Using Bash to Move Digits From Specific Location in Filename - regex

I have file names in the following format:
I would like to transform the file name of every file in a directory from the format above to the following format:
All the numbers at the end of the filenames are three digits long.
Based on this thread on another forum, I am thinking of something along the lines of:
for i in *; do mv "$i"\-(\d+) \-(\d+)"$i"; done
But am open to other Bash-based approaches.

Having done countless file renaming tasks using for loops in bash, I now find the rename utility invaluable.
This should work for your case:
rename 's/\.jpeg-(\d+)/-$1.jpeg/g' images.jpeg-*
Note: I'm referring to the File::Rename module from Perl, not the rename utility that is included on many Linux distros in the util-linux package.
If you already have the version from util-linux, you may want to read this:
Get the Perl rename utility instead of the built-in rename.
If you're set on using a pure bash solution, or you just don't want the hassle of installing rename, this should work:
for i in images.jpeg-*; do
mv "$i" "images-${i##*-}.jpeg"


How to run list of perl regex from file in terminal

I'm fairly new to the whole coding game, and am very grateful for every answer!
I am working on a directory with many .txt files in them and have a file with looong list of regex like "perl -p -i -e 's/\n\n/\n/g' *.xml" they all work if I copy them to terminal. But is there a possibility to run them straight from the file?
I tried ./ but that resulted in:
No such file or directory.
Any ideas?
Thank you so much!
Here's a (mostly) equivalent Perl script to the oneliner perl -p -i -e 's/\n\n/\n/g' *.xml (one main difference being that this has strict and warnings enabled, which is strongly recommended), which you could expand upon by putting more code to modify the current line in the body of the while loop.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
if (!#ARGV) { # if no files on command line
#ARGV = glob('*.xml'); # get a default list of files
local $^I = ''; # enable inplace editing (like perl -i)
while (<>) { # read each line of each file into $_
s/\n\n/\n/g; # modify $_ with a regex
# more regexes here...
print; # write the line $_ back out
You can save this script in a file such as, and then run it with perl, or do chmod u+x and then run it via ./
On the other hand, you really shouldn't modify XML files with regular expressions, there are lots of Perl modules to do XML processing - I wrote about that some more here. Also, in the example you showed, s/\n\n/\n/g actually won't have any effect, since when reading files line-by-line, no string will contain two \n's (you can change how Perl reads files, but I don't see any mention of that in the question).
Edit: You've named the script in your example - if you're processing Unicode files, then Perl has very powerful features to help with that, although the code won't necessarily end up as nice and short as I've showed above. You'll have to tell us some more about what you're doing, and show some example input and output, to get suggestions about that. See also e.g. perlunitut.
It's likely if you got no such file or directory, your problem was you forgot to make executable, as in chmod +x, assuming that's a script that you wrote.
Of course the normal way to run multiple perl commands is this thing that looks like which you write, i.e., a perl script.
That said, yes, everything will work from the terminal, you just need to be careful about escaping that bash performs.

Rename multiple files with different names to same name and different numbers

I have multiple pictures of trucks with random messy names and different formats (jpeg, jpg, png etc.) and I want to rename them to "truck1.jpeg", "truck2.jpg", "truck3.png" and so on. How do I do it using the rename command?
It's probably easier to use bash and mv, since AFAIK you need something like bash to generate the number sequence. In bash
for x in *; do
echo $x '->' truck$i.${x##*.}
mv "$x" truck$i.${x##*.} && i=$((i+1))
The for x in * operates on all files whose names do not begin with a dot and are in the current directory. You can adjust the glob to be more exclusive, but this script will need modification if the files are in other directories. Again, probably easier to collect the files in one directory, or maybe put it in a script file and execute it in multiple directories using find ... -exec.
This uses i as a counter to generate the digits. The trick is the ${x##*.} expression which takes the file name and deletes everything up to the final dot. This allows you to preserve and reattach the file extension to the new name. You have to be careful to set i correctly or you will overwrite old truck1 files with new ones.

