Unknown C++ exception on operator new under MSVC - c++

I'm facing an unknown exception thrown after I call the new operator.
The new operator is called after a long processing time (10h) to store output results. This code is implemented in a DLL that is loaded from a C# application running in .Net 4.5.
I created a MWE with the code below put into a for loop, but it throws an std::bad_alloc as expected, while the real code throws unknown exception and falls to the catch(...) statement.
Note that I am using Visual Studio 2013.
This is the code:
try {
char* output = new char[50000000];
} catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
// Doesn't happen
printf("Bad Alloc\n");
} catch (const std::exception&) {
// Doesn't happen
printf("Standard Exception\n");
} catch (...) {
// Code falls here
printf("Unknown Exception\n");
If no one has a solution for this, can you at least please give ideas for debugging it? I've thought about using Windows API calls to check memory state before calling the new operator, but I need more ideas.
What are all types of exceptions MSVC can throw upon operator new and what can I do to retrieve information from those?


Catch(...) with unknown object - how do I identify what was thrown?

I have a library I use that throws something, but I don't know how to identify what was being thrown.
Sample code to reproduce this:
int main()
char* memoryOutOfBounds;
unsigned __int64 bigNumber = -1;
try {
throw std::string("Test");
memoryOutOfBounds = new char[bigNumber];
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
printf("Exception: %s\n", ex.what());
catch (...)
return 0;
The new char[bigNumber] will throw a std::bad_alloc, which is derived from std::exception and will enter the first branch. The other one, throw std::string will enter the second branch. How can I check the object that was thrown? I tried with a catch(void*) in the hopes to catch any object in memory, but that did not happen, so how can I find out what was thrown and from there debug what may have caused this?
catch (...) {}
means: Catch absolute everything that was thrown and drop it. This is only meant as a safeguard, so no exceptions fly out of the window and bring down the whole house. (Aka: Application Termination by Unhandled Exception")
There is no way to tell what was thrown in here.
But as you actually know that an std::string can be thrown, you can catch it in a
catch (const std::string& s) {}
block. You do need to know what (type) was thrown whenever you want to catch exceptions.
However, most libraries which add their own types for exceptions will have them inherit from std::exception. Therefore a
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
block should get them.
If they do not inherit from std::exception and/or block the what() method, it is a stupid way to make the usage of their library extra difficult.
However, somewhere in the documentation of the library the exception throwing behaviour should be explained.
Edit : I think that Point 1. under "How should I design my exception classes" on the Boost Error Handling document is something every library developer should keep in mind. And hopefully the developers of your library did keep that principle in mind. ;-)
There really is no standard C++ way to query any information about the exception that is being thrown. Which is unfortunate, because the runtime has that information in order to match catch blocks. But there is just no access to that information in user code.
If it's purely for research purposes, like just finding out what the type is because the library you're using lacks documentation, you could use std::current_exception() to get a std::exception_ptr object that stores (or references) the thrown exception internally. This type is implementation-defined, but your debugger might happen to provide you with enough information.
#include <exception>
void foo()
std::exception_ptr p = std::current_exception();
// break here and inspect 'p' with a debugger
This stackoverflow post would be helpful-
C++ get description of an exception caught in catch(...) block
Since C++11 you can capture the current exception with a pointer:
std::exception_ptr p; // default initialization is to nullptr
try {
throw std::string("Test");
p = std::current_exception();

std::out_of_range exception when catching it?

I'm getting this exception message in the IDE output log even though I have a code that catches it, if it happens.
Here's the code itself:
t_ptr obj_ptr;
try {
obj_ptr = _objects.at(file);
catch (std::out_of_range e) {
return nullptr;
return obj_ptr.get();
Is it supposed to happen? It's not like I'm using obj_ptr when std::map.at() fails.
"First-chance" exception means just that the debugger noticed that an exception has been thrown. That's not an error (and in facts the execution goes on), just an aid to the programmer that may be on the look for exceptions being incorrectly swallowed.

C++ try / catch (new to programming and not much info about this clause)

