I want to query the syslog(basically its my SQL error log) using Athena. here is my sample data.
2019-09-21T12:19:32.107Z 2019-09-21 12:19:24.17 Server Buffer pool extension is already disabled. No action is necessary.
2019-09-21T12:19:32.107Z 2019-09-21 12:19:24.29 Server InitializeExternalUserGroupSid failed. Implied authentication will be disabled.
So I created a table like this:
timestamp string,
date string,
time string,
user string,
message stringg
) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
"input.regex" = "(\\w+)\\s+(.*\\-.*\\-.*)\\s+(\\d+:\\d+:\\d+.\\d+)\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\w+)"
) LOCATION 's3://log/sql_error_log_stream/';
But it didn't give any results. Can someone help me to figure it out?
Few observations:
Timestamp '2019-09-21T12:19:32.107Z' is not in hive TIMESTAMP format, define it as STRING in DDL and convert like in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23520257/2700344
message in the serde is represented as (\w+) group. This is wrong because message contains spaces. Try (.*?)$ instead of (\\w+) for message field.
Try this regexp:
Use (\\S+) - this means everything except spaces.
(\\w+) does not work for the first group because \\w matches any alphanumerical character and the underscore only, and first group (timestamp) contains - and : characters also.
Also hyphen - if outside of character class [in square brackets] does not need shielding. and Dot . has a special meaning and needs shielding when used as dot literally: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57890202/2700344
I am using BigQuery on Google Cloud Platform to extract data from GDELT. This uses an SQL syntax and regular expressions.
I have a column of data (called V2Tone), in which each cell looks like this:
To select only the first number (i.e., the number before the first comma) using regular expressions, we use this:
regexp_replace(V2Tone, r',.*', '')
How can we select only the second number (i.e., the number between the first and second commas)?
How about the third number (i.e., the number between the second and third commas)?
I understand that re2 syntax (https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax) is used here, but my understanding of how to put that all together is limited.
If anything is unclear, please let me know. Thank you for your help as I learn to use regular expressions.
Below example is for BigQuery Standard SQL using super simple SPLIT approach
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] first_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] second_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] third_number
FROM `project.dataset.table`
If for some reason you need/want to use regexp here - use below
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(.*?),') first_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),)(.*?),') second_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){2}(.*?),') third_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){4}(.*?),') fifth_number
FROM `project.dataset.table`
You can play, test above options with dummy string from your question as below
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT '1.55763239875389,2.80373831775701,1.24610591900312,4.04984423676012,26.4797507788162,2.49221183800623,299' V2Tone
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] first_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] second_number,
SPLIT(V2Tone)[SAFE_OFFSET(2)] third_number,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(.*?),') first_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),)(.*?),') second_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){2}(.*?),') third_number_re,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:.*?),){4}(.*?),') fifth_number_re
FROM `project.dataset.table`
with output :
first_number second_number third_number first_number_re second_number_re third_number_re fifth_number_re
1.55763239875389 2.80373831775701 1.24610591900312 1.55763239875389 2.80373831775701 1.24610591900312 26.4797507788162
I don't know of a single regex replace which could be used to isolate a single number in your CSV string, because we need to remove things on both sides of the match, in general. But, we can chain together two calls to regex_replace. For example, if you wanted to target the third number in the CSV string, we could try this:
regexp_replace(regexp_replace(V2Tone, r'^(?:(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?),){2}', ''),
r',.*', ''))
The pattern I am using to strip of the first n numbers is this:
This just removes a number, followed by a comma, n times, from the beginning of the string.
Here is a solution with a single regex replace:
\n is added to the negated character class in the demo to avoid matching accross lines in m|multiline mode.
regexp_replace(V2Tone, r'^([^,]+(?:,|$)){2}([^,]+(?:,|$))*|^.*$', '$1')
([^,]+(?:,|$){n} captures everything to the next comma or the end of the string n times
([^,]+(?:,|$))* captures the rest 0 or more times
^.*$ capture everything if we cannot match n times
And then, finally, we can reinsert the nth match using $1.
I am looking for given string, it has to be in *(*) format, * should not have space, no two words before (.
I am searching MarkLogic DB to see if given column value is in [^\s]+\((?!\s)[^()]+(?<!\s)\) format, if not replace it with this format.
I am still stuck at fetching data, and could not write the query to update
I am searching DB as
let $query-opts := cts:search(doc(),
xs:QName("cd:clause"), (: <clause> element inside extended for checking query id :)
cts:element-attribute-value-query( xs:QName("cd:clause"), xs:QName("tag"), "Title" ), (: only if the <clause> is of type "Title" :)
cts:element-attribute-value-query( xs:QName("cd:xmetadata"), xs:QName("tag"), "Author")
for $d in $query-opts
return (
for $x in $d//cd:document/cd:clause/cd:xmetadata[fn:matches(#tag,"Author")]/cd:metadata_string
where fn:matches($x/string(), "[^\s]+\((?!\s)[^()]+(?<!\s)\)")
( <documents> {
<documentId> {$d//cd:cdf/cd:documentId/string()}</documentId>
It's throwing up error invalid pattern
The fn:matches function does not support group modifiers like (?! and (?<!. Simplify your pattern, and capture false positives after the match with another match if necessary.
Doing an educated guess at what you are trying to do, I think you are looking for something like:
where fn:matches($x, '^.+\([^)]+\).*$') (: it uses parentheses :)
and fn:not(fn:matches($x, '^[^\s]+\([^\s)]+\)$')) (: but does not comply to strict rules :)
I have a data which is being fed in the below format -
2016-006-011 04:58:22.058
This is an incorrect date/timestamp format and in order to convert this to a right one as below -
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
I'm trying to achieve this using regex in redshift. Is there a way to remove the additional Zero(0) in the date and month portion using regex. I need something more generic and not tailed for this example alone as date will vary.
The function regexp_replace() (see documentation) should do the trick:
'2016-006-011 04:58:22.058' -- use your date column here instead
, '\-0([0-9]{2}\-)0([0-9]{2})' -- matches "-006-011", captures "06-" in $1, "11" in $2
, '-$1$2' -- inserts $1 and $2 to give "-06-11"
And so the result is, as required:
2016-06-11 04:58:22.058
(1 row)
my record is like:
0x0000110PPPP111KZY0 H123456789 XYZ 000000000000000000607532030000607532000060753203002014101707199999
I am searching for a regex where i can split first 3 char 0x0 in to one field in a hive table and the rest 000110PPPP111KZY0 in to second field and so on fixed length file and no delimiter.
I have no experience with hadoop or hive, however the following regex will work with what I believe you're looking for.
/(\dx\d)(.*)/ This will capture/split 0x0 into the first capture group, and everything afterwards into the second capture group. If you only want the numbers/letters following the 0x0 number (so none of the H123456789 or trailing words and letters), use /(\dx\d)([^ ]*)/
If I misunderstood what you're looking for, can you just clarify the exact section of that code you provided that you'd like to select and/or capture? Thanks!
regexp_extract(data, '^(\\dx\\d).*', 1),
regexp_extract(data, '^\\dx\\d(.*)', 1)
from (Select '0x0000110PPPP111KZY0 ' as data) a;
This code returns a Hive row with two fields:
0x0 000110PPPP111KZY0