Azure B2C Postman OAuth 2.0 - Implicit Grant - invalid_request - postman

I have Postman set up following this guide:
When I attempt to get new Access Token, Postman prompts a window with my B2C Sign in page.
I then attempt to sign in, however receive the following error in Postman: Error invalid_request
There is no other additional details. I feel I've followed the guide exactly.
What am I missing here?

In the request, you need to make sure the callback url same with your app reply url and api id uri of the Scope same with your API in the B2C.
The request is:
And the result like this:


Getting 401 from Netsuite REST API

I'm following this tutorial here to attempt to authenticate using Token Based Authentication with Netsuite:
through postman using Netsuite's Postman environment, but I continue to receive "401 Invalid login attempt".
When I check the Login Audit Trail, I see that there is no role being assigned to my authentication attempts -- it's just blank. To me, this indicates that the token is not properly assigned to the User/Role, but I've walked through the directions several times and everything appears to be setup properly.
I've seen other similar posts about this, but those seem to boil down to the Netsuite Account ID formatting. However, my Netsuite Account ID is all numbers, so I don't think this is a factor.
This should work fine assuming you have created an integration and an access token. Configure Oauth 1.0 in postman with the following fields filled out correctly:
signature method (should be HMAC-256)
consumer key (from the integration you created in netsuite)
consumer secret (from the integration you created in netsuite)
access token (from the access token created in netsuite)
token secret (from the access token created in netsuite)
realm (your account id, if using a sandbox, make sure the realm looks like 1234567_SB1, with an _ and not a -)
You won't be able to complete TBA using postman because using netsuite TBA requires a callback URL that netsuite will redirect you to with the necessary credentials (access token and & token secret).
I'm having this exact same issue. I have custom code written in Salesforce APEX that is connecting to NetSuite just fine. We also have a Workato integration that is connecting to NetSuite just fine.
No matter what I do in Postman, I get a 401 Invalid Login response. I'm losing my mind...
I finally got this to work for me. Postman had a request header of "Connection"="keep-alive". Once I removed that it worked fine! Wow.. I've been trying to get this to work for weeks, looking at it every few days for an hour or two. What a frustrating error message "Invalid Login".

Getting Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch in cognito idp settings

I am following this cognito add social auth to add google auth into one of my app for testing. Completed all steps as listed, but when I am testing that using this
https://<your_user_pool_domain>/login?response_type=code&client_id=<your_client_id>&redirect_uri= , I am getting an error
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request,, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit:
initially the redirect uri and callback url in cognito app client settings were different but i changed those, also I tried changing my redirect url to simple, but still not working. I did some research regarding the same, found out that it might take some time to reflect the changes in google oauth setings, its been 2 hrs since I have changed the same, should I wait or is there some other work around this.
Also, I setup facebook login following same doc, it is working fine.
please help!
In my experience this mismatch refers to the difference between your constructed URL and the setting in Cognito Pool. In the pool config, the redirect_uri is called Callback URL. Make sure those two have the same URL.
You can set it in Cognito UI here: App Integration > App Client Settings > Sign in and sign out URLs > Callback URL(s)
or you can specify the URL(s) in your code if you are using CDK.
new cognito.UserPoolClient({
oAuth: {
callbackUrls: ['', '<url2>'],
Finally I got the solution, redirect url in google auth credentials needs to be your **domainName+/oauth2/idpresponse** .
its has something to do with your uri, whether in google cloud or cognito ,double check if the uri entered is a match

Missing Authentication Token while accessing API Gateway when tested in chrome but working in postman

I created an AWS Lambda function which invokes the endpoint of ML model I created in sagemaker. I tested it and it's working fine. Next I created REST API that calls this lambda function. I set any authentication type as NONE. Anyone with the url can access it. I created it following this aws blog. I tested my url in postman. It's working fine in postman but when I entered the url in chrome, its throwing {"message":"Missing Authentication Token"} error. Can someone please tell how do I get rid of that error while testing my url in chrome
The error is misleading. It's got absolutely nothing to do with tokens. What is actually happening is that the URL you are trying to access is invalid.
API Gateway's URL looks like this: but it's very likely that you created an endpoint on API Gateway, which would then be accessible via
If you hit the base URL or a path which does not exist, you will get that weird, misleading Missing Authentication Token message.
So, long story short, hit a valid path for your API and it should work just fine.
Tip: maybe you are doing a POST request via Postman but whenever you try with the browser it issues a GET request, which would also result in an invalid path and therefore the Missing Authentication Token message.

Postman fails to authorize against Slack App

I'm following the steps described in this Slack tutorial on authorizing Postman. When I get to the end and try to request the token from Postman, the Slack OAuth window pops up and I can authorize.
On Postman however, I get an error message:
Could not complete OAuth 2.0 login.
Check Postman Console for more details.
Checking the Postman console shows:
If checked and double checked, and I'm sure I copied the right client secret value.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

How can I get a response when calling Slack's oauth/authorize?

When I try to make the following call using postman I get no response:{{client id}}&scope=chat:write:bot
However, when I try it without the scope I do get a response, saying I need to add a scope.
I've put this call together according to the first step of
I've tried using both GET and POST verbs and my header is empty.
What can I do to get a authorization token for Slack?
This is part of the OAuth flow/spec.
What you need to do to is follow/perform the OAuth flow:
Register your application with slack
Provide a redirect_uri - this is the callback URI - this callback/handler will be called with the authenticationCode by the slack OAuth server.
Only if the user authorizes your app, Slack will redirect back to your specified redirect_uri with a temporary code in a code GET parameter, as well as a state parameter if you provided one in the previous step.
It's true that the redirect url is optional, but if left out, Slack will redirect users to the callback URL configured in your app's settings.
the authenticationCode then needs to be changed in code to the accessToken.
So if all is well and user gave its consent, you need to exchange the authorization code for an access token using the OAuth.access API method (method documentation), int the following URL and retrieve your accessToken.
if you decide to use a bot user and your Slack app includes a bot user, you will get an additional node containing an access token to be specifically used for your bot user.