Ember Disable button while an action is completing its process - ember.js

{{input type="email" value=email placeholder="email"}}
<button {{action "addUser"}} type="submit">Add</button>
export default Controller.extend({
actions: {
addUser: function(){
//some codes here
//some codes here
When I call press the button and call the function addUser I need to disable the button until the whole function is finished execution
Please help..!

There are two ways of doing that.
First - maintain state manually
This means you should have a property on your controller and set it to true when task is running
export default Controller.extend({
actions: {
addUser: function(){
this.set('addUserRunning', true);
//some codes here
//some codes here
}).always(() => {
this.set('addUserRunning', false);
{{input type="email" value=email placeholder="email"}}
<button type="submit" disabled={{addUserRunning}} {{action "addUser"}}>Add</button>
Second (recommended by me) - use ember-concurrency
There is an addon called ember-concurrency. You need to look through the docs to understand how to use it. Instead of action you will use task and task has properties for it's state.
It will be something like this:
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';
export default Controller.extend({
addUser: task(function* () {
//some codes here
yield $.ajax({
//some codes here
{{input type="email" value=email placeholder="email"}}
<button type="submit" disabled={{addUser.isRunning}} onclick={{perform addUser}}>Add</button>


Ember 2 action sent to route instead of component

In my app I've defined this component:
// components/buy-functions.js
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
actions: {
openModal: function() {
then in the route's template:
<h5>Buy form</h5>
<div class="btn" {{action "openModal"}}>Buy</div>
(the component does not have a template)
But when i click the button I get the error "nothing handled the "openModal" action...
Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong here?
You need to send your action to route
openModal: function(modalName) {
change your button to
<div class="btn" {{action "openModal" 'myModal'}}>Buy</div>
and then in your route
openModal: function(modalName) {
//do whatever you want
But another way would be:
let's change your component to
// components/buy-functions.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
openModal: function() {
then create your component template
// tempaltes/components/buy-functions.hbs
<div class="btn" {{action "openModal"}}>Buy</div>
and then in your route template only use your component name
I wrote these codes on the fly. hope it works for you.
There is an add-on (ember-route-action-helper) that provides a helper (route-action) for just this very use case.
There's a blog about it.

sending actions from within a component in Ember

I'm trying to figure out how to handle in a single place a "login" action, that must be activated from a button click and "enter" keypress;
in my template I've wrapped everything inside a "login-functions" component
//template home.hbs
<input id="email" type="email" class="validate">
<input id="password" type="password" class="validate">
<div id="login" {{action "login"}}>
//component components/login-functions.js
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
login: function() {
var email = $('#email').val();
var password = $('#password').val();
var self = this;
Utils.login(email, password).done(function(res) {
localStorage.setItem('Access-Token', res.data.token);
localStorage.setItem('userId', res.data.user_id);
.error(function(error) {
//handle error
keyPress: function(event) {
if (event.charCode === 13) {
console.log('login attempt');
But this doesn't work because the action is not sent from the template button to the component's action and also because from the component I can't perform the transition.
Can someone tell the best way to handle this?
I think it's because your button is part of your home template. Maybe the form should be moved in your login-functions template and be called from your home template by doing {{login-functions}}.
And for the redirection, components can't do them, I'd suggest to call an action using this.sendAction('didLogin') and handle the redirection in your HomeController.
Move the keyPress functions out of the actions.
Updated --- Here is a working demo

