Connection error while connection has already been established - flask

I use the Telethon == 1.4.3 in my code:
import telepot
import threading
from telethon import TelegramClient
from flask import Flask, request
from telepot.loop import OrderedWebhook
from telepot.delegate import (
per_chat_id, create_open, pave_event_space, include_callback_query_chat_id)
class Main_Class(telepot.helper.ChatHandler):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Main_Class, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def on_chat_message(self, msg):
content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
if content_type == 'text':
client = TelegramClient('session_name', api_id, api_hash)
client.send_message('me', 'Hello World from Telethon!')
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def pass_update():
return 'OK'
TOKEN = my_token
bot = telepot.DelegatorBot(TOKEN, [
per_chat_id(types=['private']), create_open, Main_Class, timeout=100000),
webhook = OrderedWebhook(bot)
Since I also use the Flask, these two interfere with each other and I got the following error:
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'Thread-1'
I imported asyncio and added the following lines to the code and the problem was solved
class Main_Class(telepot.helper.ChatHandler):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
client = TelegramClient('session_name', api_id, api_hash,loop=loop)
async def goo(loop,client):
await client.send_message('me', 'Hello World from Telethon!')
The following error occurs despite the fact that I have already established a connection:
ConnectionError: Cannot send requests while disconnected

You should also wait for the connection to finish. Because it is done asynchronously.
async def goo(loop,client):
await client.connect()
await client.send_message('me', 'Hello World from Telethon!')
Read more, here.


How to integrate webargs + marshmallow?

I am only beginner in flask. Trying to integrate marshmallow and webargs. It perfectly works in flask-restful Resource class. But when I use a simple flask route it does not work
class UserAPI(Resource):
def post(self, *args):
return 'success', 201
def get(self):
return '<h1>Hello</h1>'
#bp.route('/test/', methods=['POST'])
def test2(*args, **kwargs):
return 'success', 201
api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/', endpoint='user')
I've added error handler which is necessary when using use_args
from webargs.flaskparser import parser, abort
from webargs import core
def webargs_validation_handler(error, req, schema, *, error_status_code, error_headers):
status_code = error_status_code or core.DEFAULT_VALIDATION_STATUS
That's what I'm getting when I make request to Resource endpoint what is normal
And that's what I'm getting when I make request to a simple flask route what is not normal
I want to be able to use both ways
Found answer in webargs docs :)
from flask import jsonify
# Return validation errors as JSON
def handle_error(err):
headers ="headers", None)
messages ="messages", ["Invalid request."])
if headers:
return jsonify({"errors": messages}), err.code, headers
return jsonify({"errors": messages}), err.code

SynchronousOnlyOperation Error in with django 3 and django channels

I had a django 2 app and i used django channels for socket connection.
i just update django to version 3. and now daphne show this error when i try to make a socket connection. i had not any problem with django 2.
[Failure instance: Traceback: <class 'django.core.exceptions.SynchronousOnlyOperation'>: You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.
--- <exception caught here> ---
it says the problem is in, line 25. this line is token = Token.objects.get(key=token_key)
this is my that handles token authentication.
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.db import close_old_connections
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token
class TokenAuthMiddleware:
Token authorization middleware for Django Channels 2
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner = inner
def __call__(self, scope):
headers = dict(scope['headers'])
if b'authorization' in headers:
token_name, token_key = headers[b'authorization'].decode().split()
if token_name == 'Token':
# Close old database connections to prevent usage of timed out connections
token = Token.objects.get(key=token_key)
scope['user'] = token.user
except Token.DoesNotExist:
scope['user'] = AnonymousUser()
return self.inner(scope)
TokenAuthMiddlewareStack = lambda inner: TokenAuthMiddleware(AuthMiddlewareStack(inner))
Thanks to #ivissani answers, i fixed my TokenAuthMiddleware with some of SessionMiddleware codes.
I have opened an issue for django channels about updating docs.
def get_user(token_key):
return Token.objects.get(key=token_key).user
except Token.DoesNotExist:
return AnonymousUser()
class TokenAuthMiddleware:
Token authorization middleware for Django Channels 2
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner = inner
def __call__(self, scope):
return TokenAuthMiddlewareInstance(scope, self)
class TokenAuthMiddlewareInstance:
def __init__(self, scope, middleware):
self.middleware = middleware
self.scope = dict(scope)
self.inner = self.middleware.inner
async def __call__(self, receive, send):
headers = dict(self.scope['headers'])
if b'authorization' in headers:
token_name, token_key = headers[b'authorization'].decode().split()
if token_name == 'Token':
self.scope['user'] = await get_user(token_key)
inner = self.inner(self.scope)
return await inner(receive, send)
TokenAuthMiddlewareStack = lambda inner: TokenAuthMiddleware(AuthMiddlewareStack(inner))
Fixed by using #database_sync_to_async decorator:
import jwt, re
import traceback
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from channels.db import database_sync_to_async
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.conf import LazySettings
from jwt import InvalidSignatureError, ExpiredSignatureError, DecodeError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
settings = LazySettings()
from django.db import close_old_connections
def close_connections():
def get_user(user_jwt):
return User.objects.get(id=user_jwt)
except User.DoesNotExist:
return AnonymousUser()
class TokenAuthMiddleware:
Token authorization middleware for Django Channels 2
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner = inner
def __call__(self, scope):
# Close old database connections to prevent usage of timed out connections
# Login with JWT
if scope['subprotocols'][0] != 'None':
token = scope['subprotocols'][0]
user_jwt = jwt.decode(
scope['user'] = get_user(user_jwt['user_id'])
return self.inner(scope)
except (InvalidSignatureError, KeyError, ExpiredSignatureError, DecodeError):
except Exception as e:
Refer to this part of the documentation. There it is explained that Django 3 will raise such exception if you try to use the ORM from within an async context (which seems to be the case).
As Django Channels documentation explains solution would be to use sync_to_async as follows:
from channels.db import database_sync_to_async
class TokenAuthMiddleware:
# more code here
async def __call__(self, scope):
# and some more code here
token = await database_sync_to_async(Token.objects.get(key=token_key))()
Although please bear in mind that I haven't used this in my life, so it may fail.
Note that in the Django channels documentation it says that you need to write your query in a separate method. So if this fails try doing that.

