Using Google Chromium's Views Project as an Application Framework in C++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have had contact with Google Chromium Code and that’s terrific for building applications with. The problem now lies that no-one has tried to use it outside Google Chromium Project. What I have in mind is to develop an open source project which may be used for this purpose. The fundamental goals would be:
Guarantee Linux-Windows support for the same code.
Take advantage of all resources available like thread control, stats, unit test…
Make it clearer how to use Skia for graphic effects and customizations.
Present a useful application doing the most of this.
Integrate C++ and JavaScript code using V8
Use Webkit for rendering html content
There’s a chance of it get off the paper. What do YOU think?
Claudio M. Souza Junior

I create it for the same reason like you.
chromium is great project. It's code could be useful to using in other project. but It need time to extract it. I see one project to extract the ui part, but it change too many for noreason for example it change the .cc to .cpp. my project extract the base, ui, view part for the origin project, rm the ICU (it's so big) and gurl(you can add it quick) keep the gyp, gclient, grit-i18n, gtest, gmock... change the code little. and keep the extract history. I add a new type of messageloop for using it in the MFC(for company project :( ) now it can only work on Windows but it's no so hard to make it work on linux.(google do it all)
for use the browser in you project you can see the for help.
It's great this project help you a litte. I at first think it's a no one care project.

I'm assuming you have looked at the extensively documented and developed QtWebkit and know why you don't want to use that?
I'm sure it will be easier to use V8 in a QtWebkit application than to somehow tear out Chromium's "View project".
Qt has the bonus that as long as you operate within the framework, everything will work on a lot of different platforms (more than Chomium now supports I think).


Running c or c++ code in standalone Xcode playground [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to create a standalone playground and just drop a bunch of swift code into the Sources folder. I also have dependency on c/c++ code, so I also dropped those, and added a Bridging Header.
These bunch of files compiled together in an Xcode project. However, i can't get them to work as a standalone Playground. Note that I aint trying to write c in the playground, but Swift code that in terms are wrapper for that C.
Any idea how thats done? if possible.
Note: Not sure why my Q is voted down. It is legit. Again, I plan to write Swift code in playground, but need a 3rd party library that has C files in it.
Playgrounds are Swift only.
What I do when I'm experimenting with language subtleties is to use a Mac command-line tool. It doesn't have a UI, and doesn't have the overhead of launching the simulator. Command line tools can be in any combination of supported languages.
Obviously this wouldn't help if the code you are working on is iOS specific, but there's actually quite a bit of overlap in the Foundation and Core Foundation frameworks.
If what you have is a third party library, you should be able to build it into a Cocoa framework and include that in your playground. See this link for more (somewhat out of date) information:

Can anybody recommend an app in google drive for editing c++ files? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I store my school programming work on google drive. From home I just access the google drive file on my computer, but I can't do that from school.
Can anybody recommend an app for editing cpp files in google drive? Preferably free, poor college student and all that.
I found drivecode, but it doesn't seem to work with cpp files and on header files it's not doing any markup.
Neutron Drive seems like exactly what I need, but it's not free.
Alternatively, any suggestions on another cloud-based development platform that I could use would work too.
screw Google driver, for single files use
for large project as said above, start learning mercurial. later you will need it professionally.
In light of the comments under the question, I think the best option is actually to use a service like gitHub, mercurial, bazaar, or svn, because of the availability of version control in those platforms.
You might also want to try out Google Code, it's not quite as advanced as GIT and hopefully it's not blocked either. Also, you already have a Google account, so you won't have to make a new account for anything.
Google Code allows full editing capabilities online, but you can also create a repository using it and download your code when you're ready to compile. You may need to learn a little bit about it before you can start, but once you upload your code you can edit it all right there, and it also formats automatically, making it better than Drive.
If Google Code is in fact blocked, I would also suggest trying GIT or some other service, but they're a little more advanced. Google Code has served me well for simple projects in the past.
Go to

