How to disable servicehub.identityhost for Visual Studio - c++

I'm trying to install c++ templates on Visual Studio and it keeps showing this message which I can't solve.

You need to close all visual studio windows before installing updates or new features.
If you have closed them all wait for a while for them to stop running, then check for the processes in task manager. If all else fails restart your machine.


Message in visual studio "This extension is scheduled for install"

I have downloaded RDLC extension from visual studio 2017 Tools -> "Extensions & Updates" successfully & its showing me message as
"This extension is scheduled for install".
So I have restarted my VS2017 (VS Professional 2017 version 15.8.6 ) but still its showing same message & it seems RDLC extension is still not added in VS2017.
I also closed VS using both menu and the close window button (X) in VS but still no luck.
I found the solution. There was another VS instance was running.
I closed all my running VS instances & then "VSIX Installer" installed all my extension.
Try, File -> Close instead closing VS by clicking X
Or else, restarting the PC should work according to the warning shown in the window
Or else, You can change your settings
Even though you close your visual studio instances, there may be another instance running in background. So make sure you closed all instances in Task manager -> Details.
In my case it started to install once i closed all instances.
If you have opened visual studio account window in browser close it & also close your VS. After it VSIX installer will install the extension for you.
For me I restarted my PC/VM and then installed the extension from Visual Studio again. Then I have closed the extension window. Again opened the extension window. And then closed extension window and Visual Studio. Then after couple of seconds a "VSIX installer" window appeared an started to install the extension automatically.

Visual Studio 2017 installer stuck on win10SDK but its not there

I ran a VSIX not knowing that it would try to intall win10SDK on my vs2017. So I canceled it. Now when I try to run vs2017 it tells me the installation is not finished. When I go to the installer and click modify, it attempts to install win10SDK, and just gets stuck there. I cant enter visual studio and found no solution online, is there a way to stop the installer from trying to find/install win10SDK.
Im running a windows 8.1

Unrecognized error occurred in the Windows Web Services framework

I'm trying to build and run a simple project in Visual Studio 2017 (C++) in x64 using the Local Windows Debugger. However every time I try to run it using the debugger I get this error.
This error doesn't show up when I change it from x64 to x86, but I need it to compile to x64. This has happened on both computers that I've tried it on, and seems to happen in every one of my projects. I've tried reinstalling Visual Studio already and nothing's changed. I've tried adding 'devenv.exe' as an exception to the Windows Firewall but no changes there either, even when I disabled the firewall completely. My antivirus isn't affecting it at all either: still happens when I disable it.
The application runs fine when I find it in the explorer and run it manually but then I don't have any debugging tools.
What am I doing wrong here, how do I make it build and run my project as x64?
I get this error every time I have an active VPN connection. If you use a VPN, try disconnect and see if the error disappears.
If you want to use a VPN, the solution (assuming you have Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.7 or later) is as follows:
Go to the Windows Start Menu and launch the “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 Preview”
Run: "%DevEnvDir%vsregedit.exe" set "%VSINSTALLDIR:~0,-1%" HKCU Debugger UseAnonymousPipes dword 1
Restart VS if it is already running
That solution is from this link to Microsoft.

Visual Studio Debugger and Windows 10

I recently updated my system from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Before I did this, my Visual Studio C++ compiler (2013) and debugger was working fine but when I ran the debugger, I would occasionally get the following message:
The Visual Studio 2015 Remote Debugger (MSVMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remove computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remove computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging.
When I got the message, I would restart the debugger and the message would go away. After upgrading to Windows 10, every time I run the debugger, I get this message. Then the debugger does not run. So, I upgraded to Visual Studio C++ 2015 hoping it would fix the problem. It does not. I also use ZoneAlarm as my firewall. I thought that might be the problem. So I turned off ZoneAlarm but that did not help.
What am I doing wrong?

Visual C++ 2015 Tools for Windows desktop installer won't open

I have installed Visual studio 2015. But I didn't noitced that the typical install didn't include the c++ tools. I follewed this guide on the Visual C++ team blog( but when I click on the install button only this window pops up.
Pop up message
And after i press ok it closes and nothing happens(I have tried to run as administrator but nothing changes).
Visual Studio 2015 RC Community will not install, says it is already installed
I had a similiar issue and found finally as cause entries under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0. To modify/delete this entries (or the key itself) solved (for me) the problem.