lambda#edge count s3 asset views - amazon-web-services

I am trying to create a lambda function that counts how many times an asset (in this case an mp4 file) is accessed from s3. This will be used to update a db that stores the views for each file. Trying to used lambda#edge to get viewer request triggers has caused the lambda to be triggered a different amount of times depending on if you're on mobile vs desktop or on different browsers. This is due to the fact that the request from each browser looks different. I figured I could have clauses for each type of browser request but I feel like that isn't a very good approach. Tips for ensuring each request will only trigger the lambda once?


AWS S3: Cost of listing all object versions

In the scenario of listing all versions of an object using its key as a prefix:
import boto3
bucket = 'bucket name'
key = 'key'
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
versions = s3.Bucket(bucket).object_versions.filter(Prefix=key)
for version in versions:
obj = version.get()
print(obj.get('VersionId'), obj.get('ContentLength'), obj.get('LastModified'))
Do I get charged only for listing the objects that are matching the prefix?
If so, is each object/version listed treated as a separate list request?
No, each object/version listed is not treated as a separate list request. You're only paying for the API requests to S3 (at something like $0.005 per 1000 API requests). A single API request will return many (up to 1000) objects/versions that match the indicated prefix. The prefix filtering itself happens server-side in S3.
The way to get a handle on this is to understand that AWS SDK calls ultimately result in API requests to AWS service endpoints e.g. S3 APIs. What you need to do is work out how your SDK client requests map to the underlying API requests to determine what is likely happening.
If your request is a simple 'list objects in my bucket' case, the boto3 SDK is going to make one or more ListObjectsV2 API calls. I say "or more" because the SDK may need to make more than one API request because API requests typically yield a maximum number of results (e.g. 1000 objects in a ListObjectsV2 response). If there are 2500 objects in the bucket, for example, then three ListObjectsV2 requests would need to be made to the S3 API.
If your request is 'list objects in my bucket with a given prefix', then you need to know what capabilities are present on the ListObjectsV2 API call. Importantly, prefix is one of the parameters. This is how you know that S3 itself is doing the filtering on your supplied prefix (where you have indicated .filter(Prefix=key) in your code). If this were not a feature of the underlying S3 API, then your SDK (boto3 etc.) would be the one doing the filtering on prefix and that would be a much more expensive and vastly slower operation, because the SDK would have to list all objects, potentially resulting in many more LIST requests, and filter them client-side. Note: the ListObjectVersions API is similar to ListObjectsV2 in this regard and both support prefix.
Also, note that VersionId, Size, and LastModifed are all attributes that appear in the ListObjectVersions response, so no further API requests are needed to fetch this information.
So, in your case, assuming that there are fewer than 1000 object versions that match your indicated prefix, I believe that this equates to one S3 API request to ListObjectVersions (and this is considered a LIST request rather than a GET request for billing afaik, even though it is a GET HTTP request to under the covers).

AWS S3 folder put event notification

I've written a function in Python that uploads a folder and its content to S3. Now I would like S3 to generate an event (so I can send it to a lambda function). S3 allows to generate events only at file level, in fact folders on s3 are just a visualization layer, which means that S3 has no internal representation for folders, keys with the same root are simply grouped together. That said, as for now I've come up with three approaches that revolves around the idea of a 'poison pill'.
Send a special file at the end of the folder upload process, the creation of which sends an event to lambda that can open the file to read custom directives to act on. Seems that this approach is quite flexible, however it poses serious concerns security-wise (I know that ACLs are in place for this reason but I'm not quite sure if it's enough), and generates some overhead while downloading/uploading/deleting the file from/to local memory.
Map an event to the target lambdas and fire it directly. The difference in approaches is simply that in this case I'm not really creating a file on S3, I'm just making S3 believe so. I would use CloudWatch to fire custom S3-object-created events with the name of the folder for lambda to pick up. This approach feels a little more hacky than the other two, plus when I did my research on the matter it seemed like it shouldn't be possible to generate "mock" events on AWS (i.e. Trigger S3 create event). To my understanding however, the function put_events should do the trick.
Using SQS would allow to put the folder name into an SQS task that can be later consumed by lambda. This has some advantages over the other two approaches, since SQS has now a LIFO variant that allows for exactly-once-delivery, failures reprocessing (via dead letters queue), etc, however this generates a non-trivial amount of complexity compared to the other approaches.
At this point I'm trying to opt for the most 'correct' approach, and
in order to do so I'm trying to weight pros and cons to make an informed decision, which led me to some questions:
Is there another way I'm missing out to proceed that does not involve client notification ? (all the aforementioned approaches rely on the client sending the notification in one way or another, which is not very "cloudy")?
Is there a substantial difference between approaches 2 and 3, considering that both rely on sending the information in and out of a stream (CloudWatch and SQS respectively)?
Have you consider using the prefix option of S3 bucket event, I tested it and it worked fine. In my S3 bucket I created two folder test1 and test2. On s3 event I added prefix test1 with that in place every time put/copy operation happen on bucket lambda is trigger.
I think your question nets down to "how can I trigger a Lambda function after I have uploaded a folder full of files to S3?"
Unless you have some information a priori server-side that you can use to determine when the folder upload has completed, the client is going to have to tell you.
Options I would consider:
change your client to publish a message to SNS or to SQS upon the completion of uploading to S3. That message can then trigger your Lambda function.
after the last file has been uploaded to folder images/dogs/, upload a zero-sized object whose key is the same as the folder (images/dogs/). This is a 'sentinel file'. Use an S3 event trigger with suffix of / to detect the upload of that 'folder' object and trigger your Lambda.
I prefer the 1st option. It achieves the end goal without resulting in extraneous S3 objects. With SNS you can also configure multiple downstream processes in response to the ‘finished upload’ message (a fan out) if needed.

