How to restream a rtsp from camera using gstreamer? - gstreamer

I need to restream a camera's rtsp with a gstreamer. So the clients will connect to the gstreamer server like rtsp://GSTERAMER_IP:PORT/streamname.
Is it passable to take a rtsp url from a camera and just restream is by gstreamer server as it?


Send UPSTREAM GstForceKeyUnit to rtspsrc in Gstreamer pipeline

I want to be able to request my RTSP server (gst-rtsp-server) for sending an h264 keyframe from the client side (rtspsrc). From the docs it should be possible but I couldn't get it to work.
Can anyone share a short snippet for how it's done?
Thank you

Unable to connect Camera from Wowza

We have configure live streaming in wowza from camera
when tried to Testplayers it says unable to connect
Is there any where we need to set the camera password in wowza ?
below command is to push the rtsp stream to WOwza server
ffmpeg -re -i SampleVideo_720x480_20mb.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a copy -f rtsp
rtsp://[username]:[password]#[CLoud server IP]:[port]/live/myStream
you can check whether the video stream is coming or not by login to the Wowza server, and go to Applications->select your live application->Incoming Streams
you can view the Video stream using VlC player
vlc rtsp://[cloud server IP]:[port]/live/myStream
[Have a look at below link how stream to Wowza engine using ffmpeg 1

Gstreamer Gsocket UDP

I'm trying to connect to a RTP over UDP live video stream. I am trying to use the Gsocket to then apply to the udpsrc. I am unable to connect the the server with the Gsocket. Is there any suggestions anybody has to connect to the video stream?

Receive rtsp stream using gstreamer

I want to receive rtsp stream using gstreamer I knw rtspsrc can be used for this purpose but the problem is that it only receives it as a client but in my case i have a ffmpeg application which streams the video as a client and waits for a server to connect with it before streaming. So i want gstreamer to act as server and receive the stream from ffmpeg
I haven't used it myself, but I believe there is a separate package for RTSP server functionality. In Debian based systems it should be under something like:

libav streaming h264 over mpegts to rtmp server

I'm working on an application where I want to stream h264 over mpegts
to a rtmp server (FMS, C++ RTMP Server, Wowza). I'm looking at the
output-example.c of libav. I stripped all the audio for now to keep it
I'm using this code as a test (not working):
What am I doing wrong there?