VS2017 NuGet: Dependencies not install automatically - visual-studio-2017

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2017. When I install any package, nuget manager not installs dependencies. For example, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite has 2 dependencies and I must install it manually.
Is it normal behavior? As I remember in the past nuget manager did dependencies installation automatically.

VS2017 NuGet: Dependencies not install automatically
Your package should be managed as packagereference. You could edit your project file .csproj to check it.
Unlike packages.config, PackageReference lists only those NuGet packages you directly installed in the project. As a result, the NuGet Package Manager UI and the project file aren't cluttered with down-level dependencies.
Besides, the dependencies info included in the project.assets.json in the obj folder. You do not need to install the dependencies manually.
You can check the document Migrate from packages.config to PackageReference for some details.
Hope this helps.


Failed to install from NuGet package manager - VS 2017

After installing vs 2022 and uninstalling it (because it doesn't support ODT - oracle developer tools).
Going back to the previous version (2017 or 2019) causes the NuGet package manager fails to install packages properly (all packages).
I've tried to install (for example) Newtonsoft.Json but it failed with the following error:
Error Install Log
I have tried to reinstall to NuGet package manager.
I have tried to reinstall VS (both 2017 and 2019).
Any help\ suggestions will be appreciated.
Thanks, Asaf

cannot install amazon.lambda.tools

I have a created a simple AWS Dotnet core API in visual studio and now I need to install Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1 NuGet package But, whenever I try to install this NuGet package I get this error
The error:
Package 'Amazon.Lambda.Tools 3.1.1' has a package type 'DotnetTool' that is not supported (Project name)
I am running VS 2017(15.9.3) on Windows 10 and Dotnet core 2.1.500
Any ideas!!
I was able to solve it by adding
Amazon.Lambda.Tools to csproj and then deleting Microsoft.AspNetCore.All from csproj

Install NupenGL offline in VS2017?

Trying to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment.
However, despite downloading the .nupkg file and saving it in the specified offline NuGet package directory under "NuGet Package Manager Settings", the package does not appear in the list in the NuGet package manager in VS2017.
Do I need to unzip the file first? Have tried that but receive the error that the .nupkg file does not contain a .nuspec file (despite clearly containing one in File Explorer).
Could someone with VS2017 try to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment and provide a clearly worded, unambiguous step-by-step guide on how to install the package?
Could someone with VS2017 try to install this specific NuGet package in an offline VS2017 environment and provide a clearly worded, unambiguous step-by-step guide on how to install the package?
To accomplish install nuget package in an offline VS2017 environment, please following below steps:
Manually download that nuget package, save it to your local location, for example, D:\Test\NuGet. You will get a file ending in .nupakg: nupengl.core.
Open a command prompt with administrator from start menu, switch the path to where nuget.exe exists, for example, C:\Users\Admin. Then add the download package to the ffline NuGet package directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages by below command:
nuget add "D:\Test\NuGet\nupengl.core." -source "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages"
After that, you will find the nuget package be added to the the offline NuGet package directory with a hierarchical layout:
Then you can use this nuget package when your Visual Studio 2017 without an internet connection:

Where do you install django-registration-redux module?

I have my own project called "polling". I am looking to install the django-registration-redux submodule to create the log-in process. Where should I same the Django-registration-redux module? Another way to ask this is what does the directory structure look like?
Should I save it within the polling directory? or on the same level as polling because it is a separate project that I'm importing?
From the docs:
Automatic installation via a package manager
Several automatic package-installation tools are available for Python; the recommended one is pip.
Using pip, type:
pip install django-registration-redux
Manual installation from a downloaded package
If you prefer not to use an automated package installer, you can download a copy of django-registration-redux and install it manually... From a command line in that directory, type:
python setup.py install
Bottom line, just run the setup installation process and it will "install" it to the right place.

Add ember-cli project to repository

After I added my ember-cli project to repository on git, there are some untracked files in node_moduls (there are not js files in node_modules).As I know ember adds necessary files from package.json configuration. But when I try to build this project it writes that could not find ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app
After you've used git clone to get the repo, you need to install the node and bower dependencies. These are intentionally left out from the repo when you create a new project with ember-cli (see your .gitignore file).
Install node dependencies (located in /node_modules/):
npm install
Install bower dependencies (located in /bower_components/ or (in 0.0.41 or earlier) /vendor/):
bower install
Once you've got those installed, then you can ember build.