API Gateway caching not calling Lambda function

I'm using Amazon API Gateway to execute a Lambda function when the API endpoint is called. In my Lambda function I'm updating a DynamoDB table.
Whenever I call the API with caching disabled using Chrome Developer Tools, the DynamoDB table is updated.
When I have caching enabled, the first request from my API updates the table, every subsequent request is much faster but doesn't update the table.
I'm assuming that CloudFront is caching the responses so as to not have to call the Lambda function each time.
Is there any way to force the Lambda function to be executed with each request?
Few possible solutions:
CloudFront should be used only when u want caching. In this case you don't need it; so call API endpoint directly from browser instead of calling CF end point. This will also save your cloudfront cost.
With each request add a timestamp.
If you have to use CF; you can configure it very easily as to what requests should ALWAYS go to API end points ( which serves dynamic content) while which one should be cached.
Probably you are calling CF as a GET request; just make it POST which is NEVER cached. Ideally, as you are updating table it should be a POST request. This should be simplistic solution with minimal and right changes.

Resize images on the fly in CloudFront and get them in the same URL instantly: AWS CloudFront -> S3 -> Lambda -> CloudFront

TLDR: We have to trick CloudFront 307 redirect caching by creating new cache behavior for responses coming from our Lambda function.
You will not believe how close we are to achieve this. We have stucked so badly in the last step.
Business case:
Our application stores images in S3 and serves them with CloudFront in order to avoid any geographic slow downs around the globe.
Now, we want to be really flexible with the design and to be able to request new image dimentions directly in the CouldFront URL!
Each new image size will be created on demand and then stored in S3, so the second time it is requested it will be
served really quickly as it will exist in S3 and also will be cached in CloudFront.
Lets say the user had uploaded the image chucknorris.jpg.
Only the original image will be stored in S3 and wil be served on our page like this:
We have calculated that we now need to display a thumbnail of 200x200 pixels.
Therefore we put the image src to be in our template:
When this new size is requested, the amazon web services have to provide it on the fly in the same bucket and with the requested key.
This way the image will be directly loaded in the same URL of CloudFront.
I made an ugly drawing with the architecture overview and the workflow on how we are doing this in AWS:
Here is how Python Lambda ends:
return {
'statusCode': '301',
'headers': {'location': redirect_url},
'body': ''
The problem:
If we make the Lambda function redirect to S3, it works like a charm.
If we redirect to CloudFront, it goes into redirect loop because CloudFront caches 307 (as well as 301, 302 and 303).
As soon as our Lambda function redirects to CloudFront, CloudFront calls the API Getaway URL instead of fetching the image from S3:
I would like to create new cache behavior in CloudFront's Behaviors settings tab.
This behavior should not cache responses from Lambda or S3 (don't know what exactly is happening internally there), but should still cache any followed requests to this very same resized image.
I am trying to set path pattern -\d+x\d+\..+$, add the ARN of the Lambda function in add "Lambda Function Association"
and set Event Type Origin Response.
Next to that, I am setting the "Default TTL" to 0.
But I cannot save the behavior due to some error:
Are we on the right way, or is the idea of this "Lambda Function Association" totally different?
Finally I was able to solve it. Although this is not really a structural solution, it does what we need.
First, thanks to the answer of Michael, I have used path patterns to match all media types. Second, the Cache Behavior page was a bit misleading to me: indeed the Lambda association is for Lambda#Edge, although I did not see this anywhere in all the tooltips of the cache behavior: all you see is just Lambda. This feature cannot help us as we do not want to extend our AWS service scope with Lambda#Edge just because of that particular problem.
Here is the solution approach:
I have defined multiple cache behaviors, one per media type that we support:
For each cache behavior I set the Default TTL to be 0.
And the most important part: In the Lambda function, I have added a Cache-Control header to the resized images when putting them in S3:
To validate that everything works, I see now that the new image dimention is served with the cache header in CloudFront:
You're on the right track... maybe... but there are at least two problems.
The "Lambda Function Association" that you're configuring here is called Lambda#Edge, and it's not yet available. The only users who can access it is users who have applied to be included in the limited preview. The "maximum allowed is 0" error means you are not a preview participant. I have not seen any announcements related to when this will be live for all accounts.
But even once it is available, it's not going to help you, here, in the way you seem to expect, because I don't believe an Origin Response trigger allows you to do anything to trigger CloudFront to try a different destination and follow the redirect. If you see documentation that contradicts this assertion, please bring it to my attention.
However... Lambda#Edge will be useful for setting Cache-Control: no-cache on the 307 so CloudFront won't cache it, but the redirect itself will still need to go all the way back to the browser.
Note also, Lambda#Edge only supports Node, not Python... so maybe this isn't even part of your plan, yet. I can't really tell, from the question.
Read about the Lambda#Edge limited preview.
The second problem:
I am trying to set path pattern -\d+x\d+\..+$
You can't do that. Path patterns are string matches supporting * wildcards. They are not regular expressions. You might get away with /*-*x*.jpg, though, since multiple wildcards appear to be supported.

