Missing binding Node Sass - build

When I use "yarn build", i got an error message:
Error: Missing binding /www/htdocs/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-57/binding.node
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Node.js 8.x
Found bindings for the following environments:
- Linux 64-bit with Node.js 10.x
This usually happens because your environment has changed since running `npm install`.
Run `npm rebuild node-sass` to download the binding for your current environment.
I tried to use npm rebuild node-sass but it didn't work. What should I do?

This problem seems to be related to globally installed packages.
I have been fighting getting a CMS package - Enduro - to work and finally I found a solution.
Normally Enduro is installed in /usr/local/lib however it can also be installed in the project. When I run Enduro from the /usr/local/lib I get the "sass version error" like you. However when I run the local project version ./node-modules/.bin/enduro there is no version problems.
I got no clue how to fix the global installation since the bindings will not fix when I run the rebuild sass command.
But running Enduro from the project works fine for me for now.
I hope you can use some of this even if you are dealing with another product using Sass.


How to install Rasa Stack in Windows 10?

Maybe someone else asked the same question too. But this question is difficult. I tried everything. The place I am stuck is with installing dependencies. Some of the dependencies are old and not easily available. But I managed to install them.
The problems lies here.. There are dependencies that need to get the build from their source code. I already installed Visual C++ Build and MSMPI. Also installed HDF5 for H5PY but it doesn't let me build old versions of H5PY. So, I tried installing the latest version of H5PY but still, I am stuck at errors like file not found. Some of the files which the build process cannot find are "h5py/h5f.pyx", "mpi_c", "mpi.h". Solving error for one missing file leads to other and so on..
On trying hard to solve such errors and installing one or the other package to do the same task, I am tired up.. Something I found, at last, was that "mpi_c" file was replaced with some other file in newer versions of MPI4PY. But my dependencies depend on older version. I tried installing an older version of MPI4PY but HDF5 won't let me install that giving other errors. At last, I quit the task with my whole day wasted after this.
So can someone here please provide a step by step guideline for installing Rasa Stack on Windows Machine?
Windows 10 with Python 3.7.. Let me know if I need to downgrade python as well.. It was my first time building some project from source with python on windows. Thanks...
Please try the below steps to install Rasa:
Install Conda
Create a virtual environment:
conda create -n myenv python=3.5
Activate the virtual environment
conda activate myenv
pip install rasa_nlu rasa_core

build syntaxnet with bazel: pywrap error

I am trying to build syntaxnet using bazel without root rights. I have downloaded bazel 0.2.2b and pulled the syntaxnet git repository as suggested on its website. I have managed to pass the new gcc for the bazel build and set my environment variables to include the local gcc as well as my local python version (2.7). I also added swig and jdk to PATH. Still, I get the following error when trying to run bazel test syntaxnet/... util/utf8/...:
INFO: Found 65 targets and 12 test targets...
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: output 'external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow.cc' was not created.
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: output 'external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/pywrap_tensorflow.py' was not created.
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: not all outputs were created.
After that, none of the tests are run which means all twelve tests are skipped. Any ideas are highly appreciated.
Edit: I have realized that I used an old version of protobuf. Unfortunately, the problem remains even after updating.
Since it seems to be a python related problem and I had built python from source, I tried to use anaconda but ended up with the same error.
Some more information: I am using CentOS 6.5 and tried python 2.7.11.
I set the environment variables as follows and changed the CROSSTOOL file for building bazel accordingly:
LDFLAGS="-L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib -L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib64":"-L/home/davba/syntaxnet-utils/pcre/lib"
CXXFLAGS="-L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib -L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib64"
I tried running it on a different machine with CentOS 7.0, but wound up with the same error.
Finally, I had the opportunity to switch to an Ubuntu machine with sudo rights which enabled me to run the bazel installer and compile syntaxnet without a problem. This solves the problem in my case. For a "real" fix I think we have to wait for someone experiencing the same issue.

Install Spatialite for python (GeoDjango) on OS X

I am tearing my hair out trying to install Spatialite for GeoDjango!
I am already using Homebrew, it's generally easy and convenient so I initially tried to follow the Homebrew instructions for GeoDjango.
But this stops short of installing any database, i.e. Spatialite. The next step is to try and install Spatialite itself, but there are no Homebrew-specific instructions provided by Django docs.
I found this tutorial which looks perfect - a Homebrew and virtualenv-friendly install of Spatialite for GeoDjango.
But it doesn't work... it appears that my pysqlite is linked against the non-spatial-enabled version of SQLite that comes with OS X, rather than the Spatial-ised one I installed from Homebrew, I get this error when Django tried to connect to the db:
"The pysqlite library does not support C extension loading. Both SQLite and pysqlite must be configured to allow the loading of extensions to use SpatiaLite."
The author of pysqlite hasn't responded to my pleas for help on Github and I haven't found anything via Google.
So I went back to the drawing board and decided to follow the "Mac OS X-specific instructions" in the GeoDjango docs... by installing the various geo libs from the KyngChaos binary packages.
The docs say "Install the packages in the order they are listed above" but I found I couldn't install UnixImageIO without installing PROJ first. The link in the docs to download Spatialite binaries (http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.3.1/binaries.html) is broken so I used the "Spatialite Tools v4.1" from KyngChaos instead.
Proceeding to the next step I get this error:
$ spatialite geodjango.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();"
SQLite header and source version mismatch
2013-10-17 12:57:35 c78be6d786c19073b3a6730dfe3fb1be54f5657a
2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef
Not really sure what's wrong at this point.
There is someone else here on SO who has gone the KyngChaos route and just ends up with the same "Both SQLite and pysqlite must be configured to allow the loading of extensions" error I got from the Homebrew route anyway.
I found this ticket #17756 for adding pyspatialite support to Django - pyspatialite is supposed to be an easier way to pip install everything but unfortunately it doesn't work either (see comments towards bottom of ticket).
I'm a bit reluctant to start trying to build everything from source by hand as it seems likely I'll just run into the same problems again, but spending hours Googling for info about cryptic compiler errors, magic flags and paths etc along the way.
I'm about ready to give up and just use Postgres/PostGIS.
I was able to get this working now, using the tip here:
I'm not sure if it was using the real paths that fixed it, or just the Homebrew kegs or underlying packages have been updated and now install cleanly. Still, it works now.
I reproduce below the steps I took:
brew update
brew install sqlite # 3.8.5
brew install libspatialite # 4.2.0
brew install spatialite-tools # 4.1.1
git clone https://github.com/ghaering/pysqlite.git
cd pysqlite
(where brew reported I had existing versions I unlinked them and installed the latest as commented above)
then edited setup.cfg to comment out #define=SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION and specify the paths:
activated the virtualenv where I want it installed, then
python setup.py build
python setup.py install
(build_static still fails with clang: error: no such file or directory: 'sqlite3.c')
(maybe I should have done pip install . as suggested in the github issue)
now the spatialite geodjango.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();" succeeds, albeit with an ignorable error:
InitSpatiaMetaData() error:"table spatial_ref_sys already exists"
i.e. it's probably not even necessary to run that command
When I was istalling this i follow this instructions https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/gis/install/spatialite/#pysqlite2
If you’ve decided to use a newer version of pysqlite2 instead of the sqlite3 Python stdlib module, then you need to make sure it can load external extensions (i.e. the required enable_load_extension method is available so SpatiaLite can be loaded).
This might involve building it yourself. For this, download pysqlite2 2.6, and untar:
$ wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pysqlite/pysqlite-2.6.3.tar.gz
$ tar xzf pysqlite-2.6.3.tar.gz
$ cd pysqlite-2.6.3
Next, use a text editor (e.g., emacs or vi) to edit the setup.cfg file to look like the following:
I had the same error: SQLite header and source version mismatch.
For me it was enough to update libsqlite3-dev.
After that invoking $ spatialite geo.db "SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();" creates proper database.

GL/glfw.h does not exist

I'm using Fedora 17 and compiling cocos2d-x. I've got an error at the compilation when I'm launching ./make-all-linux-project.sh.
G++ tells me that GL/glfw.h does not exist and then I yum install glew but it wasn't solved. So how can I solve this?
The package glew is actually the OpenGL Extension Wrangler. In this case your error is referring to a different package - GLFW. The problem with the build script you are trying to run is that it was made for deb-based systems, not rpm-based systems like Fedora. What's going to make this more difficult is that if you use YUM to download glfw and glfw-devel, they are not the version Cocos2d-x needs, so the build will fail. What you will need to do is first download a legacy version of glfw from Git Hub and build it from source.
git clone https://github.com/glfw/glfw-legacy.git
Once you build this package, you will need to modify the Cocos2d-x make file: $COCOS_ROOT/cocos2dx/proj.linux/cocos2dx.mk to include the legacy headers and also link to the legacy lib. The build should go smoothly after this, assuming all of your other dependencies are installed. You can refer to a blog post I put together for the detailed instructions: http://voidfuture.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/building-cocos2d-x-on-rhel-fedora-centos-linux/

How do I use a newer version of r.js with Yeoman build?

I'm trying to run yeoman build on a project that uses requireJS and the require-handlebars-plugin. I'm am getting this error when running the rjs task:
<WARN> Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/tkrell/Sites/pathrabbit-marionette-require/temp/scripts/template/schedules/day-jobs -past.js'
In module tree:
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:338:18)
Use --force to continue. </WARN>
I believe this is the same as this issue which appears to simply need the latest version of r.js to be resolved. When I use a newer version of r.js manually, I don't get the error and everything works fine. How can I force the yeoman build task to use the latest version r.js?
The advice given on the issue I created on Yeoman's github page worked for me:
Yeoman uses 2.0.2 (see it's package.json).
You could go into the directory yeoman is installed and run npm install -f requirejs to force install a newer version. No promises it won't break though.
However, in yeoman 1.0 (which is imminent), we'll be using grunt-requirejs instead.