How to enable package controls in project properties - visual-studio-2017

When you create for example .Net Standard project you will see a package tab in project properties. I see it now, but to my surprise most of the controls on this tab is disabled (and empty, i.e. disabled=empty). If it matters, the project is FSharp.Data.
The odd thing is, all those fields have values really, I can edit project directly, and making package works with those "hidden" values. The only thing missing, I don't see values in UI and cannot edit them directly.
My question is how to enable all controls in package tab?


Sitecore add here button not showing the Add rendering dialog

All of a sudden the Add here button in experience editor to add a rendering is not working. When clicked nothing happens. Do you have any idea where can I start look into? I already tried to remove the custom styles and scripts in my Editing theme. Sitecore version is 9 update 2 and SXA is 1.7
You have started from the right thing. Please make sure that you have the valid base themes defined in the Media Library: /sitecore/Media Library/Base Themes, especially, the Editing Theme with the logic used to edit components in Experience Editor.
Another idea is to check the order in which the layers load in Sitecore. The default order is defined in Website/App_Config/layers.config, make sure that SXA configuration loads last in the Modules layer, so that all custom modules are processed ahead of the SXA. It is recommended to create a custom patch file instead of modifying the standard configuration.
Hope this helps.
Did you check the console?
Maybe you have some error caused by some new custom script and that's preventing the add button to work
We had this issue for a specific set of placeholders, fortunately affecting only a single project in our solution. To fix the behavior, we had to manually set "editable" to false -> save item and then back to true -> save item for every affected placeholder.
We finally found the culprit, it was related to a Sitecore bug documented here:
Setting the value for Query.MaxSize from 100 to 400 permanently fixed the issue

How do I add a new Razor Page Template to Visual Studio in ASP.NET Core 2.1?

I've got the Templates folder in my project hierarchy, and I've been modifying those pretty heavily to speed up my scaffolding workflow.
However, some of the objects in my database must persist forever. So, since they can't be deleted, they have a boolean activation state.
As such, I'd like to add two new actions to the CRUD workflow, Deactivate and Reactivate. I added the relevant templates to the Project\Templates\RazorPageGenerator folder, but when I click to add a new Razor Page, it still only shows the standard CRUD options.
I'm not sure where I need to register the new templates for them to be usable in the scaffolding operations...?
This is what I normally do and works all the time:
Right click the folder => Select Add > New File => Select Razor Page and modify the "Name" section to match my controller method name.
If it doesn't work for you, how about creating files "Deactivate.cshtml" and "Reactivate.cshtml" using normal means (Finder in MacOS, Window Explorer in Windows, or command prompt), copy them to your Project\Templates\RazorPageGenerator folder, and add them to your project by right click the folder in VS2017 => Select Add > Add Files from Folder
In .csprog change Project Sdk From Microsoft.NET.Sdk To Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web

Is there visual representation in Visual Studio 2013 like in Netbeans?

I want to ask if there is in Visual studio 2013 a visual representation of my application like in NetBeans where i can add thing like containers or controls ex. Button or checkbox?
I know that one is Java and one is C++ (in my case).
Depending on the type of project that you create, you will be presented with different options to populate the UI. If you create a xaml or winforms project, it will present a toolbox on the left hand sidebar. These elements can be dragged onto your form and events can be added via the properties window on the right hand sidebar.
It's pretty easy to use and master within an hour or so. Don't be afraid to whip up a small test project to sample the different elements available.
[EDIT] - Once you have completed the creation of the win32 project, you'll need to add a new windows form. You do this as so:
right click on the solution explorer root (possibly called Win32Project1)
click the add item on the popup window
choose new item
select the Visual c++ node->UI
choose the Windows Form item and add
Now you will see the form on screen. Next, navigate to View Toolbox (CTRL+W, X). Now choose you control (start off in the All windows forms section). From here drag the desired control onto the form and party on it :). Thereafter, it's just a matter of adding code to the events (or creating class objects and referencing them via the events)

How to add custom menu in Sitecore menu list

i want to add my custom application name in Sitecore Start Menu List, i'm following this article :
Adding Application Shortcut
it saying use Core database i'm using this, i couldn't find Layout studio, can any sitecore developer suggest me how to find this and finish my job. Thanks in advance.
I think the instructions you've linked to there are out of date. I've not seen that bit of UI in recent releases of Sitecore.
Working in Sitecore 6.6 I've successfully made custom applications using these instructions:
But beware the issue that I've blogged about here. The recent revisions of Sitecore subtly break the configuration defined above, and you have to manually edit out a file extension to make everything work:
-- Edited to add --
Based on the "it doesn't work in 7.5" comment below, I've tried these instructions on a test instance of Sitecore 7.5 rev 141003. It seems 7.5 behaves slightly differently - but I can still make it work.
Create the item under /sitecore/content/Applications using the external link button for the "Application" field. With raw values displayed, it should look something like:
And then create your application shortcut under /sitecore/content/Documents and settings/All users/Start menu using an internal link for the Application field. I found this still added the '.aspx' extension mentioned in my blog post, but I also found that editing it out again didn't work - it reappeared as soon as I hit save. I needed to edit out the extension from the link data using the Raw Values view in order to get the data shown below:
With those things set up, refreshing the page caused the test item to appear on my start menu:
Hopefully that works for you too?
-- Further edited to add --
New blog post covering this problem in Sitecore 7.5:
Which version of Sitecore are you using? The Layout Studio is probably one of the least features in Sitecore, and personally not something I have ever used.
Instead you should create the the layout in Visual Studio - which then means your layout can be added to your Source Control System. Then follow the instructions in the link in Jeremy's answer.
If you do need to access the Layout Studio for some reason you can find it under: Sitecore menu > Development Tools > Developer Center. From there you can create new files/open existing files.

How to modify captions of windows created by visual studio project wizard

I have craeted a Visual C++ project using studio 2010 wizard in which I have added things like FileView, ClassView, PropertiesWindow, OutputWindow etc, with the help of wizard. Now I am interested in changing the default captions/names of one of these items let's say FileView. The FileView has a resource string "IDS_FILE_VIEW" associated with it with value "File View" which is displayed as a caption of the FileView window. If I change the value of above mentioned string in the resources it does not change that caption and still shows "File View" as a caption. Could anyone suggest me that how can I customize captions and other features of such common windows created through studio wizards?
Thanks a lot.
You don't say, but I assume from the "IDS" that you are using the MFC libraries.
In MFC, the resource strings like IDS_FILE_VIEW are defined and used by the designer but it is quite possible to override them. Changing the IDS_FILE_VIEW resource's value will indeed change what is displayed when that resource is used, but you may have (inadvertently) prevented that resource being used where you expect.
I would check through your project files to see where this and related names appear and verify that there are no inconsistencies.