I want to import an fbx file, that has non deform bones. However at default Assimp doesn't seem to import bones that have at least one vertex assigned to them. And I can't find any options in Assimp's documentation to change this.
Please check the latest master version. There is a new version upcoming which has a great support for the FBX-support. This was not supported in the latest version ( really buggy ). If the features are not supported correctly please feel free to add a new issue.
Thanks, Kim!
Not sure if this question has already been asked or I didn't know the correct wordings to search but basically I want to be able to use a specific version of my application and disable all other features that have been added in a newer version.
For example I currently have version 1.4 of a application I created but I only want to use features available in V1.2 and make it so that I cannot use any features which have been added since, e.g. 1.3?
An example of this is GLSL, you set a specific version upon writing it, and you can't use any features from a higher version than what you assigned.
Is this possible, and if so how to approach it?
I am learning unity 2D Games though video tutorials. The video tutorial I am following has used the older version of "CN Controls Joystick" (https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/15233).
Current version of "CN Controls Joystick" is completely different from the older version used in the tutorial.
So, does anyone have older version of "CN Controls Joystick". If anyone have, please share with me for my practice.
the older version its not necesary, you only have to know are the axis names of every joystick, i think now its easier, and I recomend you to open the example scene, and look for the scripts atached to the player... if you need more help, I can help you. only tell me what you want to done and ill show you how to do it.
I'm new to DirectX applications, with a decent knowledge of C++ and some experience in working with Blender. So for starters i would like to know how could i import, say, a UV sphere from Blender into a DirectX 11.2 C++ application. I'm using november edition compiler. Is there a tutorial for working with Blender models in DirectX applications that is up to date? Because i read that the .X format is not supported anymore after DirectX 10, and i need to use it in a DirectX 11.2 enviroment. I'm pretty much clueless about what to do and in what direction to go, so any help would be much appreciated.
If you 'just' want to display some 3D objects using native DirectX there is no other way than doing all the initialization stuff, writing a file loader for some kind of format that Blender is able to export and setting up a respective render pipeline. Indeed the way is long until you can see your Blender model in your own application. But if you intend to write your own graphics engine eventually it is a way you have to take. If this is not your goal I recommend you to use an open source 3D engine of your choice.
I used a very good online tutorial on a web page which unfortunately does not exist any more and of course the MSDN libraray to learn about DirectX 11. You can still find these tutorials at an internet archive. Additionally I found another tutorial which seems to look good at a first glance.
If you don't need to do very special things which Blender must write into the file you are exporting, I suggest using the .obj format since it is easy to understand and to load.
By chance I'm writing my own graphics engine in the moment. So if you have any further questions concerning this topic feel free to contact me.
You can always make your own format if its, i dont know, just for some school project or something like that (wild guess). Format your data the way you want, for example:
for vertices and after you list all your vertices you could use some char like '$' or '%' or something like that which will signify end of vertices and start of indices which will make it easier to parse later. You can assume it is always TriangleList topology but you may also dedicate first line of file to configuration and have int 1 for instance represent that you will use trinagleList and so on...
Hope it helps!
P.S.: Julians answer is better in my opinion, its always good to learn new useful stuff for future projects (like in Bioware :D ), just proposing alternative here.
How can I take screenshots of openGL with calabash while using the ios simulator?
In the past I could do it with (localhost:37265/screenshot2), but now it is deprecated.
Since most likely you use UIViews to render OpenGL content, you could create a category on UIView that creates a screenshot of the current state (e.g. by drawing the content to an image). You can call the category using the map method of calabash, e.g.
# the following assumes your OpenGL view has an accessibility label 'OpenGL view'
# you also have a category 'UIView+Calabash' with a method '-(void)takeScreenshot;'
map("UIView marked:'OpenGL view'", :takeScreenshot)
You might also want to read the following topic:
Programmatically take a screenshot combining OpenGL and UIKit elements
Calabash iOS 0.18.2 and above now supports OpenGL screenshots.
The following information is out of date, but possibly useful.
The screenshot2 route was deprecated in this PR to provide Xcode 5.1.1 and 64-bit support.
This is the first report we've had of someone who was using this route.
For iOS 7 only, we have some options, but I haven't settled on a solution. This is being tracked in the calabash-ios issues and in this calabash-ios-server branch. Feel free to weigh in with your opinion.
On a side note, the calabash.framework now ships header files that allow users to implement their own routes. It is beyond the scope of this question to provide details, but we have one example of a user implementing OpenGL screenshots using the header files.
I've tried with VTK, PCL and Qt (using the QVTKWidget.h), however, using CMake is incredibly inconvenient, as the second I update any one of the many libraries that my GUI uses, I have to spend at least another day trying to sort out the linker issues. Additionally, a lot of the time, a lot of information is lost from the 3D models using these libraries.
Note: I am focusing on using PLY as it holds color and geometry information in the same file, but any other format that does the same would be fine
I am currently trying to create a Meshlab plugin, but the support for this library is sparse, and I am yet to successfully compile the Meshlab source.
Any input or direction would be really appreciated. If you guys want to know anything more, please do let me know.
If it wasn't clear in the beginning, I am using Qt (C++) to create the GUI.
Use the QT OpenGL widget and write some OpenGL code to display your model.
PLY textural format is really simple and you can write a parser yourself.
Have you tried Coin3D? This is a Free implementation of OpenInventor wich was made by SGI back in the day as a C++ wrapper around OpenGL.
As for integration with Qt there is a library called SoQt (in the same site). They also have a newer library called Quarter that integrates more like a Qt component.
I've had greatest success with Coin + SoQt + Qt.