How to send signals to consumer in django?

I'm developing WebSocket programs in Django. I want to receive the request from the client(ReactJS) and send signals to WebSocket consumer, and then WebSocket consumer sends messages to the client.
How to solve such a problem?
I tried as following.
urlpatterns = [
def updatesignal(request):
consumers.isconnected = 1
return Response("update signal")
def stopsignal(request):
print("stop signal")
consumers.isconnected = 0
return Response("stop signal")
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer
import json
import asyncio
isconnected = 0
class ChatConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):
async def connect(self):
await self.accept()
while isconnected == 1:
await asyncio.sleep(2)
# obj = # do_something (Ex: constantly query DB...)
await self.send(text_data=json.dumps({
'message': "aaa"
async def disconnect(self, close_code):
# Leave room group
async def receive(self, text_data):
# Receive message from WebSocket
But WebSocket consumer is fired after 10 seconds after receiving update signal request. How to solve this problem?

Django channels 2, accessing db in tests

I recently updated my project to Django 2 and channels 2. Right now I am trying to rewrite my tests for chat app.
I am facing a problem with tests that depend on django db mark from pytest-django. I tried to create objects in fixtures, setup methods, in test function itself, using async_to_sync on WebsocketCommunicator. However, none of those worked.
If I create a user in a fixture and save it correctly gets an id. However, in my consumer Django does not see that User in the database. And treat it like an anonymous user.
I have a temporary token which I use to authenticate a user on websocket.connect.
def room():
room = generate_room()
return room
def room_with_user(room, normal_user):
yield room
def normal_user():
user = generate_user()
return user
class TestConnect:
async def test_get_connected_client(self, path, room_with_user, temp_token):
assert get_path( == path
communicator = QSWebsocketCommunicator(application, path, query_string=get_query_string(temp_token))
connected, subprotocol = await communicator.connect()
assert connected
await communicator.disconnect()
class ChatConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer):
def connect(self):
# Called on connection. Either call
self.user = self.scope['user']
self.room_id = self.scope['url_route']['kwargs']['room_id']
group = f'room_{self.room_id}'
users = list(User.objects.all()) # no users here
self.group_name = group
if not (self.user is not None and self.user.is_authenticated):
return self.close({'Error': 'Not authenticated user'})
try: = Room.objects.get(id=self.room_id,
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return self.close({'Error': 'Room does not exists'})
# Send success response
# Save user as active
My authentication Middleware
class OAuthTokenAuthMiddleware:
Custom middleware that takes Authorization header and read OAuth token from it.
def __init__(self, inner):
# Store the ASGI application we were passed
self.inner = inner
def __call__(self, scope):
temp_token = self.get_token(scope)
scope['user'] = self.validate_token(temp_token)
return self.inner(scope)
def get_token(scope) -> str:
return url_parse.parse_qs(scope['query_string'])[b'token'][0].decode("utf-8")
def validate_token(token):
token = TemporaryToken.objects.select_related('user').get(token=token)
if token.is_active():
return token.user
return AnonymousUser()
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return AnonymousUser()
And custom WebsocketCommunicator which accepts query_string in order to include my one time token
class QSWebsocketCommunicator(WebsocketCommunicator):
def __init__(self, application, path, headers=None, subprotocols=None,
query_string: Optional[Union[str, bytes]]=None):
if isinstance(query_string, str):
query_string = str.encode(query_string)
self.scope = {
"type": "websocket",
"path": path,
"headers": headers or [],
"subprotocols": subprotocols or [],
"query_string": query_string or ''
ApplicationCommunicator.__init__(self, application, self.scope)
My question is how can I create User, Room, etc. objects in tests/fixtures so that I can access them in Django consumer.
Or do you have another idea how can I overcome this?
It's pretty much impossible to reproduce your issue using the code you've provided. Read about How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. However, I suppose that you should use real transactions in your test as the plain pytest.mark.django_db will skip the transactions and not store any data in the database per se. A working example:
from django import http
