AttributeError in 'sapm_celltemp' function when using 15-minute weather data resolution instead of hourly values - pvlib

(I'm new here so please excuse the probably not perfectly formulated question)
I've got a problem when running the run_model() method from the ModelChain class. I want to have the option to choose between hourly data resolution and 15-minute weather data resolution. Using hourly data, the calculation works fine and delivers reasonable results. When using 15-minute resolution, an AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'exp'' comes up in the 'sapm_celltemp' function. Everything else is kept unchanged tho.
I use the CEC module and inverter database
These are the PVSystem and ModelChain parameters that I chose for the calculation:
Does anyone have a similar problem or knows what could cause the error?
Thanks in advance
Cheers, Felix


In Flink is it possible to use state with a non keyed stream?

Lets assume that I have an input DataStream and want to implement some functionality that requires "memory" so I need ProcessFunction that gives me access to state. Is it possible to do it straight to the DataStream or the only way is to keyBy the initial stream and work in keyed-context?
I'm thinking that one solution would be to keyBy the stream with a hardcoded unique key so the whole input stream ends up in the same group. Then technically I have a KeyedStream and I can normally use keyed state, like I'm showing below with keyBy(x->1). But is this a good solution?
DataStream<Integer> inputStream = env.fromSource(...)
DataStream<Integer> outputStream = inputStream
.keyBy(x -> 1)
.process(...) //I've got acess to state heree
As I understand that's not a common usecase because the main purpose of flink is to partition the stream, process them seperately and then merge the results. In my scenario thats exactly what I'm doing, but the problem is that the merge step requires state to produce the final "global" result. What I actually want to do is something like this:
DataStream<Integer> inputStream = env.fromElements(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
//two groups: group1=[1,2,3,4] & group2=[5,6,7,8,9]
DataStream<Integer> partialResult = inputStream
.keyBy(val -> val/5)
.process(<..stateful processing..>)
//Can't do statefull processing here because partialResult is not a KeyedStream
DataStream<Integer> outputStream = partialResult
.process(<..statefull processing..>)
But Flink doesnt seem to allow me do the final "merge partial results operation" because I can't get access to state in process function as partialResult is not a KeyedStream.
I'm beginner to flink so I hope what I'm writing makes sense.
In general I can say that I haven't found a good way to do the "merging" step, especially when it comes to complex logic.
Hope someone can give me some info, tips or correct me if I'm missing something
Thank you for your time
Is "keyBy the stream with a hardcoded unique key" a good idea? Well, normally no, since it forces all data to flow through a single sub-task, so you get no benefit from the full parallelism in your Flink cluster.
If you want to get a global result (e.g. the "best" 3 results, from any results generated in the preceding step) then yes, you'll have to run all records through a single sub-task. So you could have a fixed key value, and use a global window. But note (as the docs state) you need to come up with some kind of "trigger condition", otherwise with a streaming workflow you never know when you really have the best N results, and thus you'd never emit any final result.

Dataflow breaks using TaggedOutputs, "can't pickle WeakDictionary"

we are trying to deploy an Streaming pipeline to Dataflow where we separate in few different "routes" that we manipulate differently the data.
We did the complete development with the DirectRunner, and works smoothly as we tested but now, that we did deployed it to Dataflow, it does not work.
The code fails when yielding on the following doFn
class SplitByRoute(beam.DoFn):
OUTPUT_TAG_ROUTE_TWO = "route_two"
OUTPUT_NOT_SUPPORTED = "not_supported"
def __init__(self):
def process(self, elem):
route = self.define_route(elem["param"]) # Just tag it depending on param
except Exception:
route = None"Routed to {route}")
if route == self.OUTPUT_TAG_ROUTE_ONE:
yield TaggedOutput(self.OUTPUT_TAG_ROUTE_ONE, elem)
elif route == self.OUTPUT_TAG_ROUTE_TWO:"Element: {elem}")
yield TaggedOutput(self.OUTPUT_TAG_ROUTE_TWO, elem)
yield TaggedOutput(self.OUTPUT_NOT_SUPPORTED, elem)
It does log the element, yield the output and fails with the following error
AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'WeakValueDictionary.__init__.<locals>.remove' [while running 'generatedPtransform-3196']
Other considerations are that we use taggedOutputs on the pipeline before this DoFn, and it works on Dataflow but this one in particularly fails with the error mentioned. Could it be the memory cache? or something related to it? Where Weakrefs are used?
Far as I know, this error happens when you have a class inside another one. Maybe not(?)
Any suggestions so how we could manage this? It's been very frustrating error.
Thank you!!! :)
We found the error
As you might know, apache-beam uses dill package to serialize the data between the modules. This let us pickle an instance of a object and send it through the pipeline.
The problem was that in self.define_route(elem["param"]), we used that instance of the class and we modified one of it's attributes. As the answer from Samuel Romero says, you can pickle a class, but I didn't really know (and probably someone has to) that if you modify the class instance it can not be pickle again. that's an strage behaviour, I know, so I opened an issue on BEAM if you want to check it out.
I will probably get into it (to understand better the problem) soon or later, but if someone had the same error, the workaround, as I mentioned is to do not modify the instance of a class beeing serialized.
Thanks to anyone who tried to help!
As you can read here, Python uses the pickle library for data serialization and it is subject to its limitations. Data serialization is the way processes transfer data between them since they do not share memory space.
Here I found a suggestion about using a fork of multiprocessing module that uses the dill package instead of pickle. This fork is part of the pathos framework (as is the dill package too) and is now called pathos.multiprocess and not pathos.multiprocessing as seen in the reference I mentioned previously.

