EMR dyanmodb export failed because of table capacity set to on-demand - amazon-web-services

After we changed the dynamodb table capacity to on-demand, the data pipeline job to export dynamodb table failed with this error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Read throughput should not be less than 1. Read throughput percent: 0.0
at org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.read.AbstractDynamoDBInputFormat.getSplits(AbstractDynamoDBInputFormat.java:51)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.writeOldSplits(JobSubmitter.java:520)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.writeSplits(JobSubmitter.java:512)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobSubmitter.submitJobInternal(JobSubmitter.java:394)
Any workaround to this issue?

I'd contact AWS support to confirm, but I was told the EMR DynamoDB connector does not formally support tables using on-demand provisioning yet. So, more than likely you need to switch the table back to provisioned capacity as a workaround.
Edit: As of 23 January 2019, the EMR connector for DynamoDB supports tables set to on-demand billing.

If the issue is not resolved, then you might need to change at 3 places:
You need to use emr release emr-5.26.0 to emr-5.30.0.
Replace org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.tools.DynamoDbExport with org.apache.hadoop.dynamodb.tools.DynamoDBExport. Notice the change in casing. Similar for DynamoDBImport.
If you are using emr-dynamodb-connector, then you need to clone its latest version, generate the emr-ddb-tools jar by mvn clean install and then use the generated jar for emr-dynamodb-tools which would be version 4 or higher currently and replace this in your arguments. These should resolve the issue.
Also, there is an issue currently with emr releases 31 or higher if you are using emr-dynamodb-tools which shows you error related to some joda-time framework. I would restrict to using any releases between emr-5.26.0 to emr-5.30.0.


Errors importing large CSV file to DynamoDB using Lambda

I want to import a large csv file (around 1gb with 2.5m rows and 50 columns) into a DynamoDb, so have been following this blog from AWS.
However it seems I'm up against a timeout issue. I've got to ~600,000 rows ingested, and it falls over.
I think from reading the CloudWatch log that the timeout is occurring due to the boto3 read on the CSV file (it opens the entire file first, iterates through and batches up for writing)... I tried to reduce the file size (3 columns, 10,000 rows as a test), and I got a timeout after 2500 rows.
Any thoughts here?!
TIA :)
I really appreciate the suggestions (Chris & Jarmod). After trying and failing to break things programmatically into smaller chunks, I decided to look at the approach in general.
Through research I understood there were 4 options:
Lambda Function - as per the above this fails with a timeout.
AWS Pipeline - Doesn't have a template for importing CSV to DynamoDB
Manual Entry - of 2.5m items? no thanks! :)
Use an EC2 instance to load the data to RDS and use DMS to migrate to DynamoDB
The last option actually worked well. Here's what I did:
Create an RDS database (I used the db.t2.micro tier as it was free) and created a blank table.
Create an EC2 instance (free Linux tier) and:
On the EC2 instance: use SCP to upload the CSV file to the ec2 instance
On the EC2 instance: Firstly Sudo yum install MySQL to get the tools needed, then use mysqlimport with the --local option to import the CSV file to the rds MySQL database, which took literally seconds to complete.
At this point I also did some data cleansing to remove some white spaces and some character returns that had crept into the file, just using standard SQL queries.
Using DMS I created a replication instance, endpoints for the source (rds) and target (dynamodb) databases, and finally created a task to import.
The import took around 4hr 30m
After the import, I removed the EC2, RDS, and DMS objects (and associated IAM roles) to avoid any potential costs.
Fortunately, I had a flat structure to do this against, and it was only one table. I needed the cheap speed of the dynamodb, otherwise, I'd have stuck to the RDS (I almost did halfway through the process!!!)
Thanks for reading, and best of luck if you have the same issue in the future.

