Cannot call member function, tried to do it properly still fails [closed] - c++

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I implemented a new class (ProtoType) in my header file. Which looks like this:
class ProtoType : public Test
uint32_t test();
class RealProtoType : public Real
uint32_t real();
Then in C++ file I made this
uint32_t ProtoType::test()
return 5;
uint32_t RealProtoType::real()
uint32_t holder = ProtoType::test();
Then I get this error when compiling
error: cannot call member function ‘uint32_t ProtoType::test()’
without object uint32_t ProtoType::test();
But I still fail, how can I resolve this?

Since ProtoType::test() is a non-static member function you need an object of type ProtoType to call the function upon:
uint32_t RealProtoType::real()
ProtoType foo;
uint32_t holder = foo.test();
return 42;


how can I bind a class member function with param as rvalue to boost::function? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I try to bind a class member function with param as rval to boost::function.
But it doesn't work.
my sample false code :
class Class1
int Foo1(int&& b)
return b;
void foo2()
boost::function<int(int&&)> fc(boost::bind(&Class1::Foo1, this, _1)
Use a lambda expression:
boost::function<int(int&&)> fc = [this](int&& x)
return Foo1(x);

C++, How to reference Class methods in a Struct? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am trying to humbly port "FastLED + ESP8266 Web Server" by Jason Coon: to ESPAsyncWebServer, with a few extra goodies...
My project is located here
My main work on this project is to wrap everything into nice Classes, and try to afford some kind of modularity.
EDIT: As many pointed out in the comments bellow, what I try to accomplish is clearly wrongly illustrated. All I am looking for are ideas, code sample, docs, references, on what should be done, so I can learn and improve...
I am totally new to C++, so please, be indulgent..
What I am trying to accomplish is obtain what I, neophyte, can only explain as a collection of objects, each objects having a String name and method pattern. Said pattern should be a method of the ESPLedDriver.cpp Class
The issue resides in the fact that in ESPLedDriver.h and ESPLedDriver.cpp, I try to create a Struct that references ESPLedDriver::
I made a snippet of the code to illustrate the issue:
void ESPLedDriver::colorwaves()
// ...
void ESPLedDriver::palettetest()
// ...
void ESPLedDriver::setPatterns()
// const uint8_t patternCount;
_patterns = {
// ERROR: src/ESPLedDriver.cpp:225:3: error: cannot convert 'ESPLedDriver::colorwaves' from type 'void (ESPLedDriver::)()' to type 'ESPLedDriver::Pattern {aka void (*)()}'
{ colorwaves, "Color Waves" },
// ERROR: src/ESPLedDriver.cpp:225:3: error: cannot convert 'ESPLedDriver::palettetest' from type 'void (ESPLedDriver::)()' to type 'ESPLedDriver::Pattern {aka void (*)()}'
{ this->palettetest, "Palette Test" },
#include "FastLED.h"
class ESPLedDriver
// ...
void setPatterns();
typedef void (*Pattern)();
typedef Pattern PatternList[];
typedef struct {
Pattern pattern;
String name;
} PatternAndName;
typedef PatternAndName PatternAndNameList[];
/* Patterns */
void colorwaves();
void palettetest();
PatternAndNameList _patterns;
uint8_t _patternCount;
(Or if you prefer, as a gist: )
If all of the objects are string and pattern, you can model them as an abstract base class:
class String_Pattern
virtual void pattern_method(ESPLedDriver& driver_to_use) = 0;
std::string text;
Note that this design requires passing the driver to the string pattern object. Think of this giving the object a driver to use.

C++ access violation when writing to typdef struct [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a struct defined in a header file. Then I have a singleton class where I am trying to use the struct. When I call ResetVars() from another class I get an access violation when it hits the line that says test.numResponses = "TEST". I am assuming this has something to do with initialization but I haven't been able to solve it. I am new to c++ and I have no idea how to get around this. Thanks for any help.
typedef struct POLL_DATA
std::string numResponses;
std::string type;
std::string question;
class ControlPolls
static bool instanceFlag;
static ControlExitPolls *controlSingle;
static ControlExitPolls* getInstance();
void ResetVars();
#include "ControlPolls.h"
bool ControlPolls::instanceFlag = false;
ControlPolls* ControlPolls::controlSingle = NULL;
//Private Constructor
//Get instance
ControlPolls* ControlPolls::getInstance()
controlSingle = &ControlPolls();
instanceFlag = true;
return controlSingle;
return controlSingle;
void ControlExitPolls::ResetVars()
test.numResponses = "TEST";
ControlPolls *controlSingleton;
controlSingleton = ControlPolls::getInstance();
You've been struck by C++'s Most Vexing Parse, a compiler rule that says anything that could be a function declaration is a function declaration. The culprit is this line:
POLL_DATA testPoll();
testPoll is treated as the declaration of a function with return type POLL_DATA. Try removing the brackets, or writing simply POLL_DATA testPoll; which implicitly calls the compiler-generated default constructor.
Another larger problem is that testPoll is a member of A, but you've hidden it and declared a local variable in your constructor, A::A(). I suggest you remove the constructor altogether because the implicit constructor will suffice.
Some more notes on your code:
You've declared your class a but refer to it later as A.
You've written an implementation of a constructor for A without declaring it like a proper forward declaration.
Also, typedef struct is not needed in C++. It is sufficient and encouraged to write:
struct POLLDATA {

Returning an empty smart pointer [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a class that looks like this,
class A
std::shared_ptr<Type> ret;
ret=std::shared_ptr<Type>(new Type);
std::shared_ptr<Type> GetTypeA(){return ret;}
A (const A&a)
class Type
A aa;
Somewhere in the client code, I call the method GetTypeA like this
void func(A*pA)
std::shared_ptr<Type> spT=pA->GetTypeA();
Debugging shows me that spT=empty after the call. But inside pA, ret value is NOT empty.
I notice some mistakes in your code :
ret=std::shared_ptr<Type>(new Type);
"new Type" means you call default constructor for Type (Type::Type()), and you didn't write it in your sample. Try "new Type(*this)" to use your own constructor.
But to do this you need to change your Type class to:
class Type
A* aa; // Use a pointer
Type::Type(A&a) :aa(&a){} // Use references
The problem is it's not resolving the "recursive aspect", depend your needs, I would use a static reference to A in the Type class...

Unable to call constructor of friend class [closed]

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Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell us what you've tried to do, why it didn't work, and how it should work. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to call my SocketConnection constructor from inside the definition of the node class, but I'm failing to understand the compile error I'm getting - I fail to see why the compiler thinks the constructor I declared for SocketConnection is not a constructor.
Here are the main parts of .h file code:
class Node
Node() ;
int OnStart() ;
friend class SocketConnection ;
} ;
class SocketConnection
Node * m_nptr ;
int m_sockfd ;
SocketConnection(Node * nptr) ;
Here are the main parts of .cpp file:
int Node::OnStart()
SocketConnection newConnection(this) ;
return 0 ;
SocketConnection::SocketConection(Node * nptr): m_nptr(nptr)
On compilation, I get:
error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘SocketConection’ with no type
error: no ‘int SocketConnection::SocketConection(Node*)’ member function declared in class ‘SocketConnection’
In member function ‘int SocketConnection::SocketConection(Node*)’:
error: only constructors take base initializers
Can someone help me understand this ?
You have a typo:
SocketConnection::SocketConection(Node * nptr): m_nptr(nptr)
// ^
Change it into:
SocketConnection::SocketConnection(Node * nptr): m_nptr(nptr)
// ^^