Rename multiple files with different names to same name and different numbers - regex

I have multiple pictures of trucks with random messy names and different formats (jpeg, jpg, png etc.) and I want to rename them to "truck1.jpeg", "truck2.jpg", "truck3.png" and so on. How do I do it using the rename command?

It's probably easier to use bash and mv, since AFAIK you need something like bash to generate the number sequence. In bash
for x in *; do
echo $x '->' truck$i.${x##*.}
mv "$x" truck$i.${x##*.} && i=$((i+1))
The for x in * operates on all files whose names do not begin with a dot and are in the current directory. You can adjust the glob to be more exclusive, but this script will need modification if the files are in other directories. Again, probably easier to collect the files in one directory, or maybe put it in a script file and execute it in multiple directories using find ... -exec.
This uses i as a counter to generate the digits. The trick is the ${x##*.} expression which takes the file name and deletes everything up to the final dot. This allows you to preserve and reattach the file extension to the new name. You have to be careful to set i correctly or you will overwrite old truck1 files with new ones.


Using Bash to Move Digits From Specific Location in Filename

I have file names in the following format:
I would like to transform the file name of every file in a directory from the format above to the following format:
All the numbers at the end of the filenames are three digits long.
Based on this thread on another forum, I am thinking of something along the lines of:
for i in *; do mv "$i"\-(\d+) \-(\d+)"$i"; done
But am open to other Bash-based approaches.
Having done countless file renaming tasks using for loops in bash, I now find the rename utility invaluable.
This should work for your case:
rename 's/\.jpeg-(\d+)/-$1.jpeg/g' images.jpeg-*
Note: I'm referring to the File::Rename module from Perl, not the rename utility that is included on many Linux distros in the util-linux package.
If you already have the version from util-linux, you may want to read this:
Get the Perl rename utility instead of the built-in rename.
If you're set on using a pure bash solution, or you just don't want the hassle of installing rename, this should work:
for i in images.jpeg-*; do
mv "$i" "images-${i##*-}.jpeg"

Iterating over directory with specified path in Bash

for fileName in $bins
echo $fileName
My goal is to attach a path to my file name. I can iterate over a folder and get the file name when I don't attach the path. My challenge is when I add the path echo fileName my regular expression no longer works and I get "/home/erikrasmussen/Desktop/Script/realLargeMetaBatBinscontigs.fa.metabat-bins-*" where the regular expression '*' is treated like a string. How can I get the path and also the full file name while iterating over a folder of files?
Although I don't really know how your files are arranged on your hard drive, a casual glance at "/home/erikrasmussen/Desktop/Script/realLargeMetaBatBinscontigs.fa.metabat-bins-*" suggests that it is missing a / before contigs. If that is the case, then you should change your definition of bins to:
However, it is much more robust to use bash arrays instead of relying on filenames to not include whitespace and metacharacters. So I would suggest:
for fileName in "${bins[#]}"
echo "$fileName"
Bash normally does not expand a pattern which doesn't match any file, so in that case you will see the original pattern. If you use the array formulation above, you could set the bash option nullglob, which will cause the unmatched pattern to vanish instead, leaving an empty array.

Mass rename in shell script

I have a bunch of files which are of this format:
Where YYYY.MM.DD is something like (2016.01.18)
I have quite a few folders with about 1000 files in each, so I wanted to have a simple script to rename them. I want to rename them to
So basically, I'm just stripping the date at the end. Here is what I have:
for f in [a-zA-Z]*.log.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]; do
mv -v $f ${f#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]};
This script outputs this:
mv: `blabla.log.2016.01.18' and `blabla.log.2016.01.18' are the same file
For more information:
I'm on windows, but I run this script in gitbash
For some reason, my gitbash doesn't recognize the "rename" command
Some regex patterns (like [0-9]{4} don't seem to work)
I'm really at a lost. Thanks.
EDIT: I need to rename every single file that has a date at the end and that is of the from: *.log.2016.01.18. They all need to keep their original names. All that should change is the removal of the date.
You have to use % instead of #: you want to remove from the end, not the start of your string.
Also, you're missing a . in what has to be removed, you don't want to end up with blabla.log..
Quoting the variable names prevents surprises when file names contain special characters.
mv -v "$f" "${f%.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]}"

bulk file renaming in bash, to remove name with spaces, leaving trailing digits

Can a bash/shell expert help me in this? Each time I use PDF to split large pdf file (say its name is X.pdf) into separate pages, where each page is one pdf file, it creates files with this pattern
"X 1.pdf"
"X 2.pdf"
"X 3.pdf" etc...
The file name "X" above is the original file name, which can be anything. It then adds one space after the name, then the page number. Page numbers always start from 1 and up to how many pages. There is no option in adobe PDF to change this.
I need to run a shell command to simply remove/strip out all the "X " part, and just leave the digits, like this
100.pdf ...etc..
Not being good in pattern matching, not sure what regular expression I need.
I know I need something like
for i in *.pdf; do mv "$i$" ........; done
And it is the ....... part I do not know how to do.
This only needs to run on Linux/Unix system.
Use sed..
for i in *.pdf; do mv "$i" $(sed 's/.*[[:blank:]]//' <<< "$i"); done
And it would be simple through rename
rename 's/.*\s//' *.pdf
You can remove everything up to (including) the last space in the variable with this:
${i##* }
That's "star space" after the double hash, meaning "anything followed by space". ${i#* } would remove up to the first space.
So run this to check:
for i in *.pdf; do echo mv -i -- "$i" "${i##* }" ; done
and remove the echo if it looks good. The -i suggested by Gordon Davisson will prompt you before overwriting, and -- signifies end of options, which prevents things from blowing up if you ever have filenames starting with -.
If you just want to do bulk renaming of files (or directories) and don't mind using external tools, then here's mine: rnm
The command to do what you want would be:
rnm -rs '/.*\s//' *.pdf
.*\s selects the part before (and with) the last white space and replaces it with empty string.
It doesn't overwrite any existing files (throws warning if it finds an existing file with the target name).
And this operation is failsafe. You can get back the changes made by last rnm command with rnm -u.
Here's a list of documents for rnm.

Regex and shell - multiple recursive rename

I have a folder with several hundreds of folders inside it. These folders contain another folder each, called images, and in this folder there is sometimes a strictly numerically named .jpg file. Sometimes there are other JPG files in the folder as well, but these need to be ignored if they aren't strictly numeric.
I would like to learn how to write a script which would, when run in a given folder, traverse every single subfolder and look for this numeric file. It would then add the "_n" suffix to a copy of each, if such a file does not already exist.
Can this be done through the unix terminal easily?
To be more specific, this is the structure I'm dealing with:
master folder
After the script is run, the situation would look like this:
master folder
Update: Sorry about the typo, I accidentally put 2235 into 47772.
Update 2: Regarding the 2nd comment on the's answer, the OS I am currently on (at work) is MacOS, but my main machines are running CentOS and Ubuntu at home, so I just assumed my situation applies to all unix based systems.
You can use the -regex switch to find to match /somefolder/images/numeric.jpg:
find -type f -regex './[^/]+/images/[0-9]+\.jpg$'
Edit: refinement from #JonathanLeffler: add -type f to find so it only finds files (ie don't match a directory called '12345.jpg').
The ./[^/]+/ is for the first folder (if that first folder is always numeric too you can change it to [0-9]+).
The [0-9]+\.jpg$ means a jpg file with file name only being numeric.
You might want to change the jpg to jpe?g to allow .jpeg, but that's up to you.
Then it's a matter of copying these to xxx_n.jpg.
for f in $(find -type f -regex './[^/]+/images/[0-9]+\.jpg$')
# replace '.jpg' in $f (filename) with '_n.jpg'
# see if this new file exists
if [ ! -f $newf ];
# if not exists, copy it.
cp "$f" "$newf"
What should be the logic behind the renames in Folder 47772? If we assume you want to rename all the files just consisting of numbers to numbers + _n
With mmv you could write it like:
mmv "[0-9][0-9]*.jpg" "#1#2#3_n.jpg"
Note: mmv is for moving; mcp is for copying, and so is more appropriate to this question.
Question of Vader:
Well I checked the man page and the problem is that it's a bit strange.
I was thinking [0-9]* would match zero or more numbers. I turns out that this assumption was wrong.
The problem is that I could not tell I want two or more numbers at the start of the name.
So [0-9][0-9]* matches a name starting with at least two numbers (after that it takes all the rest up to the .. Now every [0-9] is one pattern and so I had to make the to pattern into:
"#1#2#3_n.jpg" With e.g 1234.jpg I have #1 = 1; #2 = 2, #3 = 34 So
#1#2#3 -> 1234; _n appends the _n and .jpg the extension
However it would rename also files with 12some_other_stuff.jpg sot 12some_other_stuff_n.jpg. It's not ideal but achieves in this context what was intended.