How to fix `user must specify LSN` when using AWS DMS for Postgres RDS

I'm trying to migrate and synchronize a PostgreSQL database using AWS DMS and I'm getting the following error.
Last Error Task error notification received from subtask 0, thread 0
[reptask/replicationtask.c:2673] [1020101] When working with Configured Slotname, user must
specify LSN; Error executing source loop; Stream component failed at subtask 0, component
st_0_D27UO7SI6SIKOSZ4V6RH4PPTZQ ; Stream component 'st_0_D27UO7SI6SIKOSZ4V6RH4PPTZQ'
terminated [reptask/replicationtask.c:2680] [1020101] Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL
I already created a replication slot and configured its name in the source endpoint.
DMS Engine version: 3.1.4
Does anyone knows anything that could help me?
Luan -
I experienced the same issue - I was trying to replicate data from Postgres to an S3 bucket.I would check two things - your version of Postgres and the DMS version being used.
I downgraded my RDS postgres version to 9.6 and my DMS version to 2.4.5 to get replication working.
You can find more details here -
I wanted to try the newer versions of DMS (3.1.4 and 3.3.0[beta]) as it has parquet support but I have gotten the same errors you mentioned above.
Hope this helps.
It appears AWS expects you to use the pglogical extension rather than test_decoding. You have to:
add pglogical to shared_preload_libraries in parameter options
On dms 3.4.2 and postgres 12.3 without the slotName= setting DMS created the slot for itself. Also make sure you exclude the pglogical schema from the migration task as it has unsupported data types.
P.S. When DMS hits resource limits it silently fails. After resolving the LSN errors, I continued to get failures of the type Last Error Task 'psql2es' was suspended due to 6 successive unexpected failures Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL without any errors in the logs. I resolved this issue using the Advanced task settings > Full load tuning settings and tuning the parameters downward.

deleting old indexes in amazon elasticsearch

We are using AWS Elasticsearch for logs. The logs are streamed via Logstash continuously. What is the best way to periodically remove the old indexes?
I have searched and various approaches recommended are:
Use lambda to delete old indexes - https://medium.com/#egonbraun/periodically-cleaning-elasticsearch-indexes-using-aws-lambda-f8df0ebf4d9f
Use scheduled docker containers - http://www.tothenew.com/blog/running-curator-in-docker-container-to-remove-old-elasticsearch-indexes/
These approaches seem like an overkill for such a basic requirement as "delete indexes older than 15 days"
What is the best way to achieve that? Does AWS provide any setting that I can tweak?
Elasticsearch 6.6 brings a new technology called Index Lifecycle Manager See here. Each index is assigned a lifecycle policy, which governs how the index transitions through specific stages until they are deleted.
For example, if you are indexing metrics data from a fleet of ATMs into Elasticsearch, you might define a policy that says:
When the index reaches 50GB, roll over to a new index.
Move the old index into the warm stage, mark it read only, and shrink it down to a single shard.
After 7 days, move the index into the cold stage and move it to less expensive hardware.
Delete the index once the required 30 day retention period is reached.
The technology is in beta stage yet, however is probably the way to go from now on.
Running curator is pretty light and easy.
Here you can find a Dockerfile, config and action-file.
Also, Curator can help you if you need to (among others):
Add or remove indices (or both!) from an alias
Change shard routing allocation
Delete snapshots
Open closed indices
forceMerge indices
reindex indices, including from remote clusters
Change the number of replicas per shard for indices
rollover indices
Take a snapshot (backup) of indices
Restore snapshots
Here is a typical action file for delete indices older than 15 days:
action: delete_indices
description: >-
Delete indices older than 15 days (based on index name), for logstash-
prefixed indices. Ignore the error if the filter does not result in an
actionable list of indices (ignore_empty_list) and exit cleanly.
ignore_empty_list: True
disable_action: True
- filtertype: pattern
kind: prefix
value: logstash-
- filtertype: age
source: name
direction: older
timestring: '%Y.%m.%d'
unit: days
unit_count: 15
I followed the elasticsearch-curator documentation to install the package:
Then I used the AWS base example of how to automate the indexes cleanup using the signed based authentication provided by requests_aws4auth package:
It worked like a charm.
You can decide to run this inside a lambda, docker or include it in your own DevOps cli.