AWS - want to upload multiple files to S3 and only when all are uploaded trigger a lambda function

I am seeking advice on what's the best way to design this -
Use Case
I want to put multiple files into S3. Once all files are successfully saved, I want to trigger a lambda function to do some other work.
Naive Approach
The way I am approaching this is by saving a record in Dynamo that contains a unique identifier and the total number of records I will be uploading along with the keys that should exist in S3.
A basic implementation would be to take my existing lambda function which is invoked anytime my S3 bucket is written into, and have it check manually whether all the other files been saved.
The Lambda function would know (look in Dynamo to determine what we're looking for) and query S3 to see if the other files are in. If so, use SNS to trigger my other lambda that will do the other work.
Edit: Another approach is have my client program that puts the files in S3 be responsible for directly invoking the other lambda function, since technically it knows when all the files have been uploaded. The issue with this approach is that I do not want this to be the responsibility of the client program... I want the client program to not care. As soon as it has uploaded the files, it should be able to just exit out.
I don't think this is a good idea. Mainly because Lambda functions should be lightweight, and polling the database from within the Lambda function to get the S3 keys of all the uploaded files and then checking in S3 if they are there - doing this each time seems ghetto and very repetitive.
What's the better approach? I was thinking something like using SWF but am not sure if that's overkill for my solution or if it will even let me do what I want. The documentation doesn't show real "examples" either. It's just a discussion without much of a step by step guide (perhaps I'm looking in the wrong spot).
Edit In response to mbaird's suggestions below-
Option 1 (SNS) This is what I will go with. It's simple and doesn't really violate the Single Responsibility Principal. That is, the client uploads the files and sends a notification (via SNS) that its work is done.
Option 2 (Dynamo streams) So this is essentially another "implementation" of Option 1. The client makes a service call, which in this case, results in a table update vs. a SNS notification (Option 1). This update would trigger the Lambda function, as opposed to notification. Not a bad solution, but I prefer using SNS for communication rather than relying on a database's capability (in this case Dynamo streams) to call a Lambda function.
In any case, I'm using AWS technologies and have coupling with their offering (Lambda functions, SNS, etc.) but I feel relying on something like Dynamo streams is making it an even tighter coupling. Not really a huge concern for my use case but still feels dirty ;D
Option 3 with S3 triggers My concern here is the possibility of race conditions. For example, if multiple files are being uploaded by the client simultaneously (think of several async uploads fired off at once with varying file sizes), what if two files happen to finish uploading at around the same time, and two or more Lambda functions (or whatever implementations we use) query Dynamo and gets back N as the completed uploads (instead of N and N+1)? Now even though the final result should be N+2, each one would add 1 to N. Nooooooooooo!
So Option 1 wins.
If you don't want the client program responsible for invoking the Lambda function directly, then would it be OK if it did something a bit more generic?
Option 1: (SNS) What if it simply notified an SNS topic that it had completed a batch of S3 uploads? You could subscribe your Lambda function to that SNS topic.
Option 2: (DynamoDB Streams) What if it simply updated the DynamoDB record with something like an attribute record.allFilesUploaded = true. You could have your Lambda function trigger off the DynamoDB stream. Since you are already creating a DynamoDB record via the client, this seems like a very simple way to mark the batch of uploads as complete without having to code in knowledge about what needs to happen next. The Lambda function could then check the "allFilesUploaded" attribute instead of having to go to S3 for a file listing every time it is called.
Alternatively, don't insert the DynamoDB record until all files have finished uploading, then your Lambda function could just trigger off new records being created.
Option 3: (continuing to use S3 triggers) If the client program can't be changed from how it works today, then instead of listing all the S3 files and comparing them to the list in DynamoDB each time a new file appears, simply update the DynamoDB record via an atomic counter. Then compare the result value against the size of the file list. Once the values are the same you know all the files have been uploaded. The down side to this is that you need to provision enough capacity on your DynamoDB table to handle all the updates, which is going to increase your costs.
Also, I agree with you that SWF is overkill for this task.