Problems with MSF4J and #MatrixParam

Folks, I have found what seems to be a problem with / (bug in ?) MSF4J as including an #MatrixParam annotated variable in a URI causes the affected (micro)service to either 'hang' indefinitely, or if accessed via a browser, to give a "404 Not Found" message for the path/endpoint, even when correct.
Here is a code fragment that illustrates the problem - it compiles ok (eclipse/maven) and deploys without errors using microservicesrunner() in the usual way.
package org.test.service;
public class MPTest { // MatrixParam Test
// method to respond to 'GET' requests
public Response getListOfBooks(#MatrixParam("Author") String author) {
// do something in here to get book data from DB and sort by titles
List<String> titles = .......;
return Response.status(200) .entity("List of Books by " +author+ "ordered by title " + titles).build();
With this code fragment, accessing the URL "(host:8080)/books/query;Author=MickeyMouse" should cause a list of books by that author to be retrieved from the DB (I have omitted the actual code that does so for clarity, as it is not relevant to this post).
However, it does not get there, so that code isnt executed. As far as I can tell with a debugger, no #MatricParam value is retrieved - it remains null until the process times out. Things like curl and wget just hang until they time out, and from a browser, the best I can get is a 404 not found error for the URI, even though it is valid.
However, if I replace the #MatrixParam with a #PathParam it works perfectly, and can I get the URL string retrieved in its entirity. The URI that I get is as expected - no odd hex characters, no typos, and so forth. The URI entered is what you get back. So, no problem there.
Behaviour is also consistent across platforms (couple of flavours of Linux, and three versions of Windoze), so it is not anything to do with the OS itself. Similarly, I get the same behavior with multiple clients and tools, so it isnt a problem there either.
So, it appears to be a problem within the MSF4J framework / domain, and I could use some support / help / suggestions here as I've reached the point of tearing my hair out..... Any ideas, folks?
The only reference I can find to a similar problem was closed as 'off topic' without a reply (see Rest API Matrix param annotation) so I think that this needs re-opening as it seems to be a genuine problem....
Regards, and thanks in advance for any help,
#MatrixParam is not supported with MSF4J at the moment. You can create a GitHub issue. So we can implement that support in future releases.

Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process class not working, not others works

I'm trying to get CPU usage data with WMI. For this purpose I'm using the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process class. When I run below code, I do not get any result.
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2","SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process");
var data = searcher.Get();
Until here there is no any error, if I try to use data object, app waiting until I close it.
I made some research, but found nothing useful.
NOTE: Other WMI class queries work fine. And I need to use WMI (not performance counters).
Please take a look at registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PerfProc\Performance and here the value of "Disable Performance Counters". It should be set to "0" for this Class to work.

Facebook Credits - getOrders call for refunds/chargebacks

I am using the Get Orders call for our app as specified in:
It all works fine when I set the status=settled, but if I set the status to reserved or refunded, then I get no results. This is even over a period where I know we had refunds/chargebacks.
This works:
But this never returns anything:
Has anyone else had any luck with this API call? Are my expectations wrong? (I am expecting to get a result if a refund occurred within the specified time frame).
If anyone else is experiencing this, a bug has been opened and assigned with high priority here: