JAX-RPC support in Netbeans 6.9.1 - web-services

I am trying to generate new Web Service Client. When choosing Client Style to JAX-RPC Style I get a notification from Netbeans: "You must download JAX-RPC support plugin to create a JAX-RPC Client".
Plugin is not listed in Available Plugins.
I searched topics regarding this issue and they are saying to add this address to search for available plugins:
The problem is, link is dead.
Are there any other possibilities to solve this or does anyone have a working link?

Original poster - Thank you for the link! It worked perfectly for me today!
Version: NetBeans 6.9.1
Tools -> Plugins
Click "Settings" tab and "add" button
Provide a name (ex. Hudson) and the URL above in the original post
Close the dialog box
Click on Reload Catalog and click the "Available Plugins" tab
Find your JAX-RPC plugin goodness in the list, select its checkbox, and click "Install" :-)
Thanks again!!!

There were some network configuration changes that might have affected this.
I had looked at the Hudson results for nbms-and-javadoc a few days ago.
Your best bet is to try it tomorrow...


Opening a page when clicking on an Android notification using MAUI and Shiny.Notifications

I have a .NET MAUI app that tests notifications using Shiny.Notifications and the Community.Toolkit.Mvvm.
I know that the MAUI version is in Alpha but I am desperate.
I have the notification appearing and when I click on it the app opens. I want to be able to open at a specific page. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I have tried to find a way within the Shiny Library to set up an Action that would open a page but with no luck. I have also looked at the Xamarin sample and have the same issue with it

Why my Sitecore Explorer does not have "Manage Package" menu

I need help, currently i'm working on how to rollback a package installation (I've made a terrible mistake regarding a Sitecore deployment package), and found a bitter truth about it.
So i just left my hope, and move on into a future precautions act.. i want to analyze any package before i deploy it. I search around and found "Sitecore Rocks Anti Package" could be my "X-Ray Detector".
I'm trying to follow steps on this site "28 Days of Sitecore Rocks" and already tripped at early steps. I found no "Manage Package" Menu on my Sitecore Explorer.
There should be "Manage Package" menu like in that site tutorial.
Please help, i can't proceed further to learn the subject.
Btw, im using Visual Studio 2015 and Sitecore Rocks v
In order to use some of the advanced functionality in Sitecore Rocks you need to ensure that the connection type used is the Hard Rock Web Service and not the Good Old Web Service.
Modify your connection and ensure you are using Hard Rock Web Service:
You should now have the Manage Packages option available allowing you to create anti-packages:
If you are using Sitecore Powershell Extensions module then a script exists to create an anti-package, the benefit is that it can be created on any server and not just instances connected to your Visual Studio (i.e. Production instances).

Is there MSHTML Editing equivalent in MS Edge?

I want to use MS Edge as an html editor. Is that possible?
Can I use c++ to access undo stack?
If so, please point me to any kind of documentation.
I don't have any sources for this, but I'm pretty certain that Microsoft didn't carry this functionality over into Edge - especially considering that you can't embed Edge in a C++ or .NET desktop application the same way you can with IE.
I don't see any reason you couldn't just keep using MSHTML, though.
When referring to the MS Web Browser Control documentation there is, at the top of the page:
We're no longer updating this content regularly. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported.
And next to it, a button: "Recommended Version."
Click the button, and it's the MS Edge dev portal. From there, we see, amongst others. a link to Mozilla Developer Network Web Docs, and another to MS's own Progressive Web Apps on Windows. Not so MSHTML edity anymore, but if you want it implemented, then perhaps uservoice?

download and run exe from chrome browser using c++ plugin

I have a webpage where when I click a button, it should download an exe from a url and the exe should get automatically invoked without user intervention.
In Internet Explorer I achieved this through activex control ( .ocx ) deployed as a .cab file.
I am planning to extend this to chrome and firefox platform too. ( atleast chrome for the first step ).
I don't want to use Java applet ( need to remove java dependency ). I know I could achieve this through Firebreath plugin but clearly this is not a good time to dive into NPAPI plugin ( since NPAPI is already being fading out. Chrome has begun phasing out NPAPI ).
When I looked into alternative Plugin technologies to NPAPI, I stumbled upon Google Native Client. On further reading I got to know Nacl too won't fit my needs since os calls api will not work in nacl ( I hope URLDownloadToFile api or createprocess or shellexecute wouldn't work. Correct me if I am wrong ).
Should I go for Native Messaging? Is there anyother alternative technology am missing ? Guide me Please .
NPAPI until it goes away will let you do what you want; other than that Native Messaging is the only option.
As others have mentioned, this is a Really Bad Idea(tm).
Thanks all the people . I finally settled with Launch Application Using Custom Protocol Handler . http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/aa767914(v=vs.85).aspx . This fitted my needs .
As suggested above, Chrome's native messaging appears to be the way to go - on Chrome.
First, have a look here: This blog entry shows that native messaging can be used to launch "calc.exe". I've yet to try it myself - but it looks promising:
One thing to keep in mind is that the Native Messaging technique will only work from a Chrome Extension, which opens up an entire set of related questions.
(1) Can Chrome extensions be installed for all users using group policy? or via the registry?
-Yes, according to http://www.chromium.org/administrators/pre-installed-extensions
Later edit: only "published" extensions can be added via the registry. see - https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/external_extensions
(2) Can you detect whether an extension is already installed?
-Yes, Chrome Extension: How to detect if an extension is installed using Content Scripts
So maybe its possible to have a two-phase process:
-Your users will head to the web page, which will test for the extension (using #1 above)
-If its not there, have the users download and install the .exe (this will require interaction).
-The .exe will deploy the extension files and register it for Chrome (using #2 above)
-On subsequent visits, the already-installed extension can be used to launch/communicate with the now-already-installed .exe (using Native Messaging)

Goals dialog not populated

Sitecore 6.6 Update 4
I've got an instance of Sitecore that is having an issue with goals. After creating (and publishing) goals, I try to assign the goal to a specific content item. When I click on the 'Analyze\Attributes\Goals' button in the ribbon, the dialog is presented, but no goals are populated in the box.
I've looked at my error logs and don't see any errors. I've watched via Fiddler and don't see anything. I've used Chrome's developer tools and see no errors.
I have another instance of Sitecore running on the same server and it has no issues populating the goals dialog box.
Any ideas?
Likely your goals have not been deployed to your Analytics dataset. Try pointing SQL Management Studio to your Analytics Database and issue the following:
FROM [Sitecore_analytics].[dbo].[PageEventDefinitions]
And make sure that the goals you are registering are actually present here. There should be a Guid in PageEventDefinitionId that matches the Sitecore Item ID of your Goal.
Okay, thanks to Mark (+1) for pointing me down a direction for solving this. This has to do with automating analytics deployment on CD servers.
Looking at section 6.2.1 of the ECM Administrator and Developers Guide, you can see that there are two tasks:
Adding the Auto Publish action
Updating the Web.config with a workflow provider for the default definition database
The goals were associated with the "Analytics Workflow", but they weren't going into a draft state after creating them and they weren't being properly deployed when saving.
After ensuring that the steps from the ECM dev guide were followed in the client's CM/CD environments, everything started working again.
Note: this may not be something someone normally sees with a default install. I had begun the process of implementing the ECM autopublish by editing the web.config files and had not completed the process of adding the "auto publish" action. Once I ensured that all items were correct, the process worked as expected.