only file in my project like this -- all other .py files are fully syntax colored.
It's the file name not contents that is the issue. I know this because when I rename the file, PyCharm immediately fully syntax colors it. When I rename it back to models.py, it goes back to partial coloring.
Note it's not just the syntax coloring that's off -- it's also other code analysis-related tools for this file.
What could be causing PyCharm to be treating this one file differently?
In the PyCharm status bar, there is a "Highlighting level" indicator. Clicking on it allows you to choose the highlighting level between "None", "Syntax" and "Inspections", and the selected value is persisted per file. Please try clicking on it and making sure that the level is set to "Inspections".

How can I have HTML tab expansion in ST2 w/ Emmet inside Handlebars templates(emberjs)?

Okay, so I'm using Sublime Text 2 with Emmet. But "Tab" expansion of HTML snippets doesn't work inside a script because of the scope.
In HTML, I can type "h1" and then hit tab, and it will generate <h1></h1>
When using Ember.js, and more specifically Handlebars, it doesn't work.
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
Pressing tab after that "h1" doesn't expand it because it's inside a script; Emmet turns this off. I can press Ctrl+E, which is the "expand anywhere" hotkey, and that works just fine. However, that is uncomfortable and prone to missing and hitting things like Ctrl+S or Ctrl+D which have undesired effects.
So, how can I change this?
I tweeted at the developer, and got a reply, https://twitter.com/chikuyonok/status/398708331969540096
But couldn't understand what to do.
In my opinion, he meant that you needed to change the scope for expand_abbreviation_by_tab. Please open Default (Windows/Linux/OSX).sublime-keymap, search expand_abbreviation_by_tab, add source.js in operand list. It makes it take affect in JavaScript file.
"command": "expand_abbreviation_by_tab",
"context": [
"operand": "source.js, source.css, source.sass, source.less, source.scss, source.stylus, text.xml, text.html - source, text.haml, text.scala.html, source string",
"operator": "equal",
"match_all": true,
"key": "selector"
I'll add further clarification here since this took me a while to find out:
Copy all of the two keys: ["tab"] objects from the Emmet default keybindings
Paste them into your User keybindings
Add source.handlebars as an additional operand to each of the two contexts.
This also works with Ember Syntax Highlighting when the handlebars files are being interpreted as Glimmer files.

Find member variable using Locator in Qt Creator

Qt Creator has the Locator box, which allows you to easily find classes, methods, etc. Is there a way to use it to find class member variables, as well?
Using . <expr> will show member variables too, but that is only for searching inside the current file, not globally.
This the Locator:
By default, there is not such feature, but as said in the doc you can create a filter (I can't test it now, but I'll try this soon):
To create a locator filter:
In the locator, select Options > Configure to open the Locator options.
In the Filter Configuration dialog:
Name your filter.
Select at least one directory. The locator searches directories recursively.
Define the file pattern as a comma separated list. For example, to search all .h and .cpp files, enter *.h, *.cpp
Specify the prefix string.
To show only results matching this filter, select Limit to prefix.
Click OK.
QtCreator have no such feature - member variables are not good candidates for pivot points in search. If you want find usages of particular member, use "find symbol usages" (Ctrl+Shift+U when cursor is under symbol). If you want to find members of particular type, use usual search in regular expressions mode, something like:
And limit scope to headers only (i.e use "*.h" file mask).
Have you tried using the 'Advanced...' option in the locator? You can change the scope of the search to the Current Project, All Projects, Files on the System, etc. I use this to even search for strings I use for debug output in my code.