Oracle Apex Middle Table Insert - oracle-apex

I have the following tables:- evaluations, evaluation_options and options. I am trying to create an evaluation and evaluation_option on one page.
To create the evaluation_option I will need evaluation_id after an evaluation is created. I am getting the option_id from a List of Value.
At this point, I am not sure how to get this done as I am new to PL-SQL & SQL.

For this, I did a dynamic query to create both tables. I don't think this is the best way of getting the job done, I am open up to resolve this in the right way.
This is my code:-
INSERT INTO EVALUATIONS (class_student_rotations_id, strengths,
SELECT id into row_id FROM EVALUATIONS WHERE ROWID=(select max(rowid)
INTO evaluation_options (option_id, evaluation_id) VALUES


Fetch Returns only 1 Row - Interactive Grid - Oracle Apex

I have an interactive grid which has a dynamic action to fetch returns from another table
for c in (select
where so_id = :so_id)
end loop;
When I had simple select into query, it gave "exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows" thn I applied the above code but it returns only 2nd row. I have 2 rows in the table for this ID.
For what I understand, you want to get some extra data columns. Your best shot is to create a view to join these table and deliver the columns you need. If you need editing, you will have to create an instead of trigger on the view as well, to do a correct dml on one or both tables.
create view which joins both tables
create instead of trigger (if you need editing)
query of the Interactive Grid should be on the view
This solution adds the extra data columns to the source of the IG, which is better and easier in my opinion.

Append 2 queries result in repeating of data from first query

I am new to PowerBI and trying to append 2 queries into new query. But it is repeating data from the first query set and not creating an Append(I think i am correct if it is same as UNION in SQL). Here are the snapshots:
Resulting Append
Let me know what is wrong in this
In your data set it is doing a Union on the data as you mentioned. Append in Power Query will NOT remove duplicates (like a UNION ALL in SQL), you will have to use a 'Group By' step or 'Remove Duplicates' step after the append to remove the duplicates
Hope that helps
Go to Edit Queries and select your Query1 then go to Home > Append Queries as New. Chose your two tables (Query1 and Query2) and hit OK.
This should exactly append the two queries, without repeating any duplicates.

Python Cx_Oracle; How Can I Execute a SQL Insert using a list as a parameter

I generate a list of ID numbers. I want to execute an insert statement that grabs all records from one table where the ID value is in my list and insert those records into another table.
Instead of running through multiple execute statements (as I know is possible), I found this cx_Oracle function, that supposedly can execute everything with a single statement and list parameter. (It also avoids the clunky formatting of the SQL statement before passing in the parameters) But I think I need to alter my list before passing it in as a parameter. Just not sure how.
I referenced this web page:
ids = getIDs()
sql = """insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3
from scheme.oldtable
where id in (%s)"""
cursor.executemany(None, ids)
I expected the SQL statement to execute as follows:
Insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3 from scheme.oldtable where id in ('12345','24567','78945','65423')
Instead I get the following error:
ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
I found this StackOverflow: How can I do a batch insert into an Oracle database using Python?
I updated my code to prepare the statement before hand and updated the list items to tuples and I'm still getting the same error.
You use executemany() for batch DML, e.g. when you want to insert a large number of values into a table as an efficient equivalent of running multiple insert statements. There are cx_Oracle examples discussed in
However what you are doing with
insert into scheme.newtable
select id, data1, data2, data3
from scheme.oldtable
where id in (%s)
is a different thing - you are trying to execute one INSERT statement using multiple values in an IN clause. You would use a normal execute() for this.
Since Oracle keeps bind data distinct from SQL, you can't pass in multiple values to a single bind parameter because the data is treated as a single SQL entity, not a list of values. You could use %s string substitution syntax you have, but this is open to SQL Injection attacks.
There are various generic techniques that are common to Oracle language interfaces, see for solutions that you can rewrite to Python syntax.
using temporary table to save ids (batch insert)
cursor.prepare('insert into temp_table values (:1)')
dictList = [{'1': x} for x in ids]
cursor.executemany(None, dictList)
then insert selected value into newtable
sql="insert into scheme.newtable (selectid, data1, data2, data3 from scheme.oldtable inner join temp_table on ="
the script of create temporary table in oracle
ID number
I hope this useful.

"str contains" Function SIDDHI

i have a queshion.
Can I make a query and use the "str:contains" function with two events.
For example replace:
from DSBStream[(str:contains(correlation_phr_incident_detail, '')==FALSE)]
select *
insert into DSBFiltered;
from DSBStream#window.length(0) join Trazablack as t
on (str:contains(correlation_phr_incident_detail, t.atribute)==FALSE)
select t.sensorValue as sensorValue
insert current events into trazawhite;
this is possible?
This is not possible since Trazablack is a RDBMS event table. As a work around you can divide the query in to two parts where first query will get atribute from table by joining and second query will check srt:contains.

Bulk inserts with Sitecore Rocks

Is it possible to do a bulk insert with Sitecore Rocks? Something along the lines of SQL's
If so, what is the syntax? I'd like to add an item under any other item of a given template type.
I've tried using this syntax:
insert into (
Path + '/Item',
To this, Query Analyzer responds:
"values" expected at position 440.
Please note that I have not found a working concatenation operator. For example,
Select ##item + '/value' from //sitecore/content/home/*
just returns '/value'. I've also tried ||, &&, and CONCATENATE without success.
There is apparently a way of doing bulk updates with CSV, but doing bulk updates directly from Sitecore Query Analyzer would be very useful
Currently you cannot do bulk inserts, but it is a really nice idea. I'll see what I can do.
Regarding the concatenation operator, this following works in the Query Analyzer:
select #Text + "/Value" from /sitecore/content/Home
This returns "Welcome to Sitecore/Value".
The ##item just returns empty, because it is not a valid system attribute.