Looking to develop my own small C++ browser that basically will display HTML, Javascript, and Flash, where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to start developing a browser (operating system isn't an issue, but preferring Linux or Windows). I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I know Visual Studio lets you drop a lightweight IE component into it, but I don't want IE's issues. I was hoping to start with a very basic mozilla build, but I cant seem to find one anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find a good open source starting point OR how to start this on my own?
If you're not opposed to using Qt, then Qt's Webkit implementation could be a fairly clean start for cross-platform work:
Note in particular the "Fancy Browser" sample:
There are many customizations possible and ways of hooking the engine. There's also support for Flash, though I've not tried that:
Although you can use Qt with other compilers/IDEs, the quickest way to get started is with Qt Creator. After installing it there should only be a few clicks needed to get the QtWebkit examples building, on either Windows or Linux:

Funding for MathML rendering library [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an unfinished MathML rendering library written in C++. I ceased development a few months ago due to lack of time. The library [still] uses the TrueType version (unsupported) of the STIX fonts beta [version 1.0 of the STIX fonts (OpenType Postscript format) has since been released].
Development of this kind of library is a HUGE undertaking and, in fact, requires a number of programmers/developers. In my case, I am doing it alone, and here's my question:
Does anyone of you know of any foundations/philanthropists who may be interested to fund my project in return for open sourcing the code?
The funding will serve as an incentive for me to finish the library - perhaps by taking a sabbatical :p - and, of course, as 'payment' for the intellectual property involved.
I've searched the web, contacted some [e.g., foundations, VCs, angels, etc.], but I either did not get a response (from VCs and angels) or was rejected (one reason is geography since these foundations support only US-based projects).
As an aside, when I search the web for MathML, the results are often outdated. I guess there's not much activity concerning MathML. Yet, I believe this library will be very useful not only to developers but also to anyone who uses math, especially students and teachers. It is useful for e-learning, can be used with desktop apps and web servers (Windows), makes it easy to insert images of formulas in PowerPoint documents, etc.
Any suggestions are most welcome. Thank you.
EDITS: I have finished this library finally without funding, although I don't rule out seeking one.
You can find my new site below with lots of sample formulas; click on the download link to download the SDK. (preferred for statistical reason) (please use the above link instead)
DON'T forget to provide some feedback - or donations. Thanks!!!!!
Since we've already got open source MathML (Firefox has had it for years) that mean you'd have to do something better than the existing OSS solutions. And at that point, why not work on an existing open source project?
So that leaves commercial apps that may want a closed library for MathML rendering. I would go after companies like the makers of MathCad, Matlab, or any other engineering software that may want to display equations neatly. You should have something that already works for some subset of the things you/they will want it to do. You should also turn yourself into a company before going to those places so they take you seriously and you can license it to multiple customers. Otherwise the most you're likely to get is a job offer where they'd like you to hand over what you've got (for free if they can get you to) and then work on it as an employee - which may be all you want if you love it and hate your day job ;-)
You should probably ask on www-math list, also if you ask there, we can list your application in the software implementations page

Is soapUI the best web services testing tool/client/framework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been working on a web services related project for about the last year. Our team found soapUI near the start of our project and we have been mostly(*) satisfied with it (the free version, that is).
My question is: are there other tools/clients/frameworks that you have used/currently use for web services testing and would recommend?
(*) There are some weird GUI glitches that appear once in a while. As is mentioned by some of the answers, we attributed this to a memory leak.
I use soapUI, and it's generally pretty good. Be aware that it seems to leak memory, and eventually it will no longer save your project, so save regularly!
This is about the only hassle I have with it (other than the general ugliness that almost every Java application has!), and I can't live without it.
There's an eclipse plugin that allows you to do web service discovery, testing, etc - see Eclipse Web Services Tools.
I think it's much better than SoapUI, at least on Mac OS X.
Call it laziness but I kind of gave up looking a while after I found SoapUI - its not perfect (what is) but it does its job very well (especially given the price).
More importantly given that there is scripting to allow you to set up automated tests we're heading towards an investment in the product.
Might be nice if it was better on Windows (we do .NET development, mostly ASP.NET) but for the price... (-:
I've released an open source project for generating web service requests and making calls.
Whether something is the best is pretty subjective but give the program a try and compare it for yourself
Download it at
We've been using SoapUI since 1.x (will soon be adopting 3.0 from 2.5.1) and are all happy.
It's much more stable when running with native LnF (File - Preferences - UI Settings - Native LF).
I know it's available as an Eclipse plugin as well, but last I tried I failed to find how to add JAR-files to it (i.e. bin/ext in the stand-alone variant).