VimPlugin: Scroll autocomplete suggestion in Visual Studio without arrows - c++

Is possible to configure Vim plugin for VisualStudio to let you scroll the VisualAssistX's context menu showing autocomplete options without using arrows keys?
I found this bug but those shortcut don't work for me. It seems to scroll through and alternative list of auto-complete suggestions, but nothing related to what VS and/or visual assist would suggest.
I am working on a c++ environment with VS2015 and VisualAssistX.


Visual studio documentation for c++

I have installed visual studio for c++
When i hover the mouse over a method or object, the studio offers to search the Internet for information about it. Is it possible to watch the documentation from ide, as in eclipse or intellij idea?
Yes. on the help menu there is the "set help preference" sub-menu that allows you to switch to a local help viewer. To use that you will have to download documentation sets you find of interest.

Why does Visual Studio not recognize my cursor trying to drag a window(Solution Explorer, Properties, etc..)?

I'm curious if anyone else has the problem. I am using VS 2017 15.5.7 and when I try to expand or collapse a window inside visual studio it won't recognize it(sometimes). I usually have to try three to four times to expand the solution explorer window.
Has anyone experience this before and if so, how do you fix it?
The solution was fixed after I changed the input from VGA to display port.

Why visual studio doesn't come with Resources template by default?

Hello I am trying to create a “.resx” file and when I went to the menu add “new item” it doesn't show me the template for create resources file as it shows in the following image. But if I go to Visual Studio 2015 it actually shows that option available. So why if it is visual studio 2017 it doesn't come with that template by default ? And I want to know what are the steps that I have to take in order to install this template.
Note: If my question is incorrectly please AND YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A DISLIKE make sure to GIVE ME A FEEDBACK Thank you for reading this.
click here to see the picture
After having the same issue (I think). I found that you have to choose ".NET desktop develpment" when you install VS 2017 to get the resource template.
Search for visual studio installer in your menu and then choose modify.
Check ".NET desktop develpment" and click modify. After that you should be able to see the templates in VS 2017.
what about this one?
ResX Manager

Visual Studio 2017 Default Button Icons

I am using Visual Studio Community 2017.
I like using everything out-of-the-box as much as possible, sometimes you just need a button and you quickly need an image, so I was wondering are there some default icons in VS that you can quickly use, without the hassle of searching the internet for stock images?
The reason why I'm asking this is that I always wondered when you add default buttons to ToolStrip some default icons show up, like save icon etc.. So I'm just guessing that VS has this icons somewhere stored.
p.s. I searched the internet but I did not found the answer to this question for my version of VS, and I'm wondering if anything changed. Concretely I'm searching for configuration icon, like a spanner or a cog.
You can download the visual studio image library from here
The is also Syncfusions metro studio

Toolbox Disabled in Visual Studio Express

So I decided to learn some Win32 programming in C++ and thought i will try adding the controls from the toolbox and tada!! no tools there. Even if i try to choose the Com controls manually it still doesn't get shown. If i do Show All , i can see all the tools are disabled even the ones i selected.
I have seen and tried almost all of the solutions seen on the internet (reset toolbox, remove the tbd files, remove reg keys, fresh installation etc) to no avail.
I was using VS2012 Express initially but I have also tried a fresh installation of VC++ 2010 Express with the same result.
So I have two questions:
1) Are the tools not supposed to be there in an Express installation?
2) If they are supposed to be there could someone help me with fixing this issue?
This is by design. The Express editions don't support building GUI applications in C++. All of the controls in the toolbox require .NET. You'll need to create a new project of the appropriate type using C# or Visual Basic to use any of the controls.