Inserting external content into bootsrap modal - bootstrap-modal

I am aware that similiar questions have been asked, but I have not found anything that specifically answers my question. I have created a calculator that looks like this:
I would like to embed this calculator into the modal on my portfolio (, so that if somebody clicks on the picture of the calculator, the calculator becomes directly accessible within the modal.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Best regards


bootstrap4 on ember.js: how do I build this exact top navbar and left side navbar

what I would like to do in RED BOX:
hello. obviously I am new and very much a beginner.
I am using ember.js for my application frontend and bootstrap to ease the styling process. I want to build a top fixed menu bar like the picture attached and a left navigation bar with scrolling like the picture attached. maybe because I am new thats why I am unable to use the manuals properly to land me at this point.
if anyone choose to help, need to know 1st that if there are already defined builtin components in ember.js to solve this issue (I am using ember v3.18), I am unable to find any.
2nd, if 1st question answer is no, then how can I build it - or are there any suggestive codes available online for me to learn from?

How to acess the html of a page on Microweber?

F‌irst of all, sorry for my bad english.
I started to use the Dream Template and I added some changes on the template files and in the custom.css to make the site like I want to.
But I am facing a problem.
Image of my actual navbar
This is how my menu looks like, the problem is that I need that 3 of the sub categories of the menu have each one a different background than the rest of them.
The 3 Sub-Categories I need to change
I need that these three be different from all the others, but how i do that if I don't see the menu on the HTML Editor, and I cannot edit that on the header.php of the template?
So Microweber Support have answered to me and showed me how to do it.
U can style using the data-item-id atribute on CSS (I never have learned about it)
So i will leave this topic here for people that can face the same problem than i haved.
Thanks a lot guys.

Foundation 5 - Navbar Centralizing

I wanted to find out if its possible to make a change to the current foundation 5 navbar without breaking it for mobile and desktop views.
basically the current one sits the left text/image to the far left and the nav menu to the far right, which is great when the design is across the entire page, but if the content is centralized in the middle sort of like the normal 960 web layouts, it looks a bit weird at times.
is it possible to have the left image/text and nav menu links centralized in the center like it would be seen if it was in a 960px wrapper.
this all ofc without stopping the responsiveness of it.
It sounds like what your are trying to accomplish is to center a top-bar navigation within a row.
If that's the case then you can use <div class="contain-to-grid"> to keep your top-bar within your grid layout and something like <div class="small-9 small-centered columns"> to center the row that the top-bar is in. I created a codepen example for you to look at here:
The classes mentioned above are all part of Foundation so you will not be affecting the responsiveness of your design.
For a complete list of the options available to customize the top-bar see the Zurb Foundation Top Bar documentation.
If I have misunderstood your question let me know, and code is always appreciated.
I hope that helps.
EDIT: 02/13/2014
I was looking into another issue when I stumbled upon this, How to center top-bar nav?. It center's the buttons/links within the top-bar, not the top bar itself. They page they used as an example is Mister Dutch. I updated the codepen above to reflect what I found on the Foundation Forum.
Again, if I have misunderstood your question let me know.

Facebook Like button and backdated posts on Tumblr

I've implemented the facebook like button in my tumblr project - and it works well. However, one thing I have noticed is that when I backdate a post, ie so I can change the order the way it appears on the site, the facebook like button no longer works for that particular post. I've used the lint/debugger and it's not throwing any errors and there's been no change in the coding as it's been called in a loop and the facebook like button works for other posts. So does anybody know what's going on or if this is an issue I need to be aware of?
There was general problems between Tumblr and Facebook in the last days
but now it should work fine,
if you still get general problems then you can report about them as a comment in the main bug report here:
and a link to your blog will be helpful.

Like button code doesn't work on my website

I found a few similar topics however none specific to my issue. I went to create a like button code, I clicked the create like box, added my link to the URL formated the like button how I want it to appear. Then I opened Dreamweaver and pasted the Facebook code in the Dreamweaver HTML code where I want the Like button to appear but I get nothing. Please respond like "coding for dummies" language so I can understand how to solve my issue. Thanks in advance.
Make sure you add <div id="fb-root"></div> somewhere between the <body></body> tags. Their latest like button generator is missing that part.