Install fresh ERPNEXT on AWS recommendations - amazon-web-services

I need to install ERPNEXT on AWS, I wish if someone can share the recommendation for a good HA setup, also I am stuck in how to put redis on Elasticache?

Install ERPNEXT:
Download the install script
For Linux:
Run the install script
If you are on a fresh server and logged in as root, use --user flag to create a user and install using that user
python --develop --user frappe
For developer setup:
sudo python --develop
For production:
sudo python --production --user frappe
Reference URL:



I have installed AWS CLI latest version using "sudo pip install --upgrade awscli " .
this has successfully updated my aws cli version but for only root users, but for all remaining users , it is showing version as previous one only, If I run the command without sudo then its saying permission denied.
If my server has multiple linux users and want to update my aws cli version from 1.16.3 to 1.18.223 for all users, how can I do it ?
Please help me .
Thank in advance
You can adjust the path where you want to install, the binary.
Install the AWS CLI version 1 using the bundled installer with sudo
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
Just curious when you are upgrading the AWS Cli why not the latest which is backward compatible and probaly more options
Try not to install pip packages with sudo. Better use a Creating virtual environments

Installing Apache Superset on Windows Server 2019, and connecting Superset with MSSQL

How Apache Superset can be installed on Windows Server 2019? What are the steps and commands to use for installing this?
First, you need to enable Linux on Windows Server 2019. Follow the steps mentioned here:
Besides this, you also might need to have Microsoft Build Tools for Visual Studio installed on your windows computer. You may install it following the steps here:
Once you have both these, run the following commands in the Linux terminal mentioned here to installing Apache Superset:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev python3-pip libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
python3 -m venv superset
. superset/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install apache-superset
superset db upgrade
#after running above command if you get dataclass module missing error: run the following command, and then give the above command again:
pip install dataclasses
export FLASK_APP=superset
superset fab create-admin
#provide credentials
superset load_examples
superset init
superset run -p 8088 --with-threads --reload --debugger
Now you should be able to access apache superset at:
If you want to connect apache superset with MSSQL database, then you need to follow the steps mentioned here to install ODBC driver first:

How to install apache superset in the secured servers(Without internet)

What is the best way of installing the apache superset in the secured server?
I haven't found any answer for it i figured it out with so many trial and error method, So its my small contribution to the community who are facing same issue
Below are the commands to install apache superset in production/Development
sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ libffi-devel python-devel python-pip python-wheel openssl-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openldap-devel
sudo yum install python3
sudo yum install python3-devel
Since server has no internet you need to download it from below python community in your local system and transfer it to the server
Download all dependencies from :-
To untar :- tar -xvf package.tar
Go to untared folder and run below command
sudo python3.x install x=your python version
If the package is of wheel extension i.e .whl run below command
sudo python3.6 -m pip install packagename.whl
After installing all the dependencies run below command
fabmanager create-admin --app superset
superset db upgrade
superset init
superset run -p port --with-threads --reload --debugger - For development
gunicorn -b IP:port superset:app --For production use
Hope this will help someone who is facing issue,
If there is any changes or i missed please add

How to add user made scripts to EC2 ubuntu?

I have created an EC2 instance on AWS and I want to transfer some scripts into the site-packages of python3. I can't seem to find a way to do this. Some functions from these files are used by the scripts I am looking to run.
I tried SFTP but it wont allow me to get into the folder just tried to download it.
I am on Ubuntu.
Best option to install any service or program in python on a linux server is to create a regular user and then create a virtualenv on a private directory. There, you can freely install any script or package and give the proper rights to specific services/directories of your server.
Install also basic packages in order to run python environment:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python-dev python-setuptools zlib1g-dev python-pip

how to install pip remotely using ssh

Hi I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I am trying to upload a django project which I have developed locally on my machine and now moved the project files to a server and am trying to install django on the server.
I have Python 2.7.5 installed and accessed the server remotely using ssh (putty) I can confirm Python is installed by running the command python --version
I don't have pip installed as when i run the command pip --version
I get following notification
-bash: pip: command not found
I am new to django and python so not sure what I should do to install both django and pip.
p.s In my requirements file and when working locally I have pip and django installed correctly and all working.
Ok, lets say you are already on your remote server. First thing to do is to install pip for your version of python. You can do this via:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
From now you have pip installed. Next thing to do is to install django globally in your system:
pip install django==1.11
Please note that django 1.11 is the last version that supports
Next thing to do is to create django app:
django-admin startproject test_project
And the last thing is to install virtualenv
To install libraries for each of your django projects and keep them
pip install virtualenv
Also note
If you have requirements.txt file with all libs, you can do something like this on your remote server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
That will automatically install all libraries at once
First you should understand which OS you're running:
uname -a
lsb_release -a
When you find the OS version, you can easily follow this guide: