C++ access violation when writing to typdef struct [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a struct defined in a header file. Then I have a singleton class where I am trying to use the struct. When I call ResetVars() from another class I get an access violation when it hits the line that says test.numResponses = "TEST". I am assuming this has something to do with initialization but I haven't been able to solve it. I am new to c++ and I have no idea how to get around this. Thanks for any help.
typedef struct POLL_DATA
std::string numResponses;
std::string type;
std::string question;
class ControlPolls
static bool instanceFlag;
static ControlExitPolls *controlSingle;
static ControlExitPolls* getInstance();
void ResetVars();
#include "ControlPolls.h"
bool ControlPolls::instanceFlag = false;
ControlPolls* ControlPolls::controlSingle = NULL;
//Private Constructor
//Get instance
ControlPolls* ControlPolls::getInstance()
controlSingle = &ControlPolls();
instanceFlag = true;
return controlSingle;
return controlSingle;
void ControlExitPolls::ResetVars()
test.numResponses = "TEST";
ControlPolls *controlSingleton;
controlSingleton = ControlPolls::getInstance();

You've been struck by C++'s Most Vexing Parse, a compiler rule that says anything that could be a function declaration is a function declaration. The culprit is this line:
POLL_DATA testPoll();
testPoll is treated as the declaration of a function with return type POLL_DATA. Try removing the brackets, or writing simply POLL_DATA testPoll; which implicitly calls the compiler-generated default constructor.
Another larger problem is that testPoll is a member of A, but you've hidden it and declared a local variable in your constructor, A::A(). I suggest you remove the constructor altogether because the implicit constructor will suffice.
Some more notes on your code:
You've declared your class a but refer to it later as A.
You've written an implementation of a constructor for A without declaring it like a proper forward declaration.
Also, typedef struct is not needed in C++. It is sufficient and encouraged to write:
struct POLLDATA {


How to access a private variable which is within a function [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Test{
int kk(int b){
return a=b+5;
int a;
/*void priv()
int a; // How to access a , if this part was not commented
int main()
Test kris;
cout<< kris.kk(5)<<endl;
return 0;
I was trying to understand the concept of private and public members and the methods to access the private members when they are defined in a class. I wanted to rephrase the question to how to access a variable, which is local to a private function via an object of class "Test" (as defined in the code).
I found the answer to it and experimented it with my own code and i was able to execute the code. Below is the code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Test{
int xyz_1(){
return xyz_2() ;
int xyz_2(){
int a=5;
return a;
int main()
Test kris;
cout<< kris.xyz_1()<<endl<<"Sorry for the confusion"<<endl;
return 0;
How to access a private variable which is within a function
You're trying to access a local variable of priv() in the function kk() which is impossible unless the visibility of the variable a is either public or outside the function (in case with classes) under private: (which will make it accessible to all member functions). In a rough way, you're trying to do something:
void fun1() {
int a;
void fun2() {
std::cout << a;
Which is not possible.
You might need to think more about your design and what you achieve.
Do you want to have a private member in the class to access the function? Then declare your variable "a" as a private member in your class, and use this.a inside your function. If you want a child class to be also able to access your private member, make the variable protected instead of private.
If you want to restrict any other function in your class from accessing that member, then I would be curious about what your intention is. If you try to hide the implementation you might want to look into the Pimpl technique. However, it also has a very specific use case (besides that you can use it to hide the implementation from developers, too).
https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/pimpl[pimpl programming technique]1
If you add more information about your problem and intention I'm sure people can give you better directions.

Cannot call member function, tried to do it properly still fails [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I implemented a new class (ProtoType) in my header file. Which looks like this:
class ProtoType : public Test
uint32_t test();
class RealProtoType : public Real
uint32_t real();
Then in C++ file I made this
uint32_t ProtoType::test()
return 5;
uint32_t RealProtoType::real()
uint32_t holder = ProtoType::test();
Then I get this error when compiling
error: cannot call member function ‘uint32_t ProtoType::test()’
without object uint32_t ProtoType::test();
But I still fail, how can I resolve this?
Since ProtoType::test() is a non-static member function you need an object of type ProtoType to call the function upon:
uint32_t RealProtoType::real()
ProtoType foo;
uint32_t holder = foo.test();
return 42;

memory access violation using std::map as local member [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a memory access violation error on the line m_Lights=tmp; during the call of the method v_init() in Algo::Init(). Shouldn't map m_Lights be created at the instantiation of m_LightsManager? Why do I have this error?
class LightManager
std::map<sint32,Light> m_Lights;
LightManager (void);
~LightManager (void);
void v_init();
LightManager ::LightManager (void)
LightManager ::~LightManager (void)
void LightManager ::v_init()
Light tL;
std::map<sint32,Light> tmp;
tmp.insert(std::pair<sint32,Light> (-1,tL));
class Algo
LightsManager m_LightsManager;
void Init();
void Algo::Init()
If Light is not trivially-copyable then
is undefined behavior. This is likely the cause of your error.
In addition to Vittorios answer: Do all the initialization in Lights constructor, instead of relying on an external memset call. And don't use std::memset in C++ to initialize all member variables of an object in one statement, do it explicitely for every variable (usually using a simple assignment; in C++11 you can do that even in the declaration/header, where it IMHO belongs).
Reason: Light may be derived, and the base class(es) define their own data, which you overwrite by recklessly nulling the whole object.
I solved the error, the problem came from a wrong declared pointer in other part of the soft that overlaped with the memory space where the object m_LightsManager where initiated ,

Why should I use a closing bracket in this? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have some code which I could not compile it yet. The compiler says there should be a closing bracket, but I can't see a reason for this or place to put it. This is my code:
#include "Player.h"
Player(std::string val){
Player(std::string val, std::string ally){
I have included in Player.h
This is the error:
error: expected ')' before 'val'
This is the prototype for constructor:
I am using GNU GCC compiler, under linux(ubuntu)
You are missing the class name from constructor outside the class definition. Try this:
Player::Player(std::string val){ // constructor outside class definition
Unverified speculation: With your current code, compiler sees Player(symbol1 symbol2) and takes that as creating object of class Player, and first thing it fails to understand is seeing two symbols as constructor argument, and gives a somewhat misleading error about that.
When you define methods, constructor, destructor etc. outside of the class, remember to tell the compiler that this belongs to the class using the class name following the scope operator :: and the name of the method, constructor, destructor etc with the matching parameters.
As a small example:
class Phone {
string number;
string get_num();
void set_num(string const &num) { number = num; }
// Pay attention to this:
// we tell the compiler that get_num belongs to class Phone
string Phone::get_num()
return number;
int main()
Phone p;
cout << p.get_num() << endl;

Returning an empty smart pointer [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a class that looks like this,
class A
std::shared_ptr<Type> ret;
ret=std::shared_ptr<Type>(new Type);
std::shared_ptr<Type> GetTypeA(){return ret;}
A (const A&a)
class Type
A aa;
Somewhere in the client code, I call the method GetTypeA like this
void func(A*pA)
std::shared_ptr<Type> spT=pA->GetTypeA();
Debugging shows me that spT=empty after the call. But inside pA, ret value is NOT empty.
I notice some mistakes in your code :
ret=std::shared_ptr<Type>(new Type);
"new Type" means you call default constructor for Type (Type::Type()), and you didn't write it in your sample. Try "new Type(*this)" to use your own constructor.
But to do this you need to change your Type class to:
class Type
A* aa; // Use a pointer
Type::Type(A&a) :aa(&a){} // Use references
The problem is it's not resolving the "recursive aspect", depend your needs, I would use a static reference to A in the Type class...