Websphere Security Configuration for Apache CXF WebServices - web-services

I am currently trying to configure security in Websphere 8/9 for the CXF soap Web-Services in our application.
Websphere Console is currently unable to see the CXF Web-Services, however we require Websphere to see them to configure security.
I have found some documentation which suggests that this is not possible:
Does anyone know of any way round this?

I would recommend you use the built in libraries rather than CXF, as WAS is able to monitor those libraries.


How to determine if web services deployed correctly on websphere application server?

hey guys I'm a newbie at IBM websphere Application server and have a general question !
I'm trying to deploy an ear file which only has some ejb jar files(no wars) which cantains #webservice annotations to expose JAX-WS web services.
the ear structure is base on J2EE standard and it works on weblogic and glassfish as well, but when I deploy my ear on websphere 9.0 application server and try to test it's web services by SOAPUI tool I get 404 error repeatedly.
unfortunately I can't see my web services list in admin console or even their wsdl files.
Although my ear deployed successfuly and has started status at websphere application server console.
I dont know how to test it :( does it need any precondition?
these are my tested urls on address bar to see wsdl files but couldn't
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23752121/5215049. This seems to be your case.
Enabling trace for JAX-WS should help you debug this issue.
Refer: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/Dougclectica/entry/capturing_web_service_jax_ws_messages_in_websphere?lang=en for specific instructions on enabling JAX-WS trace logs in Websphere
Refer : https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSAW57_9.0.0/com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/ae/twbs_tracewbscomp.html for detailed instructions for tracing webservices in general.

CXF JAX-WS on WebSphere 7 doesn't appear in the admin console

I'm using the CXF's wsdl2java (through maven codegen plugin) to generate sources from wsdl (top-down) of a jax-ws web service.
Everything is fine till I have to deploy on WebSphere Application Server 7.
So, I made some adjustments according to various documentation found on the internet.
Now my deployed jax-ws (with frontEnd forced to 2.1) works fine.
The problem now is that I don't see any trace of the web service contained in my web module from the WAS admin concole (nor client, nor provider... nothing at all).
This situation prevents me to apply Policy Sets and configure WS-Security from the admin console.
My questions are:
what does prevent a working web service to be shown in the admin console?
if I cannot see it in the admin console: how to configure policy sets without the console?
Sadly, if you are using a 3rd party JAX-WS library on WebSphere, neither the client nor the provider will not show up in the admin console, and you won't be able to configure it to use the WS-Security and other stuff that comes with WAS.
Read the official doc here.

Enabling Web Service Security With OpenAM WSS Agent

I am struggling with setting up the Web service security with OpenAM.
Here is what I have done so far:
I looked up openam documentation but I could nto find anything
significant which points to web service security implementation details.
However I found this link
(http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/wss-sdn-1-137232.html) on
OpenSSO oracle website which gives step by step instructions to
secure the web services.
Also I found this post
(http://www.stormacq.com/web-services-security-with-opensso-security-token-service-sts/) which essentially says that there are many issues one might face while
trying to implement WSS in OpenAM.
I followed oracle link (point 2 above) and tried to implement the WSS in OpenAM version 10.0.0:
My questions:
But The WSS Agent I got from OpenAM website is glassfish version. I am not sure if extracting it and including files from it in my service and client will cause any issues if the server is not glassfish. OpenAM website has glassfish version only.
Another problem is that oracle tutorial was probably written in days of OpenSSO 8.0. Not sure if it will work with Open AM 10. I can see some differences in directory structure already.
It will be helpful if anyone can point me to any other available documentation for implementation of WSS in OpenAM.
Is it advisable to use some IDM solution other than OpenAM for WSS security if OpenAM WSS has known issues.
Any help here will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
WSS Agent actually is a JAX-WS filter implementation. It does not rely on GlassFish you can also use it with Tomcat and Metro. However I've not tested it with Apache CXF yet.
Unfortunately there's no real documentation yet. If you face issues you may post it to the OpenAM mailing list.

Is there a way to access Microsoft OCS Directory/Presence information using a web service?

We are working on a client app that should search and download directory information from Microsoft OCS server (OCS old as well as Lync).
Does OCS provide web services type api?
From what I understand, the client needs to do sip handshake before it can do directory related queries.
Having dependency on sip stack is not desirable.
So I am wondering if there is a way (like SOAP web service or something like that) to do it.
The client is a C++ client with access to gSoap or curl type library running on Linux platform.
Thanks for your help.
No, there is no web service out of the box that gives you what you need.
I thin your best bet would be to build a UCMA application that would sit on an application server inside your OCS/Lync infrastructure. You could then build a web service to access this.
For OCS 2007, you'd need to use UCMA 1.0. For OCS 2007 R2, UCMA 2.0 and for Lync, UCMA 3.0

Call a service from Tomcat in Servicemix 4.3

I have a webservice running on Tomcat 6 in this address http://localhost8080/testservice, now i want to deploy it to Servicemix 4.3
Anyone knows a simple tutorial, on how to call this webservice from Servicemix 4.3?
here are a few links to help you get started with this...
first, a guide to creating/deploying/testing a web service in Servicemix and a link to an example that ships with servicemix...
next, here is a guide to generating a cxf code-first OSGI bundle
finally, you can also use Apache Camel to interface with web services...