I am new to programming and am having trouble with try / catch clauses.
Here is an example from a textbook that I have:
int main( )
char *ptr;
try {
ptr = new char[ 1000000000 ];
catch( … ) {
cout << "Too many elements" << endl;
return 0;
I have tried to look online for a further explanation and the textbook does not exactly tell me what what these clauses actually do or what it is used for.
Any information would be helpful.
EDIT: The textbook I am using is:
C++: Classes and Data Structures by Jeffrey Childs
A try-catch is the C++ construct for exception handling. Google 'C++ exceptions'.
Try catch is a way of handling exceptions:
// Do work in here
// If any exceptions are generated then the code in here is stopped.
// and a jump is made to the catch block.
// to see if the exception can be handled.
// An exception is generated when somebody uses throw.
// Either you or one of the functions you call.
// In your case new can throw std::bad_alloc
// Which is derived from std::runtime_error which is derived from std::exception
The catch block is where you define what exceptions you want to handle.
catch(MyException const& e)
// Correct a MyException
catch(std::exception const& e)
// Correct a std::exception
// For example this would cat any exception derived from std::exception
You can have as many catch blocks as you like. If you exception matches any of the catch expressions in the catch statement then the associated block of code is executed. If no catch expressions matches an exception then the stack is unwound until it finds a higher level catch block and the processes is repeated (this can cause the application to exit if no matching catch block is found).
Note: If multiple catch expressions match then the lexically first one is used. Only one or none of the catch blocks will be executed. If none then the compiler will look for a higher level try/catch.
There is also a catch anything clause
// This is a catch all.
// If the exception is not listed above this will catch any exception.
So how does this apply to your code.
int main( )
char *ptr;
// This calls ::new() which can potentially throw std::bad_alloc
// If this happens then it will look for a catch block.
ptr = new char[ 1000000000 ];
// If the ::new() works then nothing happens and you pointer `ptr`
// is valid and code continues to execute.
catch( … )
// You only have one catch block that catches everything.
// So if there are any statements that generate an exception this will catch
// the excetption and execute this code.
cout << "Too many elements" << endl;
// As you have caught all exceptions the code will continue from here.
// Either after the try block finishes successfully or
// After an exception has been handled by the catch block.
return 0;
Try-catch blocks are used to trap errors in the code.
At the most basic level, errors occur because the program tries to execute an invalid instruction. That instruction (read: line of code) could be invalid for a number of reasons. In your specific instance, the instruction could be invalid if your program was not able to allocate 1,000,000,000 bytes of memory to story your ptr. The most common exception is trying to access a bad pointer, which is called a Null Pointer Exception, which occurs when you try to perform some action on an Object that either has not been created, or has been deleted (or got corrupt). You will learn to hate that exception.
Using catch(...) tells the program to execute the code inside the catch block if any error occurs inside the code within the try block. There you can handle your error and try to find someway to either fix the error condition or gracefully exit that module.
You can also catch specific errors, which you can find out more about here : http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/exceptions/
If you already know C, try/catch achieves the same thing as setjmp/longjmp when used for error handling. Think of try as code for the if condition of setjmp and catch code for else of setjmp. This makes longjmp equivalent to throw in C++, which is used to throw an exception. In your example, probably, the new operator, which calls some memory allocation function internally, throws an exception on seeing a very large number as input by using the C++ throw operator.
void a()
longjmp(buf,1); // <--- similar to throw
if ( !setjmp(buf) ) // <--- similar to try
else // <--- similar to catch
try/catch is a bit more sophisticated than setjmp/longjmp, as for setjmp/longjmp you will need to declare variables which are modified in between setjmp/longjmp calls as volatile, which is not necessary for try/catch.

try catch duo in c++

I know that the general method for using the try catch duo is something like this:
//your code
//any error goes here
Is there a way by which catch() catches the error code without giving any input... i.e if I didn't throw an exception but the c compiler did, then the error code can be anything. I just need to catch whatever the error code is and be notified that's all.
Apparently, you're trying to catch errors from functions that don't throw exceptions but return numerical error codes. That's impossible. The closest you can get is wrapping all your C functions in exception throwing code yourself:
FILE *safe_fopen(char const *path, char const *mode)
FILE *f = std::fopen(path, mode);
if (f == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error(std::strerror(errno));
return f;
It is not possible to throw an exception when a program derefences a null pointer or an invalid piece of memory, at least not in a portable manner; when that happens, behavior is simply undefined. There's no error code to check for, just a segfault on most OSs.
But please get your terminology straight. The compiler does not throw an exception, a function may do so, at run-time. The C compiler has very little to do with all this.
You don't have to catch everything. If you only want to handle a particular type of exception, only catch that exception:
try {
} catch (MyExceptionType ex) {

How can some code be run each time an exception is thrown in a Visual C++ program?

If an exception is thrown in a C++ program control is either transferred to the exception handler or terminate() is called.
Even if the program emits some diagnostics from inside the handler (or from terminate() handler) that can be too late - the most value is in the call stack at the point where the exception is thrown, not in the handler.
On Windows a call stack can be obtained using [StackWalk64()]1 function. The key is how to call that function at the right moment.
Is there a way to make a Visual C++ program execute some user code each time an exception (or an exception for which no handler is set) is thrown?
If you want to do stuff when an SEH exception is thrown, such as when an access violation occurs, then you can simply catch the SEH exception (either with a __finally, or with a conversion to a C++ exception (see here)) and access the context within the exception which is the context at the time the exception was thrown. You can then generate either a callstack using StackWalker or a mini dump. IMHO it's better to produce a mini dump.
If you want to catch C++ exceptions at the point they're thrown and you don't have access to the source to the C++ exception classes then you need to get a bit craftier. I deal with this problem by running the target process under a custom debugger - use the Debug API (see here) which gets notifications of when an exception is thrown. At that point you can create a mini dump or call stack of the target process.
On Windows I'm using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter and MiniDumpWriteDump to produce a minidump.
__try, __except are very helpful.
Is there a way to make a Visual C++ program execute some user code each time an exception (or an exception for which no handler is set) is thrown?
Put that code into the constructor of your exception base class.
When the language doesn't support it, and you can't live without it, hack... :-/
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Throw_From
struct Line
Line& set(int x) { x_ = x; return *this; }
int x_;
template <typename T>
void operator=(const T& t) const
throw t;
Line line;
#define throw Throw_From::line.set(__LINE__) =
void fn2()
throw std::runtime_error("abc");
void fn1()
int main()
catch (const std::runtime_error& x)
std::cout << Throw_From::line.x_ << '\n';
This is a great article on how to catch all different types of exceptions in Visual C++.
It also provides you with a crash dump that comes useful for debugging.