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.generic.websocket import JsonWebsocketConsumer
class ChatConsumer(JsonWebsocketConsumer):
def connect(self):
self.user = self.scope['user']
print('user in scope, set by middleware:', self.user)
users = list(User.objects.all()) # no users here
print('all users in chat consumer:', users)
if not (self.user is not None and self.user.is_authenticated):
return self.close({'Error': 'Not authenticated user'})
# Send success response
class OAuthTokenAuthMiddleware:
def __init__(self, inner):
# Store the ASGI application we were passed
self.inner = inner
def __call__(self, scope):
token = self.get_token(scope)
print('token in middleware:', token)
scope['user'] = User.objects.get(username=token)
return self.inner(scope)
def get_token(scope) -> str:
d = http.QueryDict(scope['query_string'])
return d['token']
APP = ProtocolTypeRouter({
'websocket': OAuthTokenAuthMiddleware(URLRouter([url(r'^websocket/$', ChatConsumer)])),
Sample fixture that creates a user with username spam:
#pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def create_user():
with transaction.atomic():
user = User.objects.create_user(
'spam', '', password='eggs',
first_name='foo', last_name='bar'
return user
Now, I mark the test as transactional one, meaning that each query is actually committed. Now the test user is stored into database and the queries made in middleware/consumer can actually return something meaningful:
async def test_get_connected_client():
app = OAuthTokenAuthMiddleware(URLRouter([url(r'^websocket/$', ChatConsumer)]))
communicator = QSWebsocketCommunicator(app, '/websocket/', query_string='token=spam')
connected, subprotocol = await communicator.connect()
assert connected
await communicator.disconnect()
Running test test yields the desired result:
$ pytest -vs
================================== test session starts =================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.6.3, pytest-3.4.0, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0 -- /Users/hoefling/.virtualenvs/stackoverflow/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
Django settings: spam.settings (from environment variable)
rootdir: /Users/hoefling/projects/private/stackoverflow/so-49136564/spam, inifile: pytest.ini
plugins: celery-4.1.0, forked-0.2, django-3.1.2, cov-2.5.1, asyncio-0.8.0, xdist-1.22.0, mock-1.6.3, hypothesis-3.44.4
collected 1 item
tests/ Creating test database for alias 'default'...
token in middleware: spam
user in scope: spam
all users in chat consumer: [<User: spam>]
PASSEDDestroying test database for alias 'default'...
=============================== 1 passed in 0.38 seconds ================================
Btw you don't need to hack around the WebsocketCommunicator anymore since it is now able to deal with query strings, see this issue closed.

Flask unittesting API requests

I am trying to write unit test cases for flas api server.
Can someeone please suggest ow to get rid of auth.login_required.
Tried mocking auth, but of no use.
with test_client its not hitting code block too.
from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
app = Flask(__name__)
auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
def index():
print "In index"
response.status_code = 200
return response
Tried following
from src.api import app
from unittest import TestCase
class TestIntegrations(TestCase):
def setUp(self): = app.test_client()
def test_thing(self):
response ='/')
Can someone please help ??
There are two ways to do so - first is to disable authorization in tests:
// in your test module
from api import app, auth
import unittest
def verify_password(user, password):
"""Overwrite password check to always pass.
This works even if we send no auth data."""
return True
Another approach is to actually send the auth headers from tests (this way you can also test your authorization system):
from api import app
from base64 import b64encode
import unittest
class ApiClient:
"""Performs API requests."""
def __init__(self, app):
self.client = app.test_client()
def get(self, url, **kwargs):
"""Sends GET request and returns the response."""
return self.client.get(url, headers=self.request_headers(), **kwargs)
def request_headers(self):
"""Returns API request headers."""
auth = '{0}:{1}'.format('user', 'secret')
return {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic {encoded_login}'.format(
class TestIntegrations(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): = ApiClient(app)
def test_thing(self):
response ='/')
The ApiClient helper can also define post, delete methods which will be similar to get.
The full source code with examples is here.