Using tensorflow in C++ on Windows - c++

I know there are ways of using Tensorflow in C++ they even have a documentation for it but I can seem to be able to get the library for it. I've checked the build from source instructions but it seems to builds a pip package rather than a library I can link to my project. I also found a tutorial but when I tried it out I ran out of memory and my computer crashed. My question is, how can I actually get the C++ library to work on my project? I do have these requirements, I have to work on windows with Visual Studio in C++. What I would love to is if I could get a pre-compiled DLL that I could just link but I haven't found such a thing and I'm open to other alternatives.

I can't comment so I am writing this as an answer.
If you don't mind using Keras, you could use the package frugally deep. I haven't seen a library myself either, but I came across frugally deep and it seemed easy to implement. I am currently trying to use it, so I cannot guarantee it will work.

You could check out neural2D from here:
It is a neural network implementation without any dependent libraries (all written from scratch).

I would say that the best option is to use cppflow, an easy wrapper that I created to use Tensorflow from C++ easily.
You won't need to install anything, just download the TF C API, and place it somewhere in your computer. You can take a look to the docs to see how to do it, and how to use the library.

The answer seems to be that it is hard :-(
Try this to start. You can follow the latest instructions for building from source on Windows up to the point of building the pip package. But don't do that - do this/these instead:
bazel -config=opt //tensorflow:tensorflow.dll
bazel -config=opt //tensorflow:tensorflow.lib
bazel -config=opt tensorflow:install_headers
That much seems to work fine. The problems really start when you try to use Any of the header files - you will probably get compilation errors, at least with TF version >= 2.0. I have tried:
Build the label_image example (instructions in the file)
It builds and runs fine on Windows, meaning all the headers and source are there somewhere
Try incorporating that source into Windows console executable: runs into compiler errors due to conflicts with std::min & std::max, probably due to Windows SDK.
Include c_api.h in a Windows console application: won't compile.
Include TF-Lite header files: won't compile.
There is little point investing the lengthy compile time in the first two bazel commands if you can't get the headers to compile :-(
You may have time to invest in resolving these errors; I don't. At this stage Tensorflow lacks sufficient support for Windows C++ to rely on it, particularly in a commercial setting. I suggest exploring these options instead:
If TF-Lite is an option, watch this
Windows ML/Direct ML (requires conversion of TF models to ONNX format)
Frugally Deep
UPDATE: having explored the list above, I eventually found the following worked best in my context (real-time continuous item recognition):
convert models to ONNX format (use tf2onnx or keras2onnx
use Microsoft's ONNX runtime
Even though Microsoft recommends using DirectML where milliseconds matter, the performance of ONNX runtime using DirectML as an execution provider means we can run a 224x224 RGB image through our Intel GPU in around 20ms, which is quick enough for us. But it was still hard finding our way to this answer


Solving DL4J compilation error

I am trying to download DL4J source without error.
I cloned
and imported using existing Maven project in Eclipse.
Tons of dependencies are downloaded but it's bombarded with errors.
Anyone who knows which branch version is free of compile error?
The site says 0.9.1 is most stable version, but it still generates errors.
So there's a few things here:
No major open source project in today's day and age operates without a build system. This can be maven,gradle,sbt,..
You ignored all of our docs about building from source and the like. You don't need to do that. Use the build system like it's intended.
My suggestion here:
Learn what the rest of the java world did and use maven:
Our quick start is here:
Follow our examples for the latest versions:
Chances are you do not need to build from source (this involves 5 other projects you probably do not want to do that) - but if you absolutely must be prepared to use c++ among other things.
The guide for that can be found here:

How should/could/must I handle the dll that my C++ projects depend on?

I'm lost here and I have no clue how to proceed. This is not a question about how to make my program work, this is a question about how to stop wasting my time.
My programming environment is Visual Studio 2013 on windows, in C++.
I use 3 libraries extensively, namely: boost (using dynamic linking), OpenCV, and Qt.
During the development, I have configured VS to look at those 3 libraries by default for include and .lib. I have also added the 3 folders containing all the dlls to my PATH environment variable.
It works, but it is sometime painful, let me explain you when.
First hassle: Anytime I have a LNK error telling me I miss a function, it is usually on OpenCV since it has only one include file referencing all the functions. I have to look at OpenCV's source code to see what module this function belongs to and to know what I must link my program to.
Second Hassle: When comes the time to deploy my application, I have to ship it with all the relevant dlls. To know which one I need, I open dependency walker and try to forget nothing, I have then to test it on a different computer because 102% of the time I have missed a couple, and then I have to configure my Installer generator to include all those one by one.
Third Hassle: To ease a little bit the process of configuring a new development machine, I have recently switched to NuGet. It is great, I add boost with a couple of clicks to any project. But now my boost DLLs are everywhere, I have one folder per boost library, and since there are dozens of those I can't even add them all at once to my PATH now, so I have to move them manually to the appropriate folder, and that is really not what I want to do with my not-so-precious-but-who-are-you-to-judge time
I have looked around and couldn't find any good practice regarding this issue, maybe because they are too obvious, or too specific to a particular setup.
How do you do? How would you do if you were me?
We put all our external dependencies in version control along with the code. This ensures that all code can build "out of the box" on any of our development machines and also ensures that for any given version of the code, we know exactly which dependencies is has.
The best way to check for missing dependencies is how have a good automated test suite, if you've got comprehensive converge then if your tests pass you must have deployed the required libraries.
In terms of linking to the appropriate libraries, unfortunately, that just sounds like an issue with the structure of OpenCV (I'm not familiar with OpenCV). I tend to use dumpbin under Windows and nm under Linux to easily grep for symbols when I get link errors with an unfamiliar library.

