What links Federated Identities? - amazon-web-services

"The Facebook SDK obtains an OAuth token that Amazon Cognito uses to generate AWS credentials for your authenticated end user. Amazon Cognito also uses the token to check against your user database for the existence of a user matching this particular Facebook identity. If the user already exists, the API returns the existing identifier. Otherwise a new identifier is returned." - AWS Docs
Is Amazon Cognito only checking for the same Facebook user already in the database, or is it checking all users for matching fields, such as email? I am needing to allow for a user to sign in with email, Facebook, or Google and get the same data regardless. Basically I'm asking if Amazon Cognito links the users together automatically by email, or if this isn't the way to do it.

So if I understand your question correctly in line with what I've said above - I can't currently see an update to the features that I'm talking about - I'm happy to be wrong but....
Federated identities are very separate things if they're not the same session, in order for an identity to be linked they have to already be logged in with the old one and login with something else - in effect although on paper Cognito looks awesome this is why we hadn't used it, our problems were this:
(replacing # with !)
marc!marc.com signs into the user pool.
marc!marc.com signs in via facebook.
marc!marc.com signs in via anything else.
You'll probably end up with 3 users if they're three separate sessions - despite what AWS say if you read here it looks like you can link ID's you can but only if they logged in with the original ID first.
Yes this is silly, yes it really isn't fit for purpose - at a major hotel chain I talked in AWS offices about this and the upgrades were on the roadmap - I haven't revisited it since so hopefully I'm wrong!
Please do not accept this answer for about 24 hours as I'd like to give anyone else the opportunity to chip in, I think I'm 100% correct but I haven't looked at Cognito for a while(and I'm a bit scared to because the docs aren't great(sorry AWS) and it nearly drove me off a cliff last time trying to do exactly what you're trying to).


AWS Cognito end user sessions on all devices

I have an application and I use Cognito + Identity provider to use google accounts as my users. In Cognito, I have several groups, and in my application itself admin users can add users to groups, remove them from groups, and so on. The thing is, for these changes in the user to be reflected, the affected user needs to logout and in again in the application.
Having a new token fetched on every page load/request does not seem like a good practice. Therefore, I was looking for a Cognito function that would allow me to log a certain user from all it's active sessions. I looked for functions such as logout and revoke, but they require that I have the affected user's access token - which I obviously don't. After that I started playing around with other functions that could have the same effect, such as AdminForgetDevice - I thought that by forgetting a device maybe Cognito would log you out, but that is just used for 2FA, which my application doesn't support.
Seems to me a pretty basic thing what I'm trying to do, and kind of impossible to think that Cognito doesn't support it. Am I asking the wrong question? Is there an endpoint to accomplish this, or a different token-retrieval approach that I should use? I just want to make sure that if a user's groups were changed, those changes reflect immediately. My approach right now is forcing all that user's sessions to end.
I reached out to AWS support asking about this, and their official answer is that Cognito has no action to end all sessions of a specific user immediately. But I came to a solution on my own. You have two options:
1. User global signout and wait 1 hour until the user session is expired.
Not a fan of this solution. If you removed access from a user, makes no sense that the user can still use their old permissions for an hour.
2. Make your interface aware that the user should be logged out and use the logout function
This is the approach I'm going with. The moment an administrator changes a user's permissions, I am creating a notification for that user. The interface, once the user accesses it, know that there have been changes to that user because of the notification. The interface, then, in possession of the user's accessToken, can simply call the logout function.

Requirements for Instagram Graph API testing and development

I'm trying to build a prototype which collects and analyses comments from Instagram. This can seemingly only be done with the Instagram Graph API. So to prototype and test I need:
A business IG account connected to a Facebook account (the account to access and read the comments of)
A Facebook App configured to access IG accounts (the account/app which gets authenticated to access the IG account)
However, this App needs to go through a verification process for each of the permissions required. The process apparently takes up to 5 days and needs a Privacy Policy on a website (neither of which I have yet).
This is a lot to do considering it is just a prototype/PoC to establish feasability and get better acquainted with using/testing the API and data.
Does anyone with experience working with the Instagram Graph API know whether I am over-thinking or misread what is required here? Or do you have to go through this before being able to access IG account comments?

Understanding Cognito Identities

I've been stumbling around for a few hours trying to understand Cognito and identity management in a mobile app. I'm relatively new to mobile app development. I've made a mobile app before, but never one with a back-end. so now I'm playing around with AWS intending to try just that.
I want to make sure that each user using my app can be uniquely identified so that I can store content that they submit to the server associated with them. But I also want other users to be able to see their submitted content. I haven't decided on a data storage mechanism yet (Amazon seems to offer a few), but whatever it is will have to be an indefinitely free service since I'm not planning on spending (or earning) any money on this app.
Part of what is confusing me is the need to create App IDs with whatever service I wanted to use with federated identities. I am starting to suspect there are multiple kinds of identities that I'm getting confused. Does the App have its own identity independent of a user's identity? I didn't expect to have to create Google and Amazon App IDs just to allow users to log into my app using their Google or Amazon accounts. I suspect I'm understanding the API wrong, and I'm having a really hard time finding applicable sample code usable from Xamarin.
I have this much code (unique identifier x'd out):
CognitoAWSCredentials credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(
"us-east-2:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // Identity pool ID
RegionEndpoint.USEast2 // Region
And that seemed to run (in a debugger) without throwing an exception at least, but I'm not clear what it has given me. I'm doubting that this credentials object uniquely identifies the user after they might reboot their device, and start the app again the next day. For that I suspect I need something more, and I'm not clear what. What's the next simplest step to get a unique identifier for a user which I can store along with their content to associate it with them?
Are you set on having users use third part identity or do you want to provide user's their own identity? For federated identities (3rd party) you need to provide an Identity Pool ID which is created in Cognito to identify the federated identity provider. For your own identities in Cognito you create User Pools which also have an ID.
If you want to provide user sign-in and sign-up you want to use Cognito identities and not federated identities. The link below has some good references regarding this -

GAE Glass mirror creating multiple oauth signins per user

I've created a Glass app in Python. I began with the mirror quickstart for Python and have my app running fine except some users are getting multiple notifications. I only have one row per user in my Credentials table, however when I go and look at my own Authorized Access on my account I see that I have my Glass project listed 8 separate times.
Can anyone tell me how to check and see if the user has previously granted access to my app when they sign in and if so then skip creating a new token.
You can use the user's ID to prevent storing more than one credential for each user.
When you complete the OAuth flow, you'll receive an ID token along with the access and refresh tokens. If you decode this token, you'll see something like this:
The sub key is the one you're interested in. Use this value to uniquely identify your user. If you see a user authenticate with a user ID that you already know, replace the old value.
If you update your question to include the code you're using for your OAuth flow, we can provide more specific advice. Or, you can learn more about this from Google's OAuth documentation.

Facebook OAuth offline login

I am building an in-house application which would accumulate the information from several social networks at once. Possibly, the URL of the application will not be known or it will not be allowed anywhere outside localhost.
One of the information pieces I will be accumulating is FQL insights table information: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/insights/ . As you may notice, this information is private, so I just cannot fetch it anonymously.
The application itself is written in a "configure once and use forever" fashion, and possibly the person using the application will not be allowed to the Facebook login credentials at all.
My problem is the Facebook login. As I understand the login with "forever access" is now deprecated and Facebook does not allow API access the same way as Twitter does (creating the forever lasting key and forgetting about it). Question is:
Is there any way to overcome the fact that I need to ask the person for permissions every time I would like to fetch them? What can be the longest period between asking?
My current thoughts about it are:
Creating a dummy user for the 'manager' and giving him read-only
access to FB pages, therefore enabling him to log in to the account.
Then asking him for the permissions every (n) hours when I need them.
Automatic log in to the FB account given that we have the
login/password for the account and obtaining the API key myself.
Which is doable? Did anyone have any experience in doing this kind of things?
What can be the longest period between asking?
You can use Long-lived user access_token which is valid for 60 days.Use below FB call to get extended access token:
You can check more details here:
One more point which is worth to note here:
When a user change his password, deauthorizes an app their OAuth token get expired.
Hope this help !