Programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed - c++

I want to know a programming language that doesn't require a runtime/dependency to be installed on the target system. My primary target is Windows XP and above.
I tried Autohotkey but it dosent have many advance functions.
Firstly, please confirm that does 'C++' requires to install a runtime/dependency on the target system is is Win XP or later. Secondly, please suggest me an alternative to C++ that doesnt require a dependency to be installed.
UPDATE: I will be using CodeBlocks! Does the C++ code compiled with that requires a dependency?
UPDATE: Sorry for the misconception, by CodeBlocks I mean the default compiler of CodeBlocks (ie: GNU GCC Compiler or MinGW).

Everything usually depends on the project, not the language. For example, programs compiled in Visual Studio's C++ uses some runtime libraries to work properly. However, you can configure the project in such way, that these libraries are included in the executable file, thus not needing additional dependencies. Delphi works similarly.
Here's the setting for Visual Studio Project:
If you choose option with "DLL", your program will require runtime DLLs. Otherwise it will be standalone, the runtimes will be incorporated into your binary file.
Edit: In response to question edit
I'll repeat myself: it depends on project, not the compiler or IDE.

If you want to create a program that does not require anything else in order to run, except for base operating system (no .NET, no Java, no Perl, no runtime libraries, etc), then your best bet is to use C or C++ and compile your program as single statically compiled executable.
It is rather difficult to achieve in practice, but it can be done.

Codeblocks is not a compiler, but an IDE, that can use different compilers.
The most common one is MinGW.
To complie with minGW so that all the standard libraries are statically linked you shold configure your project (see "project settings") so the the linker options include the -static flag.
You can even be more specific by stecifying


Releasing a program

So I made a c++ console game. Now I'd like to "release" the game. I want to only give the .exe file and not the code. How do i go about this. I'd like to make sure it will run on all windows devices.
I used the following headers-
*I used namespace std
*i used code::blocks 13.12 with mingw
& I used the following library-
Thank you in advance
There are many different ways of installing applications. You could go with an installer like Inno or just go with a regular ZIP file. Some programs can even be standalone by packaging all resources within the executable, but this is not an easy option to my knowledge for C++.
I suppose the most basic way is to create different builds for different architectures with static libraries and then find any other DLLs specific to that architecture and bundle it together in one folder. Supporting x86/x86-64/ARM should be enough for most purposes. I do know that LLVM/Clang and GCC should have extensive support for many architectures, and if need be, you should be able to download the source code of the libraries you use and then compile them for each architecture you plan to support as well as the compilation options you need to compile to each one.
A virtual machine can also be helpful for this cross-compilation and compatibility testing.
tldr; Get all the libraries you need in either static or dynamic (DLL) format. Check that they are of the right architecture (x86 programs/code will not run on MIPS and vice versa). Get all your resources. Get a virtual machine, and then test your program on it. Keep testing until all the dependency problems go away.
Note: when I did this, I actually had some compatibility issues with, of all things, MinGW-w64. Just a note; you may need some DLLs from MinGW, or, if you're using Cygwin, of course you need the Cygwin DLL. I don't know much about MSVC, but I would assume that even they have DLLs needed on some level if you decide to support an outdated Windows OS.

