Running c or c++ code in standalone Xcode playground [closed] - c++

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to create a standalone playground and just drop a bunch of swift code into the Sources folder. I also have dependency on c/c++ code, so I also dropped those, and added a Bridging Header.
These bunch of files compiled together in an Xcode project. However, i can't get them to work as a standalone Playground. Note that I aint trying to write c in the playground, but Swift code that in terms are wrapper for that C.
Any idea how thats done? if possible.
Note: Not sure why my Q is voted down. It is legit. Again, I plan to write Swift code in playground, but need a 3rd party library that has C files in it.

Playgrounds are Swift only.
What I do when I'm experimenting with language subtleties is to use a Mac command-line tool. It doesn't have a UI, and doesn't have the overhead of launching the simulator. Command line tools can be in any combination of supported languages.
Obviously this wouldn't help if the code you are working on is iOS specific, but there's actually quite a bit of overlap in the Foundation and Core Foundation frameworks.
If what you have is a third party library, you should be able to build it into a Cocoa framework and include that in your playground. See this link for more (somewhat out of date) information:


Django and Bootstrap relationship [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working on a development road map for a django project. My choosen IDE is pycharm pro and mock up tool is bootstrap studio. One of my criteria is a calendar and I have discovered that none of the existing public projects will meet my needs so I will have to create one from scratch (no problem). My typical approach would have been that the UI and the django project would be done in near parallel periodically merging and diverging the two. However, given the ability of the two software tools, I'm starting to think that that a better approach may be to do the UI first in BSS, next import the templates into the django project and finally perform the django dev to meet the needs of the UI.
The specific calendar functionality is not the issue here, this is a methodology question. While I know that there is a subjective answer to this question (which is not the "answer" I'm looking for here), there also has to be an objective answer as to why this would not work, or be the incorrect approach.
Doing the UI first is fine if you already know exactly what you want it to do and can specify that. Doing the Django first lets you play around with a working rough version and get a better feel for what works best before fine tuning the look and feel. Like you suggest, working on them both together will let each inform the other.

How to compile C++ code for Roku? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an android streaming client application which uses Java and cpp code. I want to port my application to Roku. I understand that Roku recommends only BrightScript for apps development.
1) According to this link (C/C++ development in Roku), gaming application can be written in cpp using marmalade and compiled for Roku.
2) But this link (How feasible is Roku app development with Marmalade?) clearly says marmalade can not be used for streaming application.
3) My questions are
(A) Is it possible to compile cpp for for roku?
(B) Where can I find the toolchain for building?
(C) If UI is developed using BrightScript, how can I call cpp functions from it?
You can't. Not independently from Roku Inc anyway - you will need a very close collaboration from them, which means you should be able to persuade their business development/partners department you are worth time and money. In other words, your company better be a household name.
You cannot "find" the C toolchain, it may only be bestowed to you by the Co on individual basis, after approval and under NDA.
If you don't have special relationship (project/contract) with Roku Inc, for non-games you can only develop in BrightScript. It's a mandate, not recommendation.
Specifically for your case, best option seems to be to use the already existing streaming formats/components the Roku API already provides. BrightScript is a script language, not fast enough to write a codec.
You have to use brightscript for Roku Streaming applications.

Xcode C++ window application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm studying at university. My classmates working in Visual Studio but I have Mac and I want to work in xCode. The programming language is C++.
I need to create a window application with a button and text label. When I click on the button the text in label must change.
Can you help me? How I can create window applications in Xcode in C++ and work with UI? Thank you.
Use QT on Mac instead. Applications created using XCode can only run on OSX and iOS. Also, to create UI in XCode you need to use Interface Builder in XCode. Google Interface builder tutorial.
In general, GUI development is platform specific (Cocoa for OS X,.Net for Windows, GTK+ for Linux).
If your classes are doing GUI development, you should use whatever they are. If they are using Windows, then you need to use whatever tools and libraries they are using. If they aren't doing GUI development, then do whatever you like - but remember that GUI development is generally platform specific.
The exception to that generality is cross-platform suites like Qt (which isn't really completely cross-platform). But, like Java, that portability comes at the cost of having a massive infrastructure and unique build system. There's nothing wrong with wanting to learn and develop in it...just don't do it by ignoring your classes.
Qt does have a free open-source licensed version. You can look into it more on the Qt-project site:

Looking to develop my own small C++ browser that basically will display HTML, Javascript, and Flash, where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to start developing a browser (operating system isn't an issue, but preferring Linux or Windows). I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I know Visual Studio lets you drop a lightweight IE component into it, but I don't want IE's issues. I was hoping to start with a very basic mozilla build, but I cant seem to find one anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find a good open source starting point OR how to start this on my own?
If you're not opposed to using Qt, then Qt's Webkit implementation could be a fairly clean start for cross-platform work:
Note in particular the "Fancy Browser" sample:
There are many customizations possible and ways of hooking the engine. There's also support for Flash, though I've not tried that:
Although you can use Qt with other compilers/IDEs, the quickest way to get started is with Qt Creator. After installing it there should only be a few clicks needed to get the QtWebkit examples building, on either Windows or Linux:

Using Google Chromium's Views Project as an Application Framework in C++ [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have had contact with Google Chromium Code and that’s terrific for building applications with. The problem now lies that no-one has tried to use it outside Google Chromium Project. What I have in mind is to develop an open source project which may be used for this purpose. The fundamental goals would be:
Guarantee Linux-Windows support for the same code.
Take advantage of all resources available like thread control, stats, unit test…
Make it clearer how to use Skia for graphic effects and customizations.
Present a useful application doing the most of this.
Integrate C++ and JavaScript code using V8
Use Webkit for rendering html content
There’s a chance of it get off the paper. What do YOU think?
Claudio M. Souza Junior
I create it for the same reason like you.
chromium is great project. It's code could be useful to using in other project. but It need time to extract it. I see one project to extract the ui part, but it change too many for noreason for example it change the .cc to .cpp. my project extract the base, ui, view part for the origin project, rm the ICU (it's so big) and gurl(you can add it quick) keep the gyp, gclient, grit-i18n, gtest, gmock... change the code little. and keep the extract history. I add a new type of messageloop for using it in the MFC(for company project :( ) now it can only work on Windows but it's no so hard to make it work on linux.(google do it all)
for use the browser in you project you can see the for help.
It's great this project help you a litte. I at first think it's a no one care project.
I'm assuming you have looked at the extensively documented and developed QtWebkit and know why you don't want to use that?
I'm sure it will be easier to use V8 in a QtWebkit application than to somehow tear out Chromium's "View project".
Qt has the bonus that as long as you operate within the framework, everything will work on a lot of different platforms (more than Chomium now supports I think).