How build harfbuzz without dependencies

I want build latest harfbuzz-ng library on Windows 7. But in build system by default I must go through long quest to gain: ragel, pkg-config, gtkdocize and other stuff. Even in the end if I get all what need for build system I get errors (sorry cannot say which concrete errors), last time I tried to build this library 2 month ago). Maybe on Linux system it is easy to get and build all this stuff but on Windows always something doesn't want to be compiled. Or the problem is that I don't find instructions which guide me on Windows, only Linux.
What I want to get is simple instructions how build only harfbuzz-ng with freetype dependency (and maybe add ICU) by MinGW compiler on Windows.
Thanks you very much.
For anyone reading this, have a look at in the project which makes you able to use harfbuzz without any build system, just include it in one of your sources, no build system is required, define HB_NO_MT or even HB_TINY (which brings a minimal harfbuzz) if you don't use harfbuzz in multithread mode.
I don't know i this is the answer you are looking for. I am trying to work with Harfbuzz as well and did this through several attempts which did not work out for various reasons.
One (old) example you could use as a starter is: HarfBuzz static lib. The .lib-file generated works with UCDN and just needs this file plus a source for the Freetype-functions to provide the necessary FT_Face-parameter (i did this by compiling another .lib via the freetype-sourcecode (
But I am unsure if this will work out for the MinGW-compiler (you don't use VC++ as IDE do you??).
You may find of interest the MSYS2 build system. It is essentially a linux-style packaging system built on top of Windows(TM). You can download and install binary packages with simple commands (including automatic dependency solving). If you want to download a source package you can do that as well.

Programming Arduino DUE without IDE (Linux)

Is there any current, relatively simple way to compile and upload full .c/.cpp files for the Arduino DUE on Linux?
I'm beginning to regularly run into issues using the boilerplate code they provide around the sketches and so far, there is very little in the way of documentation or alternative IDE support for the arduino 1.5 SDK... That and the official 1.0.5 IDE is hopelessly broken for linux right now (serial port issues among other things).
There is a great example here.
He explains what you need and how to use it to be able to upload to the due from the terminal of a linux box.
He has done a great job in helping you set up an environment to compile and upload your c programs onto the SAM3X8E. He even gives you a makefile and sample code. What more could you ask for?
Give it a try, see if it works for you.
Even though you can program in c/c++ for the arduio, the arduino does not "use" c/c++ code alone per se. When you use the IDE for arduino, a few libraries are linked when compiled to give you the "arduino" functions like setup(), and loop() as well as constants such as HIGH and LOW. The arduino language is based off a language called Processing which is written in c.
If you are having troubles with the Arduino IDE, it might help to download an older version. Check out the Previous Releases page on their website.
If that still doesn't work, you could try to build it from the source code.
I wanted to do the same thing as I really don't like IDE like Eclipse. And I didn't want to rely on Arduino environment. Just something minimalist under ubuntu.
For libraries, I downloaded the ASF (Atmel Software Framework) here
For compiling, I installed gcc-arm-embedded from here This provides gcc-arm-none-eabi.
The last part is 'bossac', the upload tool (just do an apt-get install bossa-cli).
Then, just use Vim or your fav editor, adapt a (configuration of the ASF's MakeFile) for your own project and once okay, upload the .bin to your board with bossac.
Note that bossac has to be run as root (sudo) if you want it to detect your usb port (/dev/ACM0).
After few days playing with examples provided by the ASF library, you'll be able to use a small subset of headers files (only basic definitions like registers names, bits function names in registers ...) to help you and do all the rest by yourself. I personally even don't use 'drivers' files anymore. I directly access registers with my own methods to get smaller code.

cross compiling c++ to iphone arm

I've scanned over the (outdated) article that is the first hit on google about ARM cross-compiling. I've also seen the article about compiling OpenCV to the iPhone and the general cross compiling instructions there. My question is can I call the apparently already configured gcc/g++ in the iPhone developer package (which I already have installed) like in the latter article? A lot of the OpenCV stuff seems superfluous to my needs.
If I can, what would the calls look like? Should I create a Makefile to make things easier?
Also, I need -lncurses library. Can I call them like normal, or do I need to specify it's path because I'm not calling the default gcc/g++?
If you're using the official SDK, compiling C++ for the iPhone is as simple as including cpp files in your project and hitting "build". Of course you can still go in and tweak the compiler switches - well, most of them.
As for ncurses, I'm not sure why you'd want to use that - but the only limitation you should have is that you can't link against dynamic libraries - so you'd have to linked the object code in.
A script that you can use as a basis for crosscompiling your libraries for iOs development.
Unfortunately the [n]curses package is not going to do you any good for the iPhone.
[n]curses is designed to be used with a terminal window. This is just not available for the iPhone you will need to learn how to use Coco to develop a GUI interface.