Mass rename in shell script

I have a bunch of files which are of this format:
Where YYYY.MM.DD is something like (2016.01.18)
I have quite a few folders with about 1000 files in each, so I wanted to have a simple script to rename them. I want to rename them to
So basically, I'm just stripping the date at the end. Here is what I have:
for f in [a-zA-Z]*.log.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]; do
mv -v $f ${f#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]};
This script outputs this:
mv: `blabla.log.2016.01.18' and `blabla.log.2016.01.18' are the same file
For more information:
I'm on windows, but I run this script in gitbash
For some reason, my gitbash doesn't recognize the "rename" command
Some regex patterns (like [0-9]{4} don't seem to work)
I'm really at a lost. Thanks.
EDIT: I need to rename every single file that has a date at the end and that is of the from: *.log.2016.01.18. They all need to keep their original names. All that should change is the removal of the date.
You have to use % instead of #: you want to remove from the end, not the start of your string.
Also, you're missing a . in what has to be removed, you don't want to end up with blabla.log..
Quoting the variable names prevents surprises when file names contain special characters.
mv -v "$f" "${f%.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]}"

Using regex with `rename` version from `util-linux`

I’m using a GNU/Linux distribution where the utility rename comes from util-linux and I want to make full use of regular (Perl or POSIX) expressions with it.
There are two versions of rename :
The “Perl” version, with syntax rename 's/^fgh/jkl/' fgh*
The util-linux version, with syntax rename fgh jkl fgh*
If the use of regexes seems pretty obvious with the first one, to which I have no easy access. However, I’m confused about the second one: I could not find any relevant documentation or examples on the possible use, and in that case the format, of the regular expressions to use.
Let’s take, to make a simple example, a directory containing:
I want to use a syntax like one of these two lines:
rename "foo_[a-z]([0-9]{1,2}).ext" "foo_\1.ext" *
rename "foo_[:alpha:]([:digit:]{1,2}).ext" "foo_\1.ext" *
for which the expected output would be:
Of course this does not work! Either I’m missing something obvious, or there is
no implemented way to use actual regular expressions with this tool.
(Please note that I am aware of the other possibilities for renaming files with regular expressions in a shell interpreter; this question aims at a specific version of the rename tool.)
Here is the manual page: It is pretty straightforward:
rename from to file...
rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first
occurrence of from in their name by to.
I believe there are no regexes, it is just plain substring match.
The following command gives the expected result with your input file but using the perl version:
rename 's/foo_\D+(\d+)/foo_$1/' *.ext
You can test the command using -n option to rename

Compounding switch regexes in Vim

I'm working on refactoring a bunch of PHP code for an instructor. The first thing I've decided to do is to update all the SQL files to be written in Drupal SQL coding conventions, i.e., to have all-uppercase keywords. I've written a few regular expressions:
:%s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
:%s/create database/CREATE DATABASE/gi
:%s/primary key/PRIMARY KEY/gi
:%s/not null/NOT NULL/gi
Okay, that's a start. Now I just open every SQL file in Vim, run all five regular expressions, and save. This feels like five times the work it should be. Can they be compounded in to one obnoxiously long but easily copy-pastable regex?
why do you have to do it in vim? how about sed/awk?
e.g. with sed
sed -e 's/create table/\U&/g' -e's/not null/\U&/g' -e 's/.../\U&/' *.sql
btw, in vi you may do
:%s/create table/\U&/g
to change case, well save some typing.
if you really want a long command to execute in vi, maybe you could try:
:%s/create table\|create database\|foo\|bar\|blah/\U&/g
Open the file containing that substitution commands.
Copy its contents (to the unnamed register, by default):
If there is only one file where the substitutions should be
performed, open it as usual and run the contents of that register
as a Normal mode command:
If there are several files to edit automatically, open those
files as arguments:
:args *.sql
Execute the yanked substitutions for each file in the argument list:
:argdo #"|up
(The :update command running after the substitutions, writes
the buffer to file if it has been changed.)
While sed can handle what you want (hovewer it can be interactive as you requestred by flag 'i'), vim still much powerfull. Once I needed to change last argument in some function call in 1M SLOC code base. The arguments could be in one line or in several lines. In vim I achieved it pretty easy.
You can open all php files in vim at once:
vim *.php
After that run in ex mode:
:bufdo! %s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
Repeat the rest of commands. At the end save all the files and exit vim: