Python Cx_Oracle; How Can I Execute a SQL Insert using a list as a parameter - python-2.7

I generate a list of ID numbers. I want to execute an insert statement that grabs all records from one table where the ID value is in my list and insert those records into another table.
Instead of running through multiple execute statements (as I know is possible), I found this cx_Oracle function, that supposedly can execute everything with a single statement and list parameter. (It also avoids the clunky formatting of the SQL statement before passing in the parameters) But I think I need to alter my list before passing it in as a parameter. Just not sure how.
I referenced this web page:
ids = getIDs()
sql = """insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3
from scheme.oldtable
where id in (%s)"""
cursor.executemany(None, ids)
I expected the SQL statement to execute as follows:
Insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3 from scheme.oldtable where id in ('12345','24567','78945','65423')
Instead I get the following error:
ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
I found this StackOverflow: How can I do a batch insert into an Oracle database using Python?
I updated my code to prepare the statement before hand and updated the list items to tuples and I'm still getting the same error.

You use executemany() for batch DML, e.g. when you want to insert a large number of values into a table as an efficient equivalent of running multiple insert statements. There are cx_Oracle examples discussed in
However what you are doing with
insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3
from scheme.oldtable
where id in (%s)
is a different thing - you are trying to execute one INSERT statement using multiple values in an IN clause. You would use a normal execute() for this.
Since Oracle keeps bind data distinct from SQL, you can't pass in multiple values to a single bind parameter because the data is treated as a single SQL entity, not a list of values. You could use %s string substitution syntax you have, but this is open to SQL Injection attacks.
There are various generic techniques that are common to Oracle language interfaces, see for solutions that you can rewrite to Python syntax.

using temporary table to save ids (batch insert)
cursor.prepare('insert into temp_table values (:1)')
dictList = [{'1': x} for x in ids]
cursor.executemany(None, dictList)
then insert selected value into newtable
sql="insert into scheme.newtable (selectid, data1, data2, data3 from scheme.oldtable inner join temp_table on ="
the script of create temporary table in oracle
ID number
I hope this useful.


How to RENAME struct/array nested columns using ALTER TABLE in BigQuery?

Suppose we have the following table in BigQuery:
CREATE TABLE sample_dataset.sample_table (
id INT
,struct_geo STRUCT
country STRING
,state STRING
,city STRING
,array_info ARRAY
,value STRING
I want to rename the columns inside the STRUCT and the ARRAY using an ALTER TABLE command. It's possible to follow the Google documentation available here for normal columns ("non-nested" columns) i:
ALTER TABLE sample_dataset.sample_table
But when I try to run the same command for nested columns I got errors from BigQuery.
Running the command for a column inside a STRUCT gives me the following message:
ALTER TABLE sample_dataset.sample_table
RENAME COLUMN `` TO `struct_geo.str_country`
The exact same message appears when I run the same statement, but targeting a column inside an ARRAY:
ALTER TABLE sample_dataset.sample_table
RENAME COLUMN `array_info.str_key` TO `array_info.str_key`
Error: ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN not found: array_info.str_key
I got stuck since the BigQuery documentation about nested columns (available here) lacks examples of ALTER TABLE statements and refers directly to the default documentation for non-nested columns.
I understand that I can rename the columns by simply creating a new table using a CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT ... and then passing the new column names as aliases, but this would run a query over the whole table, which I'd rather avoid since my original table weighs way over 10TB...
Thanks in advance for any tips or solutions!

Python + MySQL DB dynamic insert query based on number of columns to insert

I'm pretty novice at programming (recently learned functions), and have found myself re-writing the same "insert into mysql table" function (below) from script to script... mainly to just modify these two section - (name,insert_ts) &&& VALUES (%s, %s)
Is there a good way to re-write the below to accept ANY number of values , based on length of a tuple that contains values as well as inserting the column headers based on 'labels' list? VALUES (%s, %s) and this part (name,insert_ts)
list_of_tuples = [] #list of records to be inserted.
#take a list of dictionaries - and create a list of tuples in proper format/order
for dict1 in output:
one_list = []
labels = ['name', 'insert_ts']
#db_write accepts table name as str, labels as str, and output as list of tuples
def db_write(table,labels,output):
local_cursor.executemany(""" INSERT INTO my_table
(name,insert_ts) #this is pulled from 'labels'
VALUES (%s, %s) #number of %s comes from len(labels)
, list_of_tuples)
#print 'done posting!'
Or, is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, using mysqldb?
Thank you all in advance!
After a bit of experience (3 months, heh), wanted to update everyone on the solution that seems to work pretty well!
Instead of using mysqldb, I spent some time learning how to use SQL Alchemy python package, and would recommend everyone do the same!
SQL Alchemy allows you to:
1) Define a table within python code (used Excel to come up with column names, etc).
2) Most important! You can pass on a dictionary to SQL Alchemy, and as long as dictionary's key names match the table's key names, everything will magically get posted to your SQL table. If you have 60 columns in your sql table, but your dict has only two keys - BAM, SQL Alchemy will take care of everything and post just the two values, and leave the other values in MySQL as blanks. MAGIC!

Oracle Apex Middle Table Insert

I have the following tables:- evaluations, evaluation_options and options. I am trying to create an evaluation and evaluation_option on one page.
To create the evaluation_option I will need evaluation_id after an evaluation is created. I am getting the option_id from a List of Value.
At this point, I am not sure how to get this done as I am new to PL-SQL & SQL.
For this, I did a dynamic query to create both tables. I don't think this is the best way of getting the job done, I am open up to resolve this in the right way.
This is my code:-
INSERT INTO EVALUATIONS (class_student_rotations_id, strengths,
SELECT id into row_id FROM EVALUATIONS WHERE ROWID=(select max(rowid)
INTO evaluation_options (option_id, evaluation_id) VALUES

Passing a Dynamic List of Values into Table.Combine

I have a relatively simple issue, which seems as if it should be achievable, but I have tried absolutely everything with no success.
Here is the situation:
Using Power Query inside Excel I would like to be able to combine multiple queries (lets call these: Query1, Query2 and Query3) into one single query using the Table.Combine function.
The only catch is that the list of queries I will be combining will be dynamic and dependant on another query (lets call this: QueryList)
For example, under certain circumstances QueryList will be:
and under some other condtions QueryList may simply be:
What I would like to do is to be able to parse the value of QueryList into the Table.Combine Function:
eg. Table.Combine(#"QueryList")
and thereby allow dynamic consolidation of queries
Whats happening is that I am getting an error that states:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert the value "Query1" to type Table.
I have tried variations of Table.ToList, using { } to create a list, TableFromlist, all with no success (normally errors complain about not being able to comvert from text to list or to table etc.
Thanks in advance for the help.
If your QueryList would be {Query1, Query2} then Table.Combine(QueryList) would work.
Apparently, your QueryList is {"Query1", "Query2"}.
So the strings must be converted to tables, which can be done using Expression.Evaluate. As second parameter, you must supply a record with all possible queries, so the formula becomes, for Query1, Query2, Query3:
= Table.Combine(List.Transform(QueryList, each Expression.Evaluate(_, [Query1 = Query1, Query2 = Query2, Query3 = Query3])))

Ignite SqlFieldsQuery specific keys

Using the ignite C++ API, I'm trying to find a way to perform an SqlFieldsQuery to select a specific field, but would like to do this for a set of keys.
One way to do this, is to do the SqlFieldsQuery like this,
SqlFieldsQuery("select field from Table where _key in (" + keys_string + ")")
where the keys_string is the list of the keys as a comma separated string.
Unfortunately, this takes a very long time compared to just doing cache.GetAll(keys) for the set of keys, keys.
Is there an alternative, faster way of getting a specific field for a set of keys from an ignite cache?
After reading the answers, I tried changing the query to:
auto query = SqlFieldsQuery("select field from Table t join table(_key bigint = ?) i on t._key = i._key")
I then add the arguments from my set of keys like this:
for(const auto& key: keys) query.AddArgument(key);
but when running the query, I get the error:
Failed to bind parameter [idx=2, obj=159957, stmt=prep0: select field from Table t join table(_key bigint = ?) i on t._key = i._key {1: 159956}]
Clearly, this doesn't work because there is only one '?'.
So I then tried to pass a vector<int64_t> of the keys, but I got an error which basically says that std::vector<int64_t> did not specialize the ignite BinaryType. So I did this as defined here. When calling e.g.
writer.WriteInt64Array("data",, data.size())
I gave the field a arbitrary name "data". This then results in the error:
Failed to run map query remotely.
Unfortunately, the C++ API is neither well documented, nor complete, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something or that the API does not allow for passing an array as argument to the SqlFieldsQuery.
Query that uses IN clause doesn't always use indexes properly. The workaround for this is described here:
Also if you have an option to to GetAll instead and lookup by key directly, then you should use it. It will likely be more effective anyway.
Query with operator "IN" will not always use indexes. As a workaround, you can rewrite the query in the following way:
select field from Table t join table(id bigint = ?) i on =
and then invoke it like:
new SqlFieldsQuery(
"select field from Table t join table(id bigint = ?) i on =")
.setArgs(new Object[]{ new Integer[] {2, 3, 4} }))