Compile C++ in VS without requiring MSVCP120D.dll at runtime

I'm trying to make a binary that can be run on any windows machine without the visual c++ stuff installed (I'm assuming that's what MSVCP120D.dll is however my searching was not very fruitful as to what this actually is). I made a game for an assignment and wanted to have other people (non-devs without VS stuff installed), help me test it but they kept getting errors saying that the above dll is missing. I'm not using any Visual C++ stuff and have the /Za flag set to ensure that it's just ANSI C++. Does Visual Studio support compiling ANSI C++ and if so how do I go about making it not use Visual C++ stuff, if it doesn't support this what compiler should I use?
As you can see here, the MSVCP DLL is the platform's implementation of the C++ Standard Library. In short what that means is you cannot distribute your application without needing the "stuff" that these libraries provide. All compilers regardless of platform would need some kind of implementation of the Standard Library. Typically this is distributed in the form of libraries.
However you can distribute your application so that the "stuff" is built in to your program directly, rather than being shipped in a separate DLL. In order to do this, you must statically link your application to the Standard Library.
There are a few ways to accomplish this. One way is in Project Settings. In "Project" > "Configuration Properties" > "C/C++ Code Generation" > "Runtime Library", choose "Multithreaded (/MT)" as opposed to "Mutithreaded (Static)".
By the way, the "D" in "MSVCP120D.dll" you mentioned above means "Debug." This means that you are trying to distribute a debug build of your program. You should (almost) never do this. Distribute release builds instead.
You have three options (in the order I'd recommend):
Don't statically link, instead get people that want to run your game install the visual studio re-distributable package. 32-bit VC 2010 version here:
Statically link the CRT (the dll you don't want to require at runtime) see here for details: How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?
Build an app that doesn't even use the CRT at all. Here you will have to implement your own operator new that calls HeapAlloc(), and operator delete that calls HeapFree(), its an interesting challenge ;). To do this you tell the linker to ignore all default libs.
Build with the static runtime libraries rather than the DLL versions.
Go to Properties, C/C++, Code Generation, Runtime Library and select /MTd or /MT rather than the /MDd and /MD options.
Configure your project to link against the runtime statically rather than dynamically.
First of all the D on the end of the name indicated a debug build. If you make a release build then it will need it without the D. This is important because microsoft do not allow the debug libraries to be distributed without visual studio.
The machine you are trying to run the program on may already have the release runtime installed as lots of programs use it. If not then install on the machine ( I think that's the right one but can't check at the moment)
You'll want static linking, that 'builds in' the external library calls into your binary. It does have the added affect of larger binary file, but in your case that doesn't sound like that big of a deal.
On a side note, MSVCP120D.dll is the Microsoft Visual C++ 12 debug DLL (dynamic link library) that contains all of debug C++ libaries (i.e. iostream, string, etc). That library is what you would be 'baking in' to your final binary.
Hope that helps.
I encountered this error when I tried to execute my exe on a different machine that had a newer version of Visual Studio on it. You need to change the project properties and re compile in order for this to go away.
To do this:
Open up solution that you are trying to run
Right click on the Project file - > Properties
In Configuration Properties and General, Ensure Platform Toolset is configured to be the correct compiler on your machine. If it is not correct, it should give a message next to it saying that it's not installed.
Build and run the code again and you should no longer get the issue.

MS vs Non-MS C++ compiler compatibility

Thinking of using MinGW as an alternative to VC++ on Windows, but am worried about compatibility issues. I am thinking in terms of behaviour, performance on Windows (any chance a MinGW compiled EXE might act up). Also, in terms of calling the Windows API, third-party DLLs, generatic and using compatible static libraries, and other issues encountered with mixing parts of the same application with the two compilers.
First, MinGW is not a compiler, but an environment, it is bundled with gcc.
If you think of using gcc to compile code and have it call the Windows API, it's okay as it's C; but for C++ DLLs generated by MSVC, you might have a harsh wake-up call.
The main issue is that in C++, each compiler has its own name mangling (or more generally ABI) and its own Standard library. You cannot mix two different ABI or two different Standard Libraries. End of the story.
Clang has a specific MSVC compatibility mode, allowing it to accept code that MSVC accepts and to emit code that is binary compatible with code compiled with MSVC. Indeed, it is even officially supported in Visual Studio.
Obviously, you could also simply do the cross-DLL communication in C to circumvent most issues.
EDIT: Kerrek's clarification.
It is possible to compile a large amount of C++ code developed for VC++ with the MinGW toolchain; however, the ease with which you complete this task depends significantly on how C++-standards-compliant the code is.
If the C++ code utilizes VC++ extensions, such as __uuidof, then you will need to rewrite these portions.
You won't be able to compile ATL & MFC code with MinGW because the ATL & MFC headers utilize a number of VC++ extensions and depend on VC++-specific behaviors:
try-except Statements
Calling a function without forward-declaring it.
You won't be able to use VC++-generated LIB files, so you can't use MinGW's linker, ld, to link static libraries without recompiling the library code as a MinGW A archive.
You can link with closed-source DLLs; however, you will need to export the symbols of the DLL as a DEF file and use dlltool to make the corresponding A archive (similar to the VC++ LIB file for each DLL).
MinGW's inclusion of the w32api project basically means that code using the Windows C API will compile just fine, although some of the newer functions may not be immediately available. For example, a few months ago I was having trouble compiling code that used some of the "secure" functions (the ones with the _s suffix), but I got around this problem by exporting the symbols of the DLL as a DEF, preparing an up-to-date A archive, and writing forward declarations.
In some cases, you will need to adjust the arguments to the MinGW preprocessor, cpp, to make sure that all header files are properly included and that certain macros are predefined correctly.
What I recommend is just trying it. You will definitely encounter problems, but you can usually find a solution to each by searching on the Internet or asking someone. If for no other reason, you should try it to learn more about C++, differences between compilers, and what standards-compliant code is.

