DirectX 11 Debug Layer Capture Error Strings - c++

I have the DirectX Debug Layer working and it outputs errors and warnings to the output window in visual studio. Like this for example (not the actual issue I'm facing):
D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::OMSetRenderTargets: Resource being set to OM RenderTarget slot 0 is still bound on input! [ STATE_SETTING WARNING #9: DEVICE_OMSETRENDERTARGETS_HAZARD]
I have a custom logging system that saves to files and prints in other windows. I'd like to capture the debug message strings, and display them in my own way. Is this supported? If so how do I do it?

Since I had this problem myself and found the previous answer a bit lackluster, I want to give a more detailed solution, now that I've got this working:
All API calls I will reference can be found here
One can get messages out of DirectX11 by reading them from an internal message queue, that can be accessed by calling ID3D11InfoQueue::GetMessage, which takes the index of the message to get and fills a provided buffer with a D3D11_MESSAGE struct, that contains all the wanted information (Severity, Category, ID and Text).
However, I discovered that this buffer was empty (by calling ID3D11InfoQueue::GetNumStoredMessages) when I tried to iterate over it. That seemed to be due to some filtering going on. In order for the runtime to actually fill this buffer, I first had to call ID3D11InfoQueue::PushEmptyStorageFilter, which pushes a filter that doesn't filter out any messages:
//HANDLE_HRESULT is just a macro of mine to check for S_OK return value
This filtering is the part that is actually discussed in the blog post that is linked in Chuck Walbourn's answer (allthough the link only directs me to the main page, the actual blog post is here). It doesn't contain any info on how to redirect the messages though.
Once the messages are generated, you can iterate over them like so:
UINT64 message_count = debug_info_queue->GetNumStoredMessages();
for(UINT64 i = 0; i < message_count; i++){
SIZE_T message_size = 0;
debug_info_queue->GetMessage(i, nullptr, &message_size); //get the size of the message
D3D11_MESSAGE* message = (D3D11_MESSAGE*) malloc(message_size); //allocate enough space
HANDLE_HRESULT(debug_info_queue->GetMessage(i, message, &message_size)); //get the actual message
//do whatever you want to do with it
printf("Directx11: %.*s", message->DescriptionByteLength, message->pDescription);
debug_info_queue is the ID3D11InfoQueue interface and can be obtained like so:
ID3D11InfoQueue* debug_info_queue;
device->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11InfoQueue), (void **)&debug_info_queue);

You use the ID3D11InfoQueue interface to implement your own debug message output.
using Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr;
ComPtr<ID3D11Debug> d3dDebug;
if (SUCCEEDED(device.As(&d3dDebug)))
ComPtr<ID3D11InfoQueue> d3dInfoQueue;
if (SUCCEEDED(d3dDebug.As(&d3dInfoQueue)))
See this blog post


Get job from spooler - C++

With a printer that doesn't exist, I send to the spooler different files. In my software, I try to get all files existing in the queue of the spooler. For that, I tried the following instruction:
bool t = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0,1,3, (LPBYTE) &h, sizeof(JOB_INFO_3), &pcbNeeded, &pcReturned)
I get jobId in the field 'JobId' of the structure.
In the structure type 'JOB_INFO_3', the field 'JobId' is well filled but the field 'nextJobId' is not filled. Why?
It's the same problem when I execute the following instruction:
bool t = EnumJobs(hPrinter, 0,3,3, (LPBYTE) &h, sizeof(JOB_INFO_3), &pcbNeeded, &pcReturned)
Moreover, the field 'JobId' is not filled. Why ?
Then, I don't know how to get info(filename, state, number of pages, etc) of a particular job. I tried the following instruction but it didn't work:
GetJobA(hPrinter, h.JobId, 1, (LPBYTE) &job_info_1, sizeof(JOB_INFO_1), & nbBytes)
And my last question is: Is it possible to get all the jobs from the spooler of the printer?
Do you have any solutions?
So, I'm not sure what the rest of your code looks like, but it looks possible that you're not using the API quite correctly. The MSDN documentation suggests that you should call the EnumJobs API twice.
To determine the required buffer size, call EnumJobs with cbBuf set to zero. EnumJobs fails, GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and the pcbNeeded parameter returns the size, in bytes, of the buffer required to hold the array of structures and their data.
The flow goes like this:
Call EnumJobs for the first time to see how much memory needs to be allocated for your JOB_INFO_n array.
Allocate the memory required for your JOB_INFO_n array.
Call EnumJobs with your JOB_INFO_n array.
Looking at the call to EnumJobs where you attempt to get the first three jobs, the size of your pJob appears to be sizeof(JOB_INFO_3), where it should be three times this size in order to hold all three jobs. What is the return from EnumJobs for that call?
The reason why nextJobId is not filled in is likely a misunderstanding of the field. This field is for print jobs that have been linked together, not to find out which print job is next in the queue.
NextJobId - The print job identifier for the next print job in the linked set of print jobs.
As for the information about the print job, this is going to be difficult. Unfortunately, there is no way I know of to get the name/path of the file printed. There's no concept of this in the spooler APIs. Consider a print job which isn't backed by a file for example. The best you get is the print job name, which is set by the printing application.
For pages, it looks like there is a TotalPages field in the JOB_INFO_1 structure. That may be of some use to you. It looks like you're already trying to get the JOB_INFO_1 structure but having some troubles. If the API is failing, you can use GetLastError() to identify what the issue is. Does the job ID you're passed in exist?
For the last question about getting all print jobs from the queue. It seems that the MSDN documentation suggests the following:
To determine the number of print jobs in the printer queue, call the GetPrinter function with the Level parameter set to 2.
Hope this helps.

