Source Insight //TODO comment - c++

I recently started working with Source Insight, and in order to get a proper looking //TODO - comment you need to write // TODO
(with an extra space).
I tried looking around the config for a way to remove this extra space, couldn't find it, and can't get used to writing it with the extra space.
Any way to solve this? Or should I embrace this, and then slowly, learn to cherish it?

Go to Options->Style Properties
Add a new Style for your "todo" comments, set its properties to be whatever you like
Go to Options->Document Options
Click on "Language" button in Parsing section
Select appropriate language (C? C++?)
Click "Properties"
Change to "Comments and Ranges" tab
Click "Add new definition"
Set formatting style to match the new one you created above
For "range begins with" put "//todo" (perhaps one for each type of
Click ok x 3
Yes to "Reparse project"
Click close
It should now be showing up properly!


Is there any way to reset the default option as "Current File" in "Replace" of WebStorm?

Is there any way to reset the default option as "Current File" in "Replace" of WebStorm?
Is there any way to reset the default option as "Current File" in "Replace" of WebStorm?
You cannot.
You cannot set a specific entry as a default one.
The IDE will (should) remember the last option used when you invoke "Find/Replace in Files" next time.
If you invoke "Find/Replace in Files" from a folder context (e.g. from the Project View panel) then the IDE automatically will select that folder as an option instead of what you have there from the previous time.
The reason why I need it cause it'll be better for me to get a quick and entire view for the content I am searching.
You can see the same "entre view" using in-file replace:
There is an "Open in Find Tool Window" button in the search toolbar that will open ALL matches in a standard Find Results toolwindow (the same window that you get when you hit the "Open in Find Window" button in the bottom right of Find/Replace in Files). So ALL matches will be listed there;
the Preview area is also available (may need to enable it first -- there is a button for that). It also allows editing the file content right there.

How to automatically fill "go to everything" [ctrl + t] with current text selection

When I have text selected in a VS 2017 text edit window and then hit ctrl+t to do ReSharper's 2017 Ultimate's "go to everything", the selected text is not automatically placed into the "go to everything" search field.
As automatically pasting selected text into search dialogs is pretty standard functionality, I'm hoping there is a way to configure ReSharper to do this but have not been able to find one.
Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!
Try ticking the checkbox Remember last search on ReSharper | Options | Environment | Search & Navigation page. According to the WebHelp page, that should help
ReSharper can remember the last input that you used to find something
with Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go To File, and Go to Text actions.
When this option is selected, ReSharper will also use your current
selection in the editor as the initial search query. For example, you
can select a file name in a string and then press Ctrl+Shift+T to
search for files in your solution that match this name.

WebStorm, unable to suppress inspection for undefined function

I found this documentation on suppressing certain inspections, and I remember using it before, however for some reason it is currently not available.
I am working on a UI for a Unity project and we are injecting a JavaScript function into the DOM from Unity. In WebStorm, the function is obviously undefined. Unfortunately, in the "fix" menu, I only have the following options:
Here is what I'm expecting, based on the docs:
I remember from using it in the past that it simply puts a comment before the call, but I don't remember what it is.
How can I enable this feature again? Alternatively, what is the comment so I can manually insert it?
Just as it's written in Help article, you have to press the -> key or click the right arrow button next to Create function.... menu item to open a submenu with suppress actions
You can also suppress it by adding a comment // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction manually

How to look for a specific mapping in the navigator window

I'm new to powercenter and the learning curve of this tool seems to be different from the programming languages I'm used to. Where I work everyone tells me to ask people in the office. Access to the internet is non existant. Stack overflow is one of the few places where I can look for info.
I would like to do something basic like, in the navigator window, there are sometimes thousands of mappings with veeeery similar names, I would like to know if there is a way to enable a "control-f" type of functionality. As of right now, placing the mouse on the window and writing the name kinda helps, but since the names are stuff like
and there are dozens and hundreds that share the same structure: "k_l_ll_sigpir_" trying to navigate when you don't know where info is other than the name is a bit of a nightmare, compared to other tools at least.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
I guess I was able to find something that might help, although this is a bit counter-intuitive. I'm assuming you want to find and open some mapping in Mapping Designer. Here goes:
After you've connected to Repository and have the right folder opened (not just connected!), choose Tools => Queries from the menu bar. A Query Browser should open for you.
Choose New to create a new query
In the Query Editor there's a grid. Choose Object Name in the Parameter Name column. Change the Operator to Contains and put whatever you're looking for as Value 1 (using your example: mappingname)
Click the blue play button on the menu bar or choose Query => Execute from top menu. Give this a few seconds.
Give it a few more seconds...
A Query Results window should be opened for you. NOTE: if you've been clicking anything it might get opened in the background - just check the Designer button on Start Bar. It should contain all the objects that contain mappingname string it the name. We've not limited this to mappings only though (I'll discuss this below).
=== now here's the odd part ===
You can right click any item on the list in Query Results window and choose Open in Workspace. And it won't work :)
Switch back to Query Editor window and close it (don't close the Query Results!). You may save you'r query if you like to.
You should be back at Query Browser. Close it.
Return to Query Results.
Right click the desired item and choose Open in Workspace.
Now some remarks:
The whole repository is searched. The Query Results may therefore contain items from other folders, than the one you have open. Trying to Open in Workspace such objects won't work since the folder is not open in Designer.
You may construct more sophisticated queries. Just click 'Add new...' icon on the Query Editor window. This will add a line and allow you to choose extra conditions. It will be spawned by a AND condition which you may change to OR. You get the idea.
Yes, it's odd, I know. Just don't blame me ;)
The quick answer is that the 'metadata manager' tool can do exactly what you ask for. It is basically a 'google search' for your entire data warehouse. Only hiccup is that it requires a lot of work from the admins of your power center servers to get it up and running...
Basically it depends on what you want to DO with the mapping after you've found it and why you look for it in the first place:
1) in the 'designer tool' you can look under 'targets' in the right hand tree structure
- when you've found the target table you want the mappings for
- simply right-click and choose 'dependencies'
- in the following dialog uncheck everything except 'mappings'
- in the following right click on the most likely mapping and choose 'open in workspace'
2) in the repository database there is a view called opb_task_inst_run that contains a row for each session that has ever run. You can write simple sql against that view with '%like patterns%' to locate mappings... you may want to add a where clause to 'start time' for the most recent week or so - especially if the repository is old and runtime metadata has never been deleted...
Please write back if you need something different...
I'm not aware of the functionality you're after within informatica, however, the mappings are listed in alphanumeric order which should alleviate this. Within the mapping itself there is search functionality to find transformations within the mapping.
As far as a place to start learning Informatica, informatica tv is one place to get your feet wet

Binding a static text box to a checkbox

I need some help in MFC. The following is my problem:
I have two controls a static text and a checkbox
When using MFC Wizard, i place a '&' in front of one of the letters in the static text, while executing if i press Alt+, the checkbox either gets enabled or disabled.
Now my problem is i am adding these controls programaticaly, and even though i have the '&' placed in the static text, if i press the Alt+, it doesn't change the state of the checkbox control.
My queries are:
Can anyone kindly let me know if there is some binding which has to be done in case we are adding the controls programatically.
If someone can briefly explain how the binding is taken care by MFC it will be gr8 help
One more thing the checkbox won't have any text associated with it.
Since the static text is not associated with the checkbox control, how can the system know which checkbox it should link? I bet if you look at the TAB ordering and the group settings of the controls, you will arrive at your solution.