Unable to connect Camera from Wowza - wowza

We have configure live streaming in wowza from camera
when tried to Testplayers it says unable to connect
Is there any where we need to set the camera password in wowza ?

below command is to push the rtsp stream to WOwza server
ffmpeg -re -i SampleVideo_720x480_20mb.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy -f rtsp
rtsp://[username]:[password]#[CLoud server IP]:[port]/live/myStream
you can check whether the video stream is coming or not by login to the Wowza server, and go to Applications->select your live application->Incoming Streams
you can view the Video stream using VlC player
vlc rtsp://[cloud server IP]:[port]/live/myStream
[Have a look at below link how stream to Wowza engine using ffmpeg https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-live-stream-using-ffmpeg-with-wowza-streaming-engine 1


Wowza convert Flv files to mp4

I have some legacy code that need to be configured on a new server. The server is a Wowza Media server 3.1. I have installed it and moved all application data.
The use for it is to record web camera videos from web and then be able to play them back.
I have already got it working to record video on the webpage and an .fla file is created correctly on the server.
But the playback doesn't work because there is no mp4 file.
What I have figured out is that there are two applications in Wowza application folder
AppRecordVideo and AppVod
These folder also resides in the content folder. On the previous server there were a mp4 file for each Flv file. But on the new server only the .flv file is created. Nothing has changed in the web application so I guess that there is something that should run on the server that converts the .flv file to mp4 and place it it the right content folder.
The flv file is streamable but I want to stream mp4 instead.
Any Idea on what is failing?
First of all; I highly recommend to update your server to Wowza 4. Wowza 3.x is rather old by now and Wowza 4 has a web-interface that makes it easier to understand the configuration and working of your server.
To play video files via a Wowza server; you must place them in the designated content folder. By default this is the subfolder /content/ in your Wowza installation folder, but the exact path is defined in the Application.xml for the specific application. So if you have an application called "AppVod", then navigate to /conf/AppVod and read the Application.xml there, specifically the Root/Application/Streams/StorageDir value.
If you want to convert FLV files to MP4, the simplest solution is to use a tool like ffmpeg. With the latest version of ffmpeg you can do something like
ffmpeg -i myfile.flv -c copy myfile.mp4
This assumes that the video format in your FLV file is H.264 and the audio format is AAC. If not, you must do so-called "transcoding", e.g.
ffmpeg -i myfile.flv -c:v libx264 -c:a libfdk_aac -b:v 1000000 -b:a 128000 myfile.mp4
That will give you a 1Mbps video and 128Kbps audio. Of course there are lots of other ffmpeg options - feel free to Google for them or read it all on https://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html, and I bet there are many useful ffmpeg questions here on SO too.
Place the MP4 in the /content folder and then try to play e.g. with ffplay or VLC (the latter can also be played with HTML5-based players like https://hls-js.netlify.com/demo:

How to restream a rtsp from camera using gstreamer?

I need to restream a camera's rtsp with a gstreamer. So the clients will connect to the gstreamer server like rtsp://GSTERAMER_IP:PORT/streamname.
Is it passable to take a rtsp url from a camera and just restream is by gstreamer server as it?

Receive rtsp stream using gstreamer

I want to receive rtsp stream using gstreamer I knw rtspsrc can be used for this purpose but the problem is that it only receives it as a client but in my case i have a ffmpeg application which streams the video as a client and waits for a server to connect with it before streaming. So i want gstreamer to act as server and receive the stream from ffmpeg
I haven't used it myself, but I believe there is a separate package for RTSP server functionality. In Debian based systems it should be under something like:

libav streaming h264 over mpegts to rtmp server

I'm working on an application where I want to stream h264 over mpegts
to a rtmp server (FMS, C++ RTMP Server, Wowza). I'm looking at the
output-example.c of libav. I stripped all the audio for now to keep it
I'm using this code as a test (not working):
What am I doing wrong there?

live555 problem while streaming over the internet

I've compiled with VS the live555 source code, and it works just fine if I try to stream locally a file
Command Line:
live555.exe myfile.mp3
VLC Connection String
but if I try to stream it over the internet, VLC communicates with live555, but live555 won't send data to him
Command Line
live555.exe myfile.mp3
VLC Connection String
I've already forwarded the 8554 port (both tcp/udp) and tried to disable my firewall but this doesn't solve.
How is that?
To troubleshoot:
Are you streaming RTP over RTSP: have you checked the "Use RTP over RTSP (TCP)" option in VLC? You can check this in VLC under the preferences: input/codecs->Demuxers->RTP/RTSP. You can try to see if this solves the problem in which case it could be that UDP is blocked.
You speak of forwarding. Do you mean port forwarding from one machine to the RTSP server? if so-> if you are not doing RTP over RTSP, then you would also need to forward the ports for the media which is not the same as the RTSP port (554 or 8554). These ports are exchanged during the RTSP SETUP. If you do RTP over RTSP the media is interleaved over 554 or 8554 and you don't have to worry about this.
Also, another good debugging tool is the live555 openRTSP application. You can run it from the command line and specify "-t" for RTP over RTSP, which is basically what the VLC option does. You can specify "-T" for HTTP tunneling, etc and it allows you to write captured media packets to file, etc.