Compiling linux library for mingw

I have been using a socket library for C++. Some other info: 32 bit Linux, Codelite and GCC toolset. I want to be able to compile my program for Windows using the windows edition of Codelite. The socket library I have been using doesn’t have a mingw32 build of the library, but it’s open source. So how can I make a mingw32 build of the socket library so I can make a windows build using the source provided?
Most open source linux libraries are built with the make build system (although there others like jam etc, and custom written scripts for building). MinGW comes with the make utility, it's mingw32-make.exe. It may be possible (if you're lucky) to simply rebuild your library by making it on Windows.
The more usual scenario is that you will need to configure the project before you can build it though. The windows shell doesn't support the scripting requirements required to configure, but there's another part of the MinGW project that does called MSYS. If you install msys and all the required tools you need for it, you'll be able to ./configure your project before running make.
Of course, the above will only work if the library is written to be portable. There are some breaking difference between the linux socket implementation (sys/socket.h), and the windows implementation (winsock2.h). You may be forced to edit chunks of the code to ensure that it is versioned correctly for the platform (or that any dependencies required are also built for Windows).
Also, there is the chance that the library may already be built for Windows, but using a different compiler like MSVC, which produces .lib and .dll files. Mingw requires .a files for libraries, but a clever feature is the ability to link directly against a .dll, without the need for an imports library, so you can often use an existing windows library that was not built against Mingw (Although this won't help for static linking). There is also a tool, dlltool, which can convert .lib to .a.
If you give detail on the specific library you're working with, I may be able to pick out for you what needs to be done to run it on Win.
You port it to the new platform. :)
You're fortunate that it is opensource, because then it would be practically impossible to port it (You'd have to pay $$$'s to get a copy of the code for a particular license, or rewrite the entire product).
Alternatively, they may well already have a port... Check the documentation for the library you are using.
First off your going to need to make sure that you aren't including any Linux specific libraries.

Port GNU C++ programs to Visual C++

How do you port C++ programs with makefile made from GNU C++ in Linux to Visual C++?
One thing I can suggest is to use CMake. If you implement your build system with CMake to auto-generate the makefiles for GCC on Linux, it takes only minor modifications to auto-generate projects and solutions for VC++.
Of course, this means learning a whole new build tool, so it may not be for you. It's only a suggestion.
I don't know about an easy way to simply convert from one to another, but..
Assuming you use only ANSI C/C++ features, usually you don't need to convert the makefile, just look which .c/.cpp files are in it and add them to the VS project; you'll also have to check about compiler options and defined macros, to put them inside the VS project. I've done this to compile libs like expat, freetype, agg and others, without problems.
Porting the build system: You could use a Windows port of GNU make, and change the makefile to invoke the Visual C++ command line tools (cl.exe, link.exe, lib.exe, etc.) when building on Windows and the GNU compiler tools when building on Linux. The difficulty of this approach depends on the complexity of the makefiles.
Porting the code: This depends on what APIs and libraries you are using, and what compiler warnings/errors/quirks you will encounter. For a more specific answer, ask a more specific question.
CMake was mentioned. I have used CMake and successfully compiled the resulting Visual Studio project. I found the CMake documentation very unhelpful -- I had to ask an existing user -- and the official manual (which costs money) was out of print at the time. Further, the Visual Studio project it produced was very rigidly formatted according the template preferred by whoever wrote the converter. I was unable to figure out how to customize project options or group source files.
I regularly cross-compile on Visual Studio and G++. For the most part, you just need to add all of the source files and header files into a Visual Studio project ('Add Existing Files', and add your entire source tree) and then compile it. Usually you'll get errors, so you start fixing bugs from there. If you used platform-specific libraries, you may be stuck porting to an alternative or removing features.
One further word of caution: Visual Studio and G++ have different compiler quirks. For the most part, they both conform excellently to the C++ standard, but slightly off-standard code which works in one may not work in the other. I have found this to be particularly true when dealing with templates, with Visual Studio being bizarrely permissive of syntax errors in many cases.
CMake has the nicety of generating visual studio project.
If you do not need that, I suggest Meson build system. Much nicer, similar proposal. Requires python3 and ninja, but noone is perfect. :)