cannot install - amazon-web-services

I have a created a simple AWS Dotnet core API in visual studio and now I need to install Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1 NuGet package But, whenever I try to install this NuGet package I get this error
The error:
Package 'Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1' has a package type 'DotnetTool' that is not supported (Project name)
I am running VS 2017(15.9.3) on Windows 10 and Dotnet core 2.1.500
Any ideas!!

I was able to solve it by adding
Amazon.Lambda.Tools to csproj and then deleting Microsoft.AspNetCore.All from csproj


Failed to install from NuGet package manager - VS 2017

After installing vs 2022 and uninstalling it (because it doesn't support ODT - oracle developer tools).
Going back to the previous version (2017 or 2019) causes the NuGet package manager fails to install packages properly (all packages).
I've tried to install (for example) Newtonsoft.Json but it failed with the following error:
Error Install Log
I have tried to reinstall to NuGet package manager.
I have tried to reinstall VS (both 2017 and 2019).
Any help\ suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks, Asaf

VS2017 NuGet: Dependencies not install automatically

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2017. When I install any package, nuget manager not installs dependencies. For example, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite has 2 dependencies and I must install it manually.
Is it normal behavior? As I remember in the past nuget manager did dependencies installation automatically.
VS2017 NuGet: Dependencies not install automatically
Your package should be managed as packagereference. You could edit your project file .csproj to check it.
Unlike packages.config, PackageReference lists only those NuGet packages you directly installed in the project. As a result, the NuGet Package Manager UI and the project file aren't cluttered with down-level dependencies.
Besides, the dependencies info included in the project.assets.json in the obj folder. You do not need to install the dependencies manually.
You can check the document Migrate from packages.config to PackageReference for some details.
Hope this helps.

How to update Bootstrap v3.3.7 to v4.0.0 beta2 in core 2.0 mvc project?

I am wondering what is the process to update Bootstrap v3.3.7 to v.4.0.0 beta-2 in core 2.0 mvc project.
follow steps for bootstrap 4.0.0 beta.3 version. Most probably for other versions also will work.
Open Node.js Console
Cd Path to your project where package.json is located
run command npm install popper.js --save
run command npm install bootstrap#4.0.0-beta.3
webpack --config webpack.config.vendor.js - update vendor.js and vendor.css files.
rebuild project and test it. If it will not work also run Install-Package bootstrap -Pre in VS Package Manager Console.
Be prepared that styles will not work anymore. And project will not launch due huge changes in bootstrap.
Hope it will help.

Install NupenGL offline in VS2017?

Trying to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment.
However, despite downloading the .nupkg file and saving it in the specified offline NuGet package directory under "NuGet Package Manager Settings", the package does not appear in the list in the NuGet package manager in VS2017.
Do I need to unzip the file first? Have tried that but receive the error that the .nupkg file does not contain a .nuspec file (despite clearly containing one in File Explorer).
Could someone with VS2017 try to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment and provide a clearly worded, unambiguous step-by-step guide on how to install the package?
Could someone with VS2017 try to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment and provide a clearly worded, unambiguous step-by-step guide on how to install the package?
To accomplish install nuget package in an offline VS2017 environment, please following below steps:
Manually download that nuget package, save it to your local location, for example, D:\Test\NuGet. You will get a file ending in .nupakg: nupengl.core.
Open a command prompt with administrator from start menu, switch the path to where nuget.exe exists, for example, C:\Users\Admin. Then add the download package to the ffline NuGet package directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages by below command:
nuget add "D:\Test\NuGet\nupengl.core." -source "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages"
After that, you will find the nuget package be added to the the offline NuGet package directory with a hierarchical layout:
Then you can use this nuget package when your Visual Studio 2017 without an internet connection:

Compile shared library with VS2015 : "this client is not compatible with the paired build agent"

I created a shared library with Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Update 1 :
File > New Project > Templates > Visual C++ > Cross Platform > Shared Library (Android, iOS)
I got the following project structure by default :
The android project builds successfully. But the issue appears when I try to compile the iOS project (the highlighted one on the screenshot).
Since a build agent is needed, I installed it on a Mac using npm and vcremote (as explained here :
I successfully paired Visual Studio with the Mac by going into Tools > Options > Cross Platform > C++ > iOS > Pairing.
But I still get the following error :
"Build agent request has failed, this client is not compatible with the paired build agent. Client version "1.3.0", build agent version "2.3.0". Supported build agent versions are: "2.0.0 - 2.2.0". Please update vcremote with "npm update vcremote", on the Mac."
On the Mac Terminal I get a similar error message :
"Visual Studio is incompatible with the current version of this build agent. Please update vcremote using npm."
I did run the npm update vcremote command, it is now up to date, but the error still shows up. Moreover it seems that the build agent version is too high regarding the client version.
What do you guys suggest ?
The problem was the version of vcremote-lib which was too high (2.3.0). I tried to downgrade only this package but it didn't work, so I downgraded the entire vcremote and it finally worked. Here are the steps I followed to resolve my problem :
Uninstall vcremote :
(documentation about the npm "uninstall" command :
sudo npm -g uninstall vcremote --save
sudo npm -g uninstall vcremote-lib --save
Check which versions are available :
(documentation about the npm "version" command :
If you don't specify a version number while installing a package the latest version is chosen by default. To check the available versions for a specific package (here we're talking about vcremote package) run the following command :
npm view vcremote versions
Reinstall a specific version of vcremote :
(documentation about the npm "install" command :
I didn't want the last one (1.0.8), so I specified a prior version (1.0.6) while running the following command :
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote#1.0.6
...instead of using the following command provided in the documentation :
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote
And finally :
Now it's working fine because vcremote 1.0.6 uses vcremote-lib 2.0.0 (while vcremote 1.0.8 used vcremote-lib 2.3.0).
(i can't post comments yet...)
With visual studio 2015 update 2 released yesterday you get this error:
Build agent request has failed, this client is not compatible with the paired build agent. Client version "1.4.0", build agent version "2.0.0". Supported build agent versions are: "2.3.0 - 2.4.0". Please update vcremote with "npm update vcremote", on the Mac.
now need to update to vcremote 1.0.8 (in order to get vcremote-lib 2.0.3):
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm vcremote#1.0.8
which brought in vcremote-lib 2.0.3, version 2.0.4 doesn't seem to be available yet