Amazon redshift query aborts automatically after 1 hour

I have around 500GB compressed data in amazon s3. I wanted to load this data to Amazon Redshift. For that, I have created an internal table in AWS Athena and I am trying to load data in the internal table of Amazon Redshift.
Loading of this big data into Amazon Redshift is taking more than an hour. The problem is when I fired a query to load data it gets aborted after 1hour. I tried it 2-3 times but it's getting aborted after 1 hour. I am using Aginity Tool to fire the query. Also, in Aginity tool it is showing that query is currently running and the loader is spinning.
More Details:
Redshift cluster has 12 nodes with 2TB space for each node and I used 1.7 TB space.
S3 files are not the same size. One of them is 250GB. Some of them in MB.
I am using the command
create table table_name as select * from athena_schema.table_name
it stops exactly after 1hr.
Note: I have set the current query timeout in Aginity to 90000 sec.
I know this is an old thread, but for anyone coming here because of the same issue, I've realised that, at least for my case, the problem was the Aginity client; so, it's not related with Redshift or its Workload Manager, but only with such third party client called Aginity. In summary, use a different client like SQL Workbench and run the COPY command from there.
Hope this helps!
Carlos C.
More information, about my environment:
Cluster TypeThe cluster's type: Multi Node
Cluster: ds2.xlarge
NodesThe cluster's type: 4
Cluster Version: 1.0.4852
Client Environment:
Aginity Workbench for Redshift
Version (build 05/11/17)
Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64-bit)
Connected to OpenVPN, via SSH Port tunneling.
The connection is not being dropped. This issue is only affecting the COPY command. The connection remains active.
copy tbl_XXXXXXX
from 's3://***************'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::***************:role/***************';
S3 Structure:
120 files of 6.2 GB each. 20 files of 874MB.
ERROR: 57014: Query (22381) cancelled on user's request
Start: ***************
End: ***************
Duration: 3,600.2420863
I'm not sure if following answer will solve your exact problem of timeout at exactly 1 Hr.
But, based on my experience, in case of Redshift loading data via Copy command is best and fast way. SO I feel that timeout issue shouldn't happen at all in your case.
The copy command in RedShift could load data from S3 or via SSH.
Simple copy
copy sales from 'emr://j-SAMPLE2B500FC/myoutput/part-*' iam_role
delimiter '\t' lzop;
e.g. Using Menifest
copy customer
from 's3://mybucket/cust.manifest'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789012:role/MyRedshiftRole'
PS: Even if you do it using Menifest and divide your data into Multiple files, it will be more faster as RedShift loads data in parallel.

AWS elasticsearch log rotation

I want to use AWS elasticsearch to store the log of my application. Since there a huge amount of data to input to AWS elasticsearch ( ~30GB daily), so i would only keep 3 days of data. Are there any way to schedule data removal from AWS elasticsearch or do a log rotation? What happen if the AWS elasticsearch storage is full?
Thanks for the help
A possible way is to specify the index parameter in elasticsearchoutput to something like logstash-%{appname}-%{date_format}". Hence you can then use curator plugin in order to delete the old indices by number of days or so.
This SO pretty much explains the same. Hope it helps!
I assume you are using the AWS Amazon Elasticsearch Service?
The storage type is an EBS volume with a fixed size of disk space. If you want to keep only the last three days, I assume you have 3 indices then, like that
Basically you can write some simple script which deletes indices older than 3 days. With the REST API it just is in Sense DELETE my-index-2017.01.30.
I recommend to use Elasticsearch Curator for the job. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/curator/current/delete_indices.html
I'm not sure if the Service interface itself has an option for that. But Elasticsearch Curator should do the job for you.
Update for 2020:
AWS ES has now support for Index state management which lets you define custom management policies to automate routine tasks and apply them to indices and index patterns. You no longer need to set up and manage external processes to run your index operations.
For example, you can define a policy that moves your index into a read_only state after 30 days and then ultimately deletes it after 90 days.
Index State Management - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticsearch-service/latest/developerguide/ism.html