How is the configuration of a cross-platform project in GCP? - google-cloud-platform

I need to develop a multiplatform application (Android, IOS, WEB and maybe Desktop) with backend in django rest framework using google cloud plataform.
What flow is recommended?
Which of the products and solutions offered should I use? Is it possible to implement a web site in GCP or should I deploy it to a normal site host and connect it to the backend?
Sorry for the levels of questions. I am a beginner in the cloud and I am really lost in the way these technologies are used.


Is it good approach to develop a web services in CQ itself?

I need to develop a web services and it needs to be hosted in Adobe CQ. I knew that CQ consume web services from other systems. We will need to create a OSGI bundle for this. I heard that Adobe not recommended to develop web services in CQ. Is it good approach to develop a web services in CQ itself? What happens if we host it in CQ?
Please share your feedback.

What is difference between COTS and Web Services or Services in general?

What is difference between COTS and Web Services or Services in general?I want to know from Architectural point of view as im working on Service oriented architecture so can we define a fine line between services and COTS?Are they integrated in an application or project in the same way?

WSO2 Deploy existing application as SAAS

I gone through many of your documents. I understand that multi tenancy is built into the framework.
Lets say I have J2EE application already up and running. I would like to deploy it as multi-tenant SAAS application on WSO2. I would like to know what are the steps involved and what changes I should be making at the application level in order to make it a multi-tenant application?
This is a good article on deploying an application as a SAAS app.

When to use standalone web service approach

I just started learning web services. In bottom up approach, I have found some examples without being deployed in any application server. I mean a standalone web service application.
Here is an example of such type.
I have also given a try and done a walk-through of deployable simple web service examples.
So far to my learning of web services, I got to know that firstly, bottom-up- approach is not recommended. Now, in bottom-up approach, this standalone web service. When is it applicable to follow standalone web service procedure?
I guess, this approach is provided just for beginners and not to follow as a real-time practice. Is my interpretation correct?
I would make my application as a standalone web service if it will have multiple clients like:
Web Client via a web browser
Mobile App Client
Desktop Client
Then I could build every one of them alone using whatever the technology I prefer, and make it consumes my standalone web service.
For example, You could imagine the guys behind Twitter started developing it by building their core system as web service, then they build an independent web interface application for it, then they built the Twitter Android and iPhone APP, and another one came and introduced a Twitter Desktop client like Tweetbot and TweetDeck ... etc

Communication between Django applications hosted in different servers

I have a Django project hosted in a server and it wants to interact with another django application hosted in another server. How do I go about doing this?
It really depends on what exactly you want to communicate. But irrespective of specific technology, RESTful API is one of the best practices when it comes to communication between applications.
There are numerous apps developed to help RESTful implementation in Django. You can try RestifyDjango or Django REST framework