how to remove border or change border color of CHeaderCtrl (mfc) - mfc

How to remove border or change border color of CHeaderCtrl? In my case CHeaderCtrl is embedded in CListCtrl (we are not calling CHeaderCtrl::create explicitly from our code). I would like to remove this white border from header or would like to change the border color.


Selection color disappears if listRowBackground changed

If I change the row background color, then the default grey selection when I tap on the row disappears.
Is it possible to bring it back? Or do I have to add a custom overlay/manually change the color of the row when selected?
The code I used for changing the background color is the following: .listRowBackground(Color(.secondarySystemGroupedBackground))

Why is my FloatingActionButton icon black? the picture inside it turn to black

Why is my FloatingActionButton icon black? the picture inside it turn to black

Change Visual Studio Scrollbar Caret Color in Map Mode

The Scroll Bar Map Mode has an issue with the caret position color in dark mode:
It is showing as very bright gray line, which overpowers some of the other colors like the purple matching color I have. I have been unable to find the caret color for the scroll bar in the Environment > Font and Colors dialog (The default caret color doesn't affect it). Anyone know how?
Environment > Fonts and colors > Display items: "Overview caret", Item foreground: choose color

c++ DrawText() font color and background color

How do I change the text color and font background color that is displayed when I use the DrawText() function?
Whenever I use the DrawText() function, I always output a present font as well as a "white" background color. I understand to change the font I must create the HFONT and use SelectObject to set the font, however... I did not find any color options in the CreateFont parameters (searched in msdn):
Now, on msdn page for the DrawText() function ( I found the following comment:
"The DrawText function uses the device context's selected font, text color, and background color to draw the text. "
And that is all I could find relative to text color and background color. From that sentence, I am unsure if I should be using some other GDI functions to select other objects that specify text color or background color (if those objects exist), nor am I sure if I missed something in the parameters for CreatFont().
How do I change the text color and font background color that is displayed when I use the DrawText() function?

Set background color of entire window in PDCurses

wattron and a color pair only sets the background color of text when it is printed inside a window. What is the best way to set the background color of the entire window without filling it with spaces (i.e. a title or status bar)?
A call to wbkgd with a pointer to a WINDOW object and a color pair sets the background color of the window.