Visual Studio 2017 - Package Management Initialization Failed - visual-studio-2017

I've scoured the forums including this one - the main thing is that they say to delete the privateregistry.bin file and then restart - seems to work for some people but does not work in my case - I keep getting the same problem.
The problem occurs for VS Community, Professional, and Enterprise - version 15.9.2 - on Windows 7 x64
I've deleted old files but nothing seems to work.
Is there anything else that I should look at?


Visual Studio 2017 (any edition) not longer able to install or update on Windows 10

I have the problem that I cannot update or install Visual Studio anymore on my system.
Today I saw that a newer Visual Studio 2017 version was released and I tried to start the VS installer for the update process. The start for the installer was just spinning but nothing happened. After that I tried to start the installer separately from VS but it didn't work either.
So I continued to make an even bigger mistake by assuming my installed version is bad and to completely reinstall Visual Studio by uninstalling and then trying to start the normal installation process.
Unfortunately it didn't work.
After downloading the webinstaller, it downloads the installer packages it needs but the vs_installer.exe itself will never run successfully afterwards (also if started manually).
There is no error shown directly. It just does not start. The EventViewer is also not showing any errors I would say have a connection to the problem.
Any ideas? Thanks!
After a bit of communication with the Visual Studio team they pointed me to the only thing they know could cause this issue.
Some time ago I added an environment variable to my system named NODE_OPTIONS. It was necessary because the builds of our Angular applications are so big that we had to adjust the available memory size.
Removing the environment variable enabled me to start vs_installer.exe and to reinstall Visual Studio again.
It's a bit obscure and not many people will have this problem. But I hope Microsoft will fix it anyway.
P.S. The silent crash is caused by the usage of Electron for the Visual Studio installer. The person from Microsoft, who helped me to workaround the problem, told me that they are working on a fix.

Visual Studio 2017 - Prerelease software. This license has expired

Issue: Download Visual Studio Community 2017
And the login dialog says, "Prerelease software. This license has expired" even though I'm logged in with a valid account. My laptop and another PC are both running the same version linked to the same account. They work fine.
I've tried everything outlined here (#answer-47683843):
Visual Studio 2015 - Prerelease software. This license has expired
I fixed it by resetting my Windows 10 OS (, which is kind of annoying - but it worked!
Here's my visual studio support ticket in case they ever decide to fix the issue without such an extreme approach.
Coming from a guy that spent hours reinstalling VS over and over and OVER again... And trying to come up with all kinds of workarounds with VMs and deleting registry keys, etc...
This was a way better sure-fire, fairly quick, fix compared to all that!
I've never reset my Windows 10 before this, and so far it's really not too intrusive. All my data is still on the machine, you can choose JUST to clean out your apps, and Windows settings (which I assume includes your registry).
So I'll be reinstalling a bunch of stuff... but again... it was way worth it, if you need Visual Studio 2017 working now
Hope this helps someone else out there!

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is failing to repair itself

I'm trynig to install MVS 2017 because my previous version (2015) broke. By broke I mean it was not able to connect to the internet to check my version or something and it did not let me in. Tried googling it, found nothing.
So here I am, trying to intall MVS 2017. So far nothing but failure is being seen.
My first attempt at installing it kind of worked, it even successfuly loaded up, but had no extensions whatsoever (only Visual C++) and was unable to create any projects, the project window just kept reappearing after I finished configuring my project's settings. While installing it for the first time by the way, there were a couple of windows that popped up, they basically couldn't find the installer for Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 and some "Kits" thing.. It was something along the lines of "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Try selecting the installer from some other directory", but I could find it and clicked "Cancel".
After that I tried repairing MVS with the installer. Same two windows appeared, they still can not find their installers apparently, I clicked "Cancel" like in my first installation attempt and the MVS kept repairing itself for about an hour. Then, in my installation window it said "A restart is required. If needed, any remaining setup will resume automatically after the restart".
So I went ahead and restarted my PC and tried launching MVS. Absolutely nothing changed, there are no extensions that I checked when installing.
I tried googling my error messages and other problems and I ended up doing this:
Cleared my C:\ProgramData\Package Cache folder
Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 manually
Changed the installation directory
Nedless to say, on my previous version of MVS I had quite a lot of extensions installed. Including the lastest version of QT, support for Unity, some other C# stuff and a buch of different extensions for C++ development.
Can somebody please give me a website where I can post my logs to or help a little with my situation.
Thank you.
This might be helpful, Please take a look :

Is there a summary of visual studio 2008 runtime versions?

I've been looking into a strange problem where loading of one of our application's dlls fails on certain systems (using the Global Flags loader snap flag shows it's somewhere within LoadLibraryEx). The logs in windbg show that there seem to be several different versions of MSVCR90.DLL being referenced. It appears that the version referenced in our manifest is different to the redistributable runtime we're installing.
I've been trying to find a definitive list of the different runtime versions for the Visual Studio service packs and security hotfixes, but I can't find anything useful.
On my own machine I have at least five different ones installed, but I can't relate them to what Visual Studio is building. This is what I've found up to now:
9.0.21022.8 - this is what my VS2008 SP1 machine appears to be building against
9.0.21022.218: Security update for VS2008
9.0.30729 ?
9.0.30729.17 - VS2008 SP1
9.0.30729.4148 - VS2008 SP1 28/7/2009 (also seems to include the ATL update)
9.0.30729.4974 - seems to be part of Team Foundation Server 2010
9.0.30729.5570 - 21 April 2011 security update
Is there a more complete list than this, or one that clarifies which version we are building?
What is a fully-patched Visual Studio 2008 installation? SP1 + ATL hotfix? Are there further security updates?
I've found this page which does at least put all the downloads in one place:;en-us;2019667&sd=rss&spid=12913
It appears that merely updating to the most recent visual studio libraries doesn't automatically use them -- you need to explicitly bind to the latest library version
Run Microsoft Update (not Windows update) and it'll patch you up to the very latest version. There are a few of them (5 or 6 IIRC).
I know this is an old thread, but for the benefit of future readers, I have one here:
It isn't totally complete yet, but it has more than what is currently posted in this thread, and I haven't yet found a better list.
If you have anything to add, a comment here would be greatly appreciated, and I will add it when I get the chance.

Visual Studio 2010 (C++) highly unstable

We recently moved over to Visual Studio 2010 from 2005 and the environment have turned out to be highly unstable.
I experience 10-15 crashes per day at random locations , msenv.dll and vcpkg.dll to mention a few. It can be while selecting text or compiling, not found any pattern.
The plugin we got is VisualX Assist but I doubt that there is a problem with that.
Anyone here at Stackoverflow that experience this and/or know if there is any updates to apply to a default installed VS2010 ?
My Visual Studio 2010, without any plugins, was similarly unstable when I first installed it. I got updates from Microsoft Update, and it rarely crashes now. I never bothered figuring out exactly which update was key. It might have been a driver update, or an OS update, or a .NET update.
I'm running VS2010 10.0.30319.1 on 64-bit Windows 7. It's still slow, and it occasionally becomes unresponsive for a minute or two, but it doesn't crash very often now.
If you're up-to-date, and it still crashes, I'd be very suspicious of all plugins.