Error when calling EnterCriticalSection

I'm trying to create a mailbox on a Windows 7 OS in Eclipse IDE and in debug mode. I'm trying to create a RTOS(Real time operating system) like mailbox in Windows using Eclipse.
This is what my code for the mailbox looks like so far:
RTX_Mailbox RTX_CreateMailbox (unsigned long nSlotSize, unsigned long nSlots, char* szName)
::EnterCriticalSection (&csMailboxLock);
CMailBox* pNewMailbox = new CMailBox (nSlotSize, szName);
aMailBoxes.push_back (pNewMailbox);
RTX_Mailbox mailBox = ((unsigned int)aMailBoxes.size ()) - 1;
::LeaveCriticalSection (&csMailboxLock);
return mailBox;
My application keeps crashing on run-time as soon as it hits ::EnterCriticalSection(&csMailboxLock);
It returns this error message(highlighted in the pic attached):
Error message in text: No source available for ntdll!TpCallbackMayRunLong() at 0x77d78e19
Please let me know if further details are required...
So I did find a solution if anyone else had the same issue.
Turns out you need to initialize the Critical Section before you use it. So the following fixed it:
This is the link that helped me:
The "error message" is not an error message, it simply indicates that the source for the current program-counter location (inside an OS call) is not available.
The documentation for EnterCriticalSection is pretty clear:
Before using a critical section, some thread of the process must call InitializeCriticalSection or InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount to initialize the object.
I would advise consulting the documentation first in such cases.

FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns NULL for ppPrinterNotifyInfo

I'm stuck on problem were I would like to ask for some help:
I have the task to print some files of different types using ShellExecuteEx with the "print" verb and need to guarantee print order of all files. Therefore I use FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification and FindNextPrinterChangeNotification to monitor the events PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB and PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB using two different threads in the background which I start before calling ShellExecuteEx as I don't know anything about the application which will print the files etc. The only thing I know is that I'm the only one printing and which file I print. My solution seems to work well, my program successfully recognizes the event PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB for my file, I even verify that this event is issued for my file by checking what is give to me as additional info by specifying JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_DOCUMENT.
The problem now is with the event PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB, where I don't get any addition info about the print job, though my logic is exactly the same for both events: I've written one generic thread function which simply gets executed with the event it is used for. My thread is recognizing the PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB event, but on each call to FindNextPrinterChangeNotification whenever this event occured I don't get any addition data in ppPrinterNotifyInfo. This works for the start event, though, I verified using my logs and the debugger. But with PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB the only thing I get is NULL.
I already searched the web and there are some similar questions, but most of the time related to VB or simply unanswered. I'm using a C++ project and as my code works for the ADD_JOB-event I don't think I'm doing something completely wrong. But even MSDN doesn't mention this behavior and I would really like to make sure that the DELETE_JOB event is the one for my document, which I can't without any information about the print job. After I get the DELETE_JOB event my code doesn't even recognize other events, which is OK because the print job is done afterwards.
The following is what I think is the relevant notification code:
PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS_TYPE pnot[1] = {JOB_NOTIFY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 1, jobNotifyFields};
PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS pno = {2, 0, 1, pnot};
HANDLE defaultPrinter = PrintWaiter::openDefaultPrinter();
HANDLE changeNotification = FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification( defaultPrinter,
0, &pno);
while ((waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(changeNotification, threadArgs->wfsoTimeout)) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, L"Irgendein Druckereignis im Thread zum Warten auf Ereignis " << LogStringConv(threadArgs->event) << L" erkannt.");
DWORD events = 0;
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(changeNotification, &events, NULL, (LPVOID*) &notifyInfo);
if (!(events & threadArgs->event) || !notifyInfo || !notifyInfo->Count)
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, L"unpassendes Ereignis " << LogStringConv(events) << L" ignoriert");
I would really appreciate if anyone could give some hints on why I don't get any data regarding the print job. Thanks!
Here's what I think is going on:
I observe two events in two different threads for the start and end of each print job. With some debugging and logging I recognized that FindNextPrinterChangeNotification doesn't always return only the two distinct events I've notified for, but some 0-events in general. In those cases FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns 0 as the events in pdwChange. If I print a simple text file using notepad.exe I only get one event for creation of the print job with value 256 for pdwChange and the data I need in notifyInfo to compare my printed file name against and comparing both succeeds. If I print a pdf file using current Acrobat Reader 11 I get two events, one has pdwChange as 256, but gives something like "local printdatafile" as the name of the print job started, which is obviously not the file I printed. The second event has a pdwChange of 0, but the name of the print job provided in notifyInfo is the file name I used to print. As I use FreePDF for testing pruproses, I think the first printer event is something internal to my special setup.
The notifications for the deletion of a print job create 0 events, too. This time those are sent before FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns 1024 in pdwChange, and timely very close after the start of the print job. In this case the exactly one generated 0 event contains notifyInfo with a document name which equals the file name I started printing. After the 0 event there's exactly one additional event with pdwChange of 1024, but without any data for notifyInfo.
I think Windows is using some mechanism which provides additional notifications for the same event as 0 events after the initial event has been fired with it's real value the user notified with, e.g. 256 for PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB. On the other hand it seems that some 0 events are simply fired to provide data for an upcoming event which then gets the real value of e.g. 1024 for PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB, but without anymore data because that has already been delivered to the event consumer with a very early 0 event. Something like "Look, there's more for the last events." and "Look, something is going to happen with the data I already provide now." Implementing such an approach my prints now seem to work as expected.
Of course what I wrote doesn't fit to what is documented for FindNextPrinterChangeNotification, but it makes a bit of sense to me. ;-)
You're not checking for overflows or errors.
The documentation for FindNextPrinterChangeNotification says this:
If the PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DISCARDED bit is set in the Flags member of
the PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO structure, an overflow or error occurred, and
notifications may have been lost. In this case, no additional
notifications will be sent until you make a second
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification call that specifies
You need to check for that flag and do as described above, and you should also be checking the return code from FindNextPrinterChangeNotification.

GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(), ReadDirectoryChangesW()

I am using GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx() and ReadDirectoryChangesW() to try to receive notifications of changes to multiple filesystem hierarchies.
I noticed that I would receive completion packets with error 0x10C when there would be a lot of changes at once. This error code wasn't anywhere in the header files I'd included and wasn't in the documentation ( ). A little digging later, I find out that it's STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR defined in ntstatus.h. Neither STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR is mentioned in the documentation nor is the necessity of including ntstatus.h. MSDN indicates that it should have been ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR. So I am wondering, is this a bug in the documentation or perhaps I am doing something wrong?
ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR is defined in winerror.h:
// MessageText:
// A notify change request is being completed and the information is not being returned in the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to enumerate the files to find the changes.
However, 1022 is 0x3FE. 0x10C is 268 instead, which is not an error code that ReadDirectoryChangesW() is supposed to return. So if ReadDirectoryChangesW() is directly returning STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR instead of translating it into ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR, then that very well could be a bug inside of ReadDirectoryChangesW() itself, unless it is a typo in winerror.h instead.
STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR is used by some lower-level systems, like NT_TRANSACT_NOTIFY_CHANGE and NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile(), to indicate that the notification data is larger than the output buffer can hold. That is what ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR means in ReadDirectoryChangesW(), as stated in its own documentation.
Some return values of other functions, like the WaitFor...() family of functions, and OverlappedIO/IOCP functions, map directly to STATUS_... codes internally, but are not documented as such because that is a private implementation detail. For example, if you look in winbase.h, there are a couple of dozen common return codes, like WAIT_OBJECT_0, WAIT_IO_COMPLETION, STILL_ACTIVE, and various EXCEPTION_..., that map directly to STATUS_... values.
That does not appear to be the case in this situation, though. According to MSDN, STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIRis indeed supposed to map to ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR, so this would appear to be a bug:
When a kernel-mode driver is called because of an input/output (I/O) request from the Win32 subsystem, the status code returned by the kernel- mode driver will be translated to the status code's corresponding Win32 error code. The following table shows the mapping from the Windows NT status codes to Win32 error codes.

Mystery HRESULT, 0x889000D

Decimal: 143196173
Hex: 0x889000D
Results from a call to IAudioSessionControl2->GetProcessId().
GetLastError = 126*
Message = "The specified module could not be found"
I'm not really sure how to interpret this error. Additionally, I can't find a description of the HRESULT anywhere. The documented return codes are S_OK, E_POINTER, AUDCLNT_E_NO_SINGLE_PROCESS, and AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_INVALIDATED.
Anyone know what this code indicates?
*This is an error marshalled across a managed/unmanaged boundary, obtained by Marshal.GetLastError with a Win32Exception providing the message. It could be bogus, but its what I've got. The HRESULT is pulled out of the unmanaged code directly.
Further investigation, FAILED() doesn't seem to think this is an error. However, the out parameter is cleared (set to 0) which doesn't really make sense. Also, GetErrorInfo returns S_FALSE; so there isn't any additional debug info to go on.
This is AUDCLNT_S_NO_CURRENT_PROCESS - I realized that it somehow missed the Windows 7 SDK headers too late.
The SDK documentation is going to be updated to reflect this.
The result means that the session is a cross process session. The process ID returned is the process ID for the first process which created the session, but if you get this result, you really can't depend on the process ID since the process ID isn't unique.
COM methods can set IErrorInfo on failure. Try to retrieve it - it can contain additional information. In unmanaged code you use GetErrorInfo() for that.