WSO2 developer studio doesn't show API Resource Properties tab - wso2

I've installed WSO2 Developer Studio and restarted Eclipse but when I tried to get Properties Tab only get this:
It should be like this:
API Resource Properties
What do I have to do? Thanks!

The properties should appear when you click on the big 'Resource' blok. You can also right click this and select 'Show Properties View'

Are you on Java 10?
I had the same problem. I don't think Developer Studio supports that.
Try going back to Java 8 (JDK 1.8) and it should work just fine. At least that did it for me. :)

As far as i see there is no issues with the eclipse DEV studio, once you have added the API you need to drag and drop one of the mediators only then you can see the properties tab below.


TFS 2018 build definitions are not visible in vs2017 under Team Explorer panel

I am working with migration of TFS from 2013 to 2018. I just noticed that "Build" and few other tabs are missing Team Explorer panel and tried to search on internet and did not find anything helpful. If someone has any idea why build tab is missing then please guide me to bring it back. However, on web portal, I am able to see the build definition. I am using VS2017/TFS2018.

Web Essentials 2017 not showing up in VS 2017

I've installed Web Essentials 2017. When I open Visual Studio Enterprise 2017, it shows as being an installed extension, and "Reset Web Essentials" shows on the tools menu, but there are no settings that I can see. Shouldn't a settings dialog box be available somewhere?
Also, I thought if I create a .less file, open it, then save it, .css and .min.css files should immediately show up below the less file. That doesn't happen.
Additionally, the Web Essentials toolbar doesn't appear in Edge when I run a website from within Visual Studio. Hitting Ctrl doesn't make it appear.
What's going on here? Looks like Web essentials didn't install correctly and isn't working.
Clicking Tools->Reset Web Essentials fixed it. It looks like that just reinstalls it. Although I had already uninstalled and reinstalled, this worked.
There still doesn't appear to be an overall Web Essentials settings dialog box under tools. It appears that since it was broken up into individual components rather than one huge plugin, each plugin has its own little popup menu now, and a few of them show up when you right click on the Project.
According to this link it was removed for few reasons. To fix it you have to download the chrome extension and also download the Browser Link Inspector
I had the same issue with extension downloaded from the web.
So i installed it from the marketplace and it works just fine.

WSO2 ESB Tutorial Issue

I just want know if somebody here already tried this tutorial:
I followed the instructions strictly but after I deployed my SampleCApp Composite Application project to carbon 4.4 based server(wso2esb-5.0.0), the SimpleStockQuoteProxy is nowhere to be located in the management console.
I hope you can help me with this especially those who have encountered this issue. I want to know, how did you fix this?
Thank you in advance.
What kind of OS are you using? If you are using Windows, unfortunately, it doesn't work. At least I haven't found a way to make it work through the Developer Studio.
But you can login into the management console, then in the Main tab, Carbon Applications, Add and upload your exported .car file. Refresh the List of Carbon Applications a few times until you see it there or until it shows the red message that the uploaded Carbon Application is faulty. You can click on the message and remove the faulty application, if this happens.
You can export the file by right-clicking on the Composite Application Project in the Developer studio and selecting Export Composite Application Project.

Live Edit does not work in my WebStorm 5.0

Live Edit does not work in my WebStorm 5.0, and I have installed jb.crx for webstorm.
I have try these steps.
menu "view" -> select "Live Edit"
menu "view" -> select "Open In Browser"
when I changing my html file, but nothing happens in chrome browser.
Could you help me, thanks in advance!
Make sure that the path to the browser is correct (seems ironic but my chrome is installed in \program files so it was a problem)
Make sure, that the extension is installed in chrome - webstorm has a wiki for this. One special thing to remember is to allow the extension access to local files
Finally, it only worked for me after restarting both browser and webstorm
Hope that helps :)
Make sure you install the JetBrains IDE Chrome extension from the Chrome Store :
You should also configure Debug Configuration like described in

JAX-RPC support in Netbeans 6.9.1

I am trying to generate new Web Service Client. When choosing Client Style to JAX-RPC Style I get a notification from Netbeans: "You must download JAX-RPC support plugin to create a JAX-RPC Client".
Plugin is not listed in Available Plugins.
I searched topics regarding this issue and they are saying to add this address to search for available plugins:
The problem is, link is dead.
Are there any other possibilities to solve this or does anyone have a working link?
Original poster - Thank you for the link! It worked perfectly for me today!
Version: NetBeans 6.9.1
Tools -> Plugins
Click "Settings" tab and "add" button
Provide a name (ex. Hudson) and the URL above in the original post
Close the dialog box
Click on Reload Catalog and click the "Available Plugins" tab
Find your JAX-RPC plugin goodness in the list, select its checkbox, and click "Install" :-)
Thanks again!!!
There were some network configuration changes that might have affected this.
I had looked at the Hudson results for nbms-and-javadoc a few days ago.
Your best bet is to try it tomorrow...