Call a service from Tomcat in Servicemix 4.3 - web-services

I have a webservice running on Tomcat 6 in this address http://localhost8080/testservice, now i want to deploy it to Servicemix 4.3
Anyone knows a simple tutorial, on how to call this webservice from Servicemix 4.3?

here are a few links to help you get started with this...
first, a guide to creating/deploying/testing a web service in Servicemix and a link to an example that ships with servicemix...
next, here is a guide to generating a cxf code-first OSGI bundle
finally, you can also use Apache Camel to interface with web services...


Websphere Security Configuration for Apache CXF WebServices

I am currently trying to configure security in Websphere 8/9 for the CXF soap Web-Services in our application.
Websphere Console is currently unable to see the CXF Web-Services, however we require Websphere to see them to configure security.
I have found some documentation which suggests that this is not possible:
Does anyone know of any way round this?
I would recommend you use the built in libraries rather than CXF, as WAS is able to monitor those libraries.

How to determine if web services deployed correctly on websphere application server?

hey guys I'm a newbie at IBM websphere Application server and have a general question !
I'm trying to deploy an ear file which only has some ejb jar files(no wars) which cantains #webservice annotations to expose JAX-WS web services.
the ear structure is base on J2EE standard and it works on weblogic and glassfish as well, but when I deploy my ear on websphere 9.0 application server and try to test it's web services by SOAPUI tool I get 404 error repeatedly.
unfortunately I can't see my web services list in admin console or even their wsdl files.
Although my ear deployed successfuly and has started status at websphere application server console.
I dont know how to test it :( does it need any precondition?
these are my tested urls on address bar to see wsdl files but couldn't
See This seems to be your case.
Enabling trace for JAX-WS should help you debug this issue.
Refer: for specific instructions on enabling JAX-WS trace logs in Websphere
Refer : for detailed instructions for tracing webservices in general.

EJB Webservice EAR working properly in Weblogic 12.1.3 but not working in weblogic 12.2.1

EJB stateless web service EAR i.e. using #WebService and #Stateless annotation working perfectly in Weblogic 12.1.3 but not working in weblogic 12.2.1, i.e. web service is not getting generated but EAR getting deployed successfully.
I have tried many ways by adding dependent Jars in EAR Lib and also added below in weblogic-application.xml but still web service is not coming.
Please assist.

Is it possible to write libs in clojure and deployed in WSO2 as service to export?

anyone have tried a web service written in Clojure and runing in WSO2 AS ?
WSO2 AS is based on apache tomcat. Therefore I think it should work. I haven't tried the scenario. You can create a war out of your clojure project and deploy it in the WSO2AS.
You can refer to

Web service does not work when Application server is upgraded

Current setup -> We have a web service app deployed in Websphere 6.1 and works normally.
Problem -> Does not work when the app is compiled using Websphere 8.5 JRE and then deployed in Websphere 8.5
The odd thing -> When app is compiled using Websphere 6.1 JRE and then deployed in Websphere 8.5 , it works.
The runtime used to generate the web service - Apache Axis
What we want to have is compile it in Websphere 8.5 JRE then deploy it in Websphere 8.5 but we cant get this to work. What seems to be the problem? I was thinking of just re-creating the web service using the new JAX-WS style using annotations, but the problem there is impact on the source codes of the its not an option as of now. Only option is no code change and get it to work in Websphere 8.5
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)