Disable ReSharper's rename usages in comments and string literals - visual-studio-2017

I'd like to disable ReSharpers renaming feature for comments and string literals. Do you know how to do it? I wasn't able to find any checkbox for this feature.
I don't know anymore how many times I broke my projects by quickly pressing Enter and forgetting to uncheck it when I was renaming name parameter of some methods. It instantly breaks all app.configs any any other file using this string. This feature is dangerous so I'd rater use it as an opt-in feature than opt-out.

If you uncheck that tick box, it should be persistent, and remain unchecked the next time you try to rename something.


WebStorm, unable to suppress inspection for undefined function

I found this documentation on suppressing certain inspections, and I remember using it before, however for some reason it is currently not available.
I am working on a UI for a Unity project and we are injecting a JavaScript function into the DOM from Unity. In WebStorm, the function is obviously undefined. Unfortunately, in the "fix" menu, I only have the following options:
Here is what I'm expecting, based on the docs:
I remember from using it in the past that it simply puts a comment before the call, but I don't remember what it is.
How can I enable this feature again? Alternatively, what is the comment so I can manually insert it?
Just as it's written in Help article, you have to press the -> key or click the right arrow button next to Create function.... menu item to open a submenu with suppress actions
You can also suppress it by adding a comment // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction manually

DevExpress CodeRush: multicursor replacement

In Sublime Text there's a way to highlight all similar strings by setting a cursor to every one of them, and then you can just type something, and this text will be printed in every highlight area. In rus version it's called "multicursor".
Is there something like that in CodeRush?
I know about "Replace all" function in Visual Studio. But this approach is not as convenient as the approach described earlier.
Something like that you can see in Rename feature of CodeRush.
When the Rename is activated, it turns all references to the selected
variable into the linked identifiers.
Linked identifiers are related sections that are kept synchronized. If
you change the text within one of them, all others get updated
There are also the Multi-Select feature which allows you to select separate text blocks by pressing CTRL + ALT + ENTER, but this feature does not allows you to edit every highlight area:

Source Insight //TODO comment

I recently started working with Source Insight, and in order to get a proper looking //TODO - comment you need to write // TODO
(with an extra space).
I tried looking around the config for a way to remove this extra space, couldn't find it, and can't get used to writing it with the extra space.
Any way to solve this? Or should I embrace this, and then slowly, learn to cherish it?
Go to Options->Style Properties
Add a new Style for your "todo" comments, set its properties to be whatever you like
Go to Options->Document Options
Click on "Language" button in Parsing section
Select appropriate language (C? C++?)
Click "Properties"
Change to "Comments and Ranges" tab
Click "Add new definition"
Set formatting style to match the new one you created above
For "range begins with" put "//todo" (perhaps one for each type of
Click ok x 3
Yes to "Reparse project"
Click close
It should now be showing up properly!

How to pop up code completion hint and word expand together in Webstorm?

I want to show pop up code completion hint and word expand (which is equal to Ctrl + N in Vim). Now I type Ctrl+E to popup expand word and I type Ctrl + Shift to popup code completion hint...
Do you have any idea how this could be done?
One of the lesser-known but potentially powerful features of the keymap is that you can map multiple actions to the same shortcut. You could try doing this for the two things you want to have happen at once.
In Settings → Keymap, you can change what action is triggered by what shortcut.
You can find the actions you're looking for either by name (if you know what they're called in WebStorm), or by their shortcut (by clicking on the Find actions by shortcut button next to the action name search box).
Once you've decided which keyboard shortcut you want to trigger both actions, you can assign it to both actions. You may get a popup about possible conflicts with other actions, with an option to either Remove the other shortcuts or Leave them be.
It may be obvious at this point, but you want to Leave the other shortcut in place so that both actions will be triggered.
Hope this helps!
I don't think it's possible, check the related requests:
IDEABKL-3262 Word Completion
IDEABKL-6021 introduce new completion type similar to expand word
The first request is most likely your use case:
provide reasonable variants to complete when any completion based on context language analysis fail or absent

How to instantly change name of variable for all references in project

I am working on some game in VS10, and I want to change the name of some variable, because I want to expand the game, however there is so much references to it, that I don't know from where to start. Is there any hotkey in VS10 that will do this in a moment for me? I know there is NetBeans hotkey CTRL+H, but this doesn't work for VS10.
First, any variable should always be declared and used in the smallest of scope.
In VS2010, whenever you rename a variable, it will prompt you whether you want all references to this variable is to be so renamed. A little red bar will appear underneath the name where you changed it. Move your mouse to that bar and an icon will appear with "Options to update references to the renamed object". You can choose between renaming all right away or with preview.
(The ability to rename all references to the renamed variable disappears when you go and rename another different variable. Perhaps there is a way to go back to an older rename but I have not found it.)
I tried renaming a public property of a class. The automatic renaming works too for references to that public property, at least when both are within the same code file.
As Retired Ninja said in his comment, you pretty much need add-ons for Visual Studio (like Visual Assist X).
Installing Visual Assist will give you a menu like this:
... where the "Find References" button searches for all references to that variable/function/namespace/etc and replaces it (not just a plain text search).
Other alternative is to open the "Find and Replace" window (press Ctrl+F), and click "Quick Replace". From there you can do a plain text search and replace (there's also wildcard and regex support (under "Find Options->Use:), if that helps).
There is CTRL+H in VS10 too. If you press it on the right side pops out panel which is basically interface for what you want to do about the modification. It has everything included, to modify that name only in the document/s which is/are currently opened, or even in the whole project. Bad thing is that replaces that name with everything it encounters, except for header name. So if I have something like fruit.h and I want to rename it in apple.h, everything will be renamed to apple.h except the name file, so it will throw an exception that aformentioned header couldn't be found.