Ember Checkbox getting name of element in callback

If I define a checkbox as follows:
{{input type="checkbox" name="email" checked=controller.isEmailChecked}} Email
In the callback controller.isEmailedChecked, defined as:
isEmailChecked: function(key, value) {
How do I get the value of name ("email")?
My controller is responsible for displaying multiple checkboxes so I do not want to have to write lines like this:
{{input type="checkbox" name="x" checked=controller.isXChecked}} X
{{input type="checkbox" name="y" checked=controller.isYChecked}} Y
Only to be doing:
ixXChecked: function(key, value) {
// Set or Get
this.set('x', value);
ixYChecked: function(key, value) {
// Set or Get
this.set('y', value);
Can someone point me to the docs please.
Edit: Same applies to actions on Buttons:
<button {{action 'toggleSetting'}}>
How would I get the name of the element in the toggleSetting callback?
Thanks a lot,
Thanks albertjan but this is more simple:
{{view Ember.Checkbox checkedBinding=someModelProperty}}
It updates the someModelProperty when clicked, and it also sets the correct value initially.
You can pass a parameter to a action like this: {{action "post" "test"}} where the second test can also be a variable. {{action "post" mail}}
As for the checkboxes I'd solve that with an item controller:
{{#each thing in things itemController='thing'}}
{{input type="checkbox" checked=onChecked}}
and your controller would looks something like:
App.ThingController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ['parent'] //where parent is the name of your other controller.
action: {
isChecked: function() {
.send('checkboxChecked', this.get('model.name'));
Or you can add a component, lets call it named-checkbox. And that would look something like this:
Template (app/templates/components/named-checkbox.hbs):
{{input name=name type="checkbox" checked=onChecked}}
Component (app/components/named-checkbox.js):
import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from '../templates/components/named-checkbox';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
layout: layout,
name: "",
action: {
onChecked: function() {
this.sendAction(this.get('action'), this.get('name'));
Then you can use it like this:
{{named-component name="email" action=isChecked}}
This will result in the isChecked action being called on the controller with the name as it's attribute:
actions: {
isChecked: function(name) {
this.set('name', !this.get('name'))

Access jquery event from ember component action

I'm trying to work with a simple overlay component, and close this overlay if someone clicks outside of the overlay content:
<div class="overlay" {{action 'close' on='click'}}>
<div class="item">
<form {{action 'submit' on='submit'}}>
{{#link-to closeRoute class="close"}}Close{{/link-to}}
The component looks like this:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
submit: function() {
close: function(param) {
console.log(param); // -> undefined
console.log(this); // -> complete component object, no reference to the event?
// this.$("a.close").click();
This works like advertised, however, I need to determine the target of the click event, because also clicks on the item and form will trigger this click(close) action.
Question: How can I access the (jQuery) event object which has a target from within the close action inside the component?
I am using EmberCLI, and Ember 1.9
I have found this to provide the required result:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['overlay-block'],
didInsertElement: function() {
var self = this;
self.$().click(function(e) {
if (self.$(e.target).hasClass("overlay-block")) {
This does not use an ember action like I expected. I'll leave the question open for a while to see if somebody comes up with an more 'Ember way' of doing this.
More Ember way
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['overlay-block'],
click: function(e) {
if (this.$(e.target).hasClass("overlay-block")){

ember autofocus component after insertion into DOM

I want to display an input field, and immediately autofocus it upon clicking a button. Im still new to Ember so i am not sure this is the correct approach, but I tried to wrap as an ember component
{{#if showCalendarForm}}
{{new-calendar focus-out='hideNewCalendar' insert-newline='createCalendar'}}
<button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" {{action "showNewCalendar"}}>New</button>
new-calendar component handlebars:
<div class="input-group">
class = 'form-control'
id = 'newCalendar'
type = 'text'
placeholder = 'New calendar'
value = calendarName
action = 'createCalendar'
new-calendar component js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
When I click the button, the text field is displayed, but autofocus and hitting enter doesnt work
The way the jQuery is written, you are trying to set focus on the <div class="input-group">, try this instead:
didInsertElement: function() {
Another way to do this would be to extend the Ember.TextField:
export default Ember.TextField.extend({
becomeFocused: function() {
Then, in your new-calendar template, use this component:
class = 'form-control'
id = 'newCalendar'
type = 'text'
placeholder = 'New calendar'
value = calendarName
action = 'createCalendar'
This way you can reuse the focus-input component wherever you need to.
As for hitting enter to create the calendar, I think you want to listen for the keyPress event, check to see if it's the enter key, and then send the action rather than trying to use insert-newline='createCalendar'.
//in FocusInputComponent
keyPress: function(e) {
// Return key.
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
Try wrapping your focus call in an Ember.run and schedule it to be run in the after render queue like this:
didInsertElement: function()
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, function() {
this blog post has helped me a lot in understanding ember's lifecycle hooks: