WSO2 Deploy existing application as SAAS - wso2

I gone through many of your documents. I understand that multi tenancy is built into the framework.
Lets say I have J2EE application already up and running. I would like to deploy it as multi-tenant SAAS application on WSO2. I would like to know what are the steps involved and what changes I should be making at the application level in order to make it a multi-tenant application?

This is a good article on deploying an application as a SAAS app.


Can an Azure Web App consist exclusively of azure web jobs

I am working on a solution that requires many continuously running web jobs. I don't want to package these with any of the Web Apps that are part of our product for reasons of isolation and performance.
I guess some Azure Dev Ops work is involved, but my question is do I have to create Web app with no code, like a Weather Forecast type of project in order to deploy my web jobs.
You are correct. Azure does not have any standalone resource for webjobs. You can create an empty webapp and use that to host your webjobs. Or, you can check out Azure Function app which is quite similar to web jobs as it also utilizes WebJobs SDK but have some additional features as well as constrains. Chris has explained more in details in his answer.

How is the configuration of a cross-platform project in GCP?

I need to develop a multiplatform application (Android, IOS, WEB and maybe Desktop) with backend in django rest framework using google cloud plataform.
What flow is recommended?
Which of the products and solutions offered should I use? Is it possible to implement a web site in GCP or should I deploy it to a normal site host and connect it to the backend?
Sorry for the levels of questions. I am a beginner in the cloud and I am really lost in the way these technologies are used.

Azure App Service web authentication guidance

I'm trying to get Google authentication working against Azure App Service from a web site and later hopefully from Cordova. There is a lot of information related to the old Azure Mobile Services, but not much on App Services. Microsoft did exclude tutorials on how to do it from web.
I included <script src=""></script>, don't know if this is still current?
Any pointers on how to handle authentication are appreciated!
This is possible using the Authentication/Authorization feature. Refer this article for more information:
AFAIK, there is no native support for Cordova in Azure App Service Mobile App. You will have to implement this yourself.

What is difference between COTS and Web Services or Services in general?

What is difference between COTS and Web Services or Services in general?I want to know from Architectural point of view as im working on Service oriented architecture so can we define a fine line between services and COTS?Are they integrated in an application or project in the same way?

Communication between Django applications hosted in different servers

I have a Django project hosted in a server and it wants to interact with another django application hosted in another server. How do I go about doing this?
It really depends on what exactly you want to communicate. But irrespective of specific technology, RESTful API is one of the best practices when it comes to communication between applications.
There are numerous apps developed to help RESTful implementation in Django. You can try RestifyDjango or Django REST framework