Change Visual Studio Scrollbar Caret Color in Map Mode - visual-studio-2017

The Scroll Bar Map Mode has an issue with the caret position color in dark mode:
It is showing as very bright gray line, which overpowers some of the other colors like the purple matching color I have. I have been unable to find the caret color for the scroll bar in the Environment > Font and Colors dialog (The default caret color doesn't affect it). Anyone know how?

Environment > Fonts and colors > Display items: "Overview caret", Item foreground: choose color


How do I change the text color of the inline breakpoint settings?

I use a dark theme, and I have my code "peek" background set to a dark color as well.
In VS2017, instead of the older dialog window you'd get when modifying a breakpoint, you get the settings inline instead, similar to how the "peek" bits look.
However, I can't find a way to change the text color of this area, so now I am trying to squint at dark grey text on a dark purple background. It seems as though the "peek" background color is shared with the breakpoint settings.
Is it possible to change this color?
Here's an image to show you what I mean:

how to remove border or change border color of CHeaderCtrl (mfc)

How to remove border or change border color of CHeaderCtrl? In my case CHeaderCtrl is embedded in CListCtrl (we are not calling CHeaderCtrl::create explicitly from our code). I would like to remove this white border from header or would like to change the border color.

Find out a button's color and set its color to default

Is there a way to find out a QPushButton's color? I need to find it out, check if it's green and then to set it to default windows color (light blue), as it was at the very begining.
Any way to do that?

c++ DrawText() font color and background color

How do I change the text color and font background color that is displayed when I use the DrawText() function?
Whenever I use the DrawText() function, I always output a present font as well as a "white" background color. I understand to change the font I must create the HFONT and use SelectObject to set the font, however... I did not find any color options in the CreateFont parameters (searched in msdn):
Now, on msdn page for the DrawText() function ( I found the following comment:
"The DrawText function uses the device context's selected font, text color, and background color to draw the text. "
And that is all I could find relative to text color and background color. From that sentence, I am unsure if I should be using some other GDI functions to select other objects that specify text color or background color (if those objects exist), nor am I sure if I missed something in the parameters for CreatFont().
How do I change the text color and font background color that is displayed when I use the DrawText() function?

Changing TabControl tab title text background color c++

I am using Visual Studio 2005, C++, and I have a tabcontrol with a couple tabs. I have changed the color of each tab to have a back color of Transparent, to match the color of the rest of the program (Control grey), however the color behind the text for the title of the tab is white. Is there any way to change this?
A tab control draws itself according to the currently selected windows theme. Which ignores a custom color. This isn't something you ought to change, you typically want to honor the user's attempt to style the windows according to her selected preference.
If you really do want to override it then you can use custom drawing, the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style flag and the WM_DRAWITEM message. Beware that drawing with a transparent color isn't going to work.