Django:Run pylint on all the apps in one go - django

I want to run pylint recursively on all my project apps from the root of the app. If i use : pylint . on the root of the project base, it gives me the error that there is no init.
How can I run the pylint from my project root without having to specify all the apps one by one.
Thank you heartily for the downvotes. But since I am a novice at that and still couldnt find a solution to my issue, can the downvoters please explain or the give the oh-so-obvious solution? If this is how pylint is designed to be called recursively on each app, then can you point me to the documentation?

So by default the pylint is requires the module name or the file name to be linted to be provided to it as args and it does not automatically recursively search from the pwd. It would however lint every python file in a module if a module name is provided.
In order to run the pylint without the hassle of having to maintain the apps, I am using :


Error in locating and reading specific .env file, in django project

In my project, I just added new security methods, separating the .env from the project into another folder and adopting the use of new processes. To do this, I followed the python-dotenv lib documentation, which I use in my app.
But even following the suggestion I can not find all the parameters, since I end up having the following error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty
My settings:
from dotenv import load_dotenv
env_path = Path('/home/user/configs') / '.env'
How can I resolve this problem from the specific path?
Note: I use in my project, python 3.4.5 and django 1.9.4, but I do not believe that the problem is caused by the old versions adopted in the project.
Another important detail is that the .env file is correct, because when I use it in the same folder where I find the file it works without problems!
I'm also using this approach and from past few months I'm following a very good developer and he also writes about a python dependency "python-decouple" and you will going to get it in detail at this link
I think this will definitely going to solve your problem.
Python-decouple github repo : here
You can add the folder containing .env to the path. Here's how I did it:
load_dotenv(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "project", ".env"))
Answered it here.

Django CompileError: File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables

I am currently working on the cadasta - an open source organisation's - Django project.
They require you to run their platform in a virtual machine (virtualbox) using vagrant.
As I enter their repository, and run their server using ./runserver, I am all of a sudden getting a CompileError which says:
File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables. Parent style sheet: /vagrant/cadasta/core/static/css/_variables.scss.
on line 74 of core/static/css/_variables.scss
#import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables";
Following this link:,
I found that libsass is already installed, and so I tried installing bootstrap-sass inside the VM, but it did no good. Everything was working fine until I renamed the cadasta-platform directory (i.e their github repo that I cloned, and so the main project is included inside this folder only.) and refreshed. I even tried running the server again, but couldn't get through this error. I suppose renaming the directory shouldn't be the cause?
I have no clue on how to proceed. Please help.
EDIT: After renaming the project folder to the same name solved this error. If anyone would ever like to answer this question, please explain why renaming the project directory produces an error like this? As I believe, I think renaming should not be an issue?

django dev on mac having to explicitly name full path

After a long time away from an app i wrote in Django and didn't complete, I've come back to it on a new Mac.
I'm struggling to get the code to refer to the apps and the files within them without the explicit path. For instance:
from import object
Whereas I remember not having to use myproject every time.
Is this something that has changed? I seem to remember being about to add to the path in which is called every time you run the dev server, but this hasn't worked this time.
sys.path.append /path/to/myproject
Should that fix the issue I'm having?
I started with a simple answer and it grew into more details on how to add subdirectories of your project to python path. Maybe a bit off-topic, but it could be useful to you so I'm pushing the post button anyway.
I usually have a bunch of small re-usable apps of mine I keep inside my project tree, because I don't want them to grow into independent modules. My projet tree will look like this:
Still, by default, Django only adds the project root to python path. Yet it makes no sense in my opinion to have apps load modules with full path:
from import Author
from myproject.libs.rest_filters import filters
That's both way too verbose, and it breaks reusability as I only use absolute imports. Not to mention if I someday build an actual python package out of some of the libs, it will break.
So, I took the following steps. I added the relevant folders to the path:
# in
root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, 'myproject', 'apps')))
sys.path.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, 'myproject', 'libs')))
But you must ensure those packages cannot be loaded from the root of the project, or you will have odd issues as python would load another copy of the module. For instance, isinstance(, == False
It's not hard though : just remove from the folders you add to the path. That will make sure they cannot be descended into from the project.
Also, Django's discover runner will not descend into those paths unless you specify them manually. That may be fine with you (if every module has its own test suite). Or you can extend the runner, so it knows about this: sample code.

django runserver error from SVN co

I have written a Django project which runs fine on the dev server. Although I am the only one working on it, I realized I should get some sort of version control going and placed the project on a network SVN. I assume the new process for working this project should be: checkout code from SVN, make changes, test, update, and commit back to SVN.
However, when I check out the code and attempt to run the dev server from the checked out SVN location, I get an error that "has no module named yadda.yadda". But, the module is there and it works fine when I run it from the original directory. Any thoughts? Any suggestions on a better work process?
Does your $PYTHONPATH shell variable reference a relative path? If so, the relative path may be incorrect when you change to the new directory.
You can also diff the contents of the two directories to ensure that your versioned copy is a duplicate of the original.
Check if your module has
As George said check if module is on python path (import sys and print sys.path)

Django start new project error

i have installed Python2.6 and Django1.2.4 on windows vista. or so i think django is installed.
i test it this by opening the python shell(command prompt from the python folder) and typed this:
import django
The result was "1.2.4". From this i understand that firstly python works, and second that django is installed, recognized.
Following the tutorial from Django website i get stuck on the first thing: creating a project startproject mysite
I wrote this in a new command prompt window, chdir my way to a folder i decided it'll keep the project and then wrote the line above. The error is this:
E:\Workspace> startproject mysite
'' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I tried with writting "python" before the line but no.
I added in the Environmental Variables , in the PATH, the path to the bin folder of django and the path to python. I have the file in the Python/Scripts folder.
I understand this is a very easy , newbie mistake, but it currently blocks me. If somebody has gone through this error or knows about it, a bit of help would be much appreciated.
Thank you either way!
Did you to add the Python/Scripts to the PATH environmental variable? You'll need to restart any command prompts you have opened for the PATH change to take effect.
The same happened with me also and it is resolved by adding PATH environmental variable of Python\scripts.