How can I disable compiler warnings regarding certain library? - c++

I'm using CLion as my IDE. I downloaded MinGW from here (comes with boost), extracted, installed and connected it to CLion successfully. Then I set my compiler flags in CMakeLists and when I compiled my program, I encounted hundreds of warnings coming from boost libraries (in this case - boost/lexical_cast.hpp).
I really want to use most, if not all, of these compiler flags, but I also don't want boost (which is for sure better written than any of my own programs) to generate that much noise.
Is there any way of disabling all warnings from particular header / library (maybe even namespace)?

You can add the include paths as SYSTEM instead of standard ones:
target_include_directories(target SYSTEM ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
This only works for GCC and clang, as Visual Studio doesn't have a specific include flag for system paths.


In C++, what is wx.h?

The existing code is calling some sort of wx header file and my DEV C++ compiler just says there's no such file.
Compiler error:
[Error] wx/wx.h: No such file or directory
So my question is -
What is wx.h
How do I install it in my compiler so that I can use it?
Do I need to change my compiler or DEV C++ would do fine?
What is wx.h
It is the header file of a library. The GitHub project should have some instructions on how to fetch the dependencies and how to install them.
How do I install it in my compiler so that I can use it?
Normally you have to download the dependency, build it (following some instructions), and then you need to use the header in your project and link the library. The exact steps depend on each library and each compiler.
Do I need to change my compiler or DEV C++ would do fine?
In principle, no. Some libraries only work with some compilers, though.
Note that Dev-C++ is not a compiler, it is an IDE that comes with a port of GCC (as far as I know).
It seems that you are using WxWidgets framework but your compiler doesn't know where to find its headers, and apparently also libs which you would face with on a next step.
You, need to add to your compiler flags the output of wx-config --cxxflags. And also to your linker flags the output of wx-config --libs.
Assumption is of course that WxWidgets is installed on your PC

Selectively disable C++ Core Guidelines Checker for third party libraries

I would like to try to use the Core Guidelines checker tool on a C++11/14 project, under VS2015.
In my code I use many libraries from Boost which trigger a lot of warning. I am not concerned by those warnings, since Boost is doing a lot of very clever work and the libraries were not written with the aim of conforming to the Guidelines, which they mostly predate.
But with such a flood of warnings I am unable to find out the real issues (at least according to the tool) in my code.
Is there a way to suppress all the warnings for third party code? Maybe there is some attribute before and after #including boost headers?
I have read this page from the Visual C++ Team blog but I have been unable to find it.
There's an undocumented environment variable, CAExcludePath, that filters warnings from files in that path. I usually run with %CAExcludePath% set to %Include%.
You can also use it from MSBuild, see here for an example (with mixed success): Suppress warnings for external headers in VS2017 Code Analysis
MSVC is working on something similar to GCC's system headers that should be a more comprehensive solution to this problem.
Currently, in VS, the feature to suppress warnings from third-party libraries are still experimental but certainly coming.
VS 2017 version 15.6 Preview 1 comes with a feature to suppress warnings from third-party libraries. In the following article, they use "external headers" as a term to refer to the headers from third-party libraries.
The above article basically says that
specify external headers
specify warning level for external headers
to suppress warnings from them. For example, if we have external headers in some_lib_dir directory and want to compile our code in my_prog.cpp which depends on the external headers, the following command should do the job.
cl.exe /experimental:external /external:I some_lib_dir /external:W0 /W4 my_prog.cpp
Note that /experimental:external is required because this is still an experimental feature, and the details of this feature may change in the future.
Anyway, we need to wait for the future release of Visual Studio.

Build boost library with specific name

I am trying to compile my program, which uses boost library, with MSVC 2013 and I get link error:
Cannot open input file boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib
I already built boost successfully a few times with many combinations of options (for example "bjam toolset=msvc --build-type=complete"), but I don't have boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib in my stage directory. I have there libraries with names libboost_iostreams.lib, libboost_iostreams-vc-120-mt-1_57.lib and others. Also I don't want to change any settings in MSVC, because my project was generated by CMake.
So the question is: How do I build library boost_iostreams-vc120-1.57.lib with Windows?
Thanks for answers and sorry for my english
-mt suffix means build with multithreading support that is always on for MSVC. Single threaded CRT was dropped in VS 2008 or even 2005, so both your code and boost will be multithreading aware anyway. If you don't want to change your build config you can simply remove "-mt" suffix from libraries names. But since boost has MSVC autolink support (#pragma comment (lib, "...") in header files) it may be better to make an exception for MSVC and not to link to boost libraries manually at all.

Programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed

I want to know a programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed on the target system. My primary target is Windows XP and above.
I tried Autohotkey but it dosent have many advance functions.
Firstly, please confirm that does 'C++' requires to install a runtime/dependency on the target system is is Win XP or later. Secondly, please suggest me an alternative to C++ that doesnt require a dependency to be installed.
UPDATE: I will be using CodeBlocks! Does the C++ code compiled with that requires a dependency?
UPDATE: Sorry for the misconception, by CodeBlocks I mean the default compiler of CodeBlocks (ie: GNU GCC Compiler or MinGW).
Everything usually depends on the project, not the language. For example, programs compiled in Visual Studio's C++ uses some runtime libraries to work properly. However, you can configure the project in such way, that these libraries are included in the executable file, thus not needing additional dependencies. Delphi works similarly.
Here's the setting for Visual Studio Project:
If you choose option with "DLL", your program will require runtime DLLs. Otherwise it will be standalone, the runtimes will be incorporated into your binary file.
Edit: In response to question edit
I'll repeat myself: it depends on project, not the compiler or IDE.
If you want to create a program that does not require anything else in order to run, except for base operating system (no .NET, no Java, no Perl, no runtime libraries, etc), then your best bet is to use C or C++ and compile your program as single statically compiled executable.
It is rather difficult to achieve in practice, but it can be done.
Codeblocks is not a compiler, but an IDE, that can use different compilers.
The most common one is MinGW.
To complie with minGW so that all the standard libraries are statically linked you shold configure your project (see "project settings") so the the linker options include the -static flag.
You can even be more specific by stecifying

Using boost without having to set up an environment

Is there a way to use C++ boost libraries without having the set up an environment?
I am trying to use boost::split but am getting errors because boost::split could not find other dependent files.
I know how to set up the environment with CMake/VS, but this is just a light weight utility program, so there's no need to do that.
Is there a way to just use boost libraries on the fly?
I am aware that much of boost is header-only, but I have received the following error, which is confusing me:
C:\Development\Libraries\boost_1_50_0\boost\algorithm\string.hpp:18:60: fatal error: boost/algorithm/string/std_containe
rs_traits.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Well, obviously this will only work for header-only libraries. You need more stuff for the boost-libraries that come with files to link.
Now, I'm doing just that: I use some of the boost header libraries, none of the link libraries, and I don't need any preparation for that. EXCEPT that boost includes some of its headers with <filename> instead of "filename", so you HAVE to add the boost library directory to the search path for include files. Nothing else should be required.
EDIT: except possibly for an adjustment to your warning settings. Unfortunately, boost is not "warning clear", which conflicts with my -Werror and /WX switches. I had to disable some warnings globally because there were just too many of them (and warning pragmas don't work with precompiled headers on all platforms), and fixed a few inside the boost headers.