My Visual Studio is not letting me start my program - visual-studio-2017

I keep clicking on start program and due to my anti virus software(AVG), it says something along the terms of it having a chance to be a harm to my computer. and it then says its all fine and the system will start up soon, but it doesn't, nothing happens at all. I'm very new to Visual Studio, can someone explain it to me please


Visual Studio 2010 stops implementing changes to executables

I believe there is a glitch in Visual Studio 2010 which has haunted me for several years, across numerous different computers irrespective of the Windows version. It happens in both the express and ultimate editions. I have tried restarting my computer, instead of using shutdown, which did not help.
After coding for a period of time, I will make a change to my C code, for example changing something or perhaps adding a message box. However, this change does not appear in the executable, and I often make numerous changes before I realise this glitch has happened.
I have made a habit of clicking save all, save, Clean Solution, and then Build. There are no errors, warnings, and I can check the executable was not in the release folder before compilation.
I routinely lose hours of progress from this bug, as I am mislead into thinking my bug fixes are incorrect, when in actual fact Visual Studio has decided to ignore my changes. It appears to occur when I am rapidly recompiling my executable because I am only making small changes, such as changing strings, and I need then execute the binary to check the changes.

Visual Studio clears command line arguments when begins to run

In my solution, I have a Visual C++ project which uses
Platform Toolset = Visual Studio 2013 (v120)
which I am opening in Visual Studio 2019.
If I edit the Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Command arguments to something , and do OK it goes well, as if I open this dialog again is everything OK.
But when I run the application, the Command Arguments got cleared, for the specified configuration, as the same odd behavior happens both in Release and Debug Configurations. This way I can not use VS interface to parameterize the command input.
The moment I hit the Play button, the parameterization has disappeared: 🙁
Help, please.
It seems to be an extension causing the strange behavior. I disabled every extension I could, and the behavior is not happening now. When I have time, I will try to cherry pick what extension is annoying me and give more updates.
I just enabled extensions by blocks of a few alphabetically and ended up with all of them being enabled, and seen VS is just behaving well. I am believing the fact of disabling some extension has put things back on track.
I just uninstalled an extension named "Smart Command Line Arguments" and now things seem to work fine.
May be I was using wrongly, I don't know.
Now I will be continuing my work, and if I don't find any problems, I will accept my present answer.
It happened to me today again. I did some disk cleaning some days ago, I may have touched something in Visual Studio 2019.
Now, I was getting the same problem. This time, after seeing VS having several times this bad behavior, I tried to change the command line arguments, DID NOT start debugging, then I restarted VS, started Debugging again and now it seems to do what is supposed, not to clear my command line arguments customization.
UPDATE: this is happening again. It happens when it is not the first time I click "Start Debugging" after starting Visual Studio. So this implies I will have to restart VS almost every time I want to start debugging, for not getting the command line arguments cleared. ☹

Visual Studio stops breaking on assert()

This started happening today for a Visual Studio 2013 project but I have seen it now and then over the years in other Visual Studio versions.
Running a debug build and for some unknown reason aborts stop raising the message dialog that allows you to break and debug and instead you simple get a message in the output window and the program terminates.
- abort() has been called
The program '[9408] test_explode.exe' has exited with code 3 (0x3).
Over many years as a C++ developer this gremlin pops up now and then and I always forget how I solve it and can't see what the cause was. I'm sure someone can shed more light on what's happening and the correct fix and at a minimum I'll at least add my own notes.
A manual call to _set_error_mode(_OUT_TO_MSGBOX) somewhere in my program restores the correct behaviour. So it appears the default error mode is being set wrong by some compiler option or Visual Studio setting? I'm just not sure what.
All Debug->Exception settings are enabled.

How to save state of Visual Studio C++ debugging session?

I am using Visual Studio C++ 2013. I am running a number cruncher program so it proceeds linearly/predictably. However I have a test which takes several hours to run, before asserting due to logic error in my code. I can get a breakpoint before the crash, but I can't step backwards without starting all over again.
Is there any way to get Visual Studio to save the state of my program, so that I can restart at that point again?
The program state is very complicated and it would take a lot of work for me to save all the state to files myself for resuming later.
When debugging in Visual Studio (even from a breakpoint) use Debug|Save Dump As... to save the current debugging state. When saving, make sure you select "Minidump With Heap" so you have access to heap memory.
Later you can double click the .dmp file to open it with Visual Studio right where you were.
You may consider virtual computers. You can make their snapshots and save them. This may be an overkill, but is guaranteed to work.

Visual c++ 2008 not showing runtime errors

I'm working on a project in Visual C++ 2008 Express and I have noticed that the program has stopped saying that there are run-time errors. Whenever I run the program, it just loads the latest stable build. It doesn't even show me the errors, because they disappear after launch. I want to know what is wrong with my code and fix it, but it just wouldn't show me the errors. It's my first program in Visual C++ and I have to do it until tomorrow. Please help!
